
Ninja Mission.

This chapter has been rewritten ✎....


It has been about three months since the survival training. As a team, we have had a great improvement and more because we always train some compositions for different situations that may arise.

Sakura started to relax her temper and has practically become a force for the team, after two months she managed to create a completely different way of fighting than in the anime.

With my skill cards, I discovered that there may be a small chance for someone else to learn it with the right training, and in the next month, she demonstrated a bit with Haki weaponry that she normally uses with wire ropes and melee fights.

As for Naruto, he didn't do so well with Haki, but he greatly improved his skill with creating traps and his taijutsu, he uses mostly shadow clones to cheat and recreate a variety of clone attacks combos.

After the motivational talk we had, I made it a point to pay some attention to my teammates, for the fact that we will need to be strong for all the enemies that will try to conquer the world. When I woke up in this world I thought a lot about what would be the best way to live in peace in the world and I could only come up with one solution.

Support the people who deserve it, I may have strong skills, but I don't want to do everyone's job and even if I can fight powerful enemies in the end the situation may be bad if I disappear.

Almost at this point, I realize why Minato couldn't save Rin if he had such a broken technique, and the problem lies in the fact that he had his hands full of too much work for one person to be supporting in different places at the same time.

Sometimes I think that the third war would be very different if the clans contributed properly and didn't leave all the work to Minato. That's why I have to reinforce my team from the beginning, and then we will see who is next, so I can leave people in charge of difficult situations if I am not present.

Time passed, and I didn't buy any cards because I could only go up to level 10 where it left me with a space of another card to my skill board, at first I thought about changing or selling some cards, but in the end, I just added the adrenaline card and would wait for the next short event.



"Noooooo!!!, D-dare you abandon me g-worm *Vomit*!!!!". Anko cried as she stopped Genji from abandoning her.

"*Cry* Who will cook and clean, while you're gone! *Vomit*!" Said a completely upset Anko from the alcohol and trying not to vomit.

"For God's sake, not again! And stop looking for the alcohol, I've hidden it somewhere where they won't be able to find it." He said to the new resident Anko brought in last month.

She had tousled black hair, with her pretty pale face and red eyes. She wore a bit of lipstick along with some eye makeup, normally she's firm and honest, almost like an older sister taking care of her younger siblings, but after I let her try my homemade vodka and the one I buy from the system store she became the second drunk in the house next to Anko.

"Haaaaa hee! Stop looking at me! It's not like I'm looking for ethyl alcohol! Really!" She said to me in a choppy and slightly loud tone, after running off towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

"Seriously, I just told them I'd be gone two or three days, why are they acting like this?".

I could only sigh as I tried to escape from my own house.

After escaping the house, I met up with my teammates, where for the first time we were given a category C mission. I always prepared myself for all the possible problems we would have on this mission, I already knew what could happen, but you never know what could change.

We all got together and set off with Tazuna. On the way, we talked about anything that seemed interesting to us, but I did not lower my guard at any time and my teammates did the same in the few months that we have as a team we already know several tactics that could affect our opponent and I felt satisfied for our improvement because I did not want Sakura to be a dead weight and Naruto a fool for attacking his enemy without any plan.

Time passed, and we slowly approached a large part of the river, where we waited for a small boat to help us cross to the other side.

- This seems a bit weird to me, we didn't have any attacks like in the anime, what changed then? -.

After passing the lake, it was obvious that the atmosphere wasn't the most pleasant, Tazuna didn't say anything along with the person who offered to pass us, the team didn't say anything, but Kakashi felt that something was going on.

After passing the lake, it was obvious that the atmosphere was not the most pleasant, Tazuna said nothing along with the person who offered to pass us, the team said nothing, but Kakashi sensed that something was going on.

After a few minutes we passed through a huge tunnel that welcomed us to a small port city, it was nothing out of this world, but since it was the first time we were leaving the village the three of us were excited watching.

After observing the dock and the houses, we continued on our way for almost an hour, but that's when I realized the change I possibly made, - No matter what rank a ninja has, they always develop a sixth sense naturally that gives them, the feeling of how strong or dangerous someone can be, how did I not notice something so small. All along the way, we have been on alert, and it may be the cause that they have not attacked before, I did not take it into account, well nothing can be done anyway -.

While I was thinking, I could feel the danger approaching our group.

"BEWARE!" shouted Kakashi.

At that very moment, we all noticed how a huge sword was approaching the whole team.

Without wasting any time, I performed the hand signals for the 'shadow clone Jutsu creating two clones. I threw myself in front of the sword and with the haki in my arms, I prepared to receive the big sword approaching the team.

I could feel everything moving slowly in my eyes. Watching everything in slow motion as I held the sword and the hilt with the help of the clones and with haki protecting us from the blade of the sword.

The shadow clones and I stopped it after being pushed a meter away, leaving lines of dirt on the ground.

- What strength, no wonder she can wield and throw her weapon with ease -.

While I stopped the weapon two ninjas appeared in front of me, without losing my concentration I launched a vertical cut with all my strength with the help of the clones.

But the ninjas avoided the attack and moved in the direction of Tazuna, Naruto, and Sakura. My teammates reacted quickly and each took one ninja as an opponent, while I watched as my teammates started the fight between the attackers, Kakashi was facing Zabuza.

As I looked at my companions I realized that several needles were heading to me, without thinking much I threw him to retreat with a jump leaving some space between my opponent and spreading my clones in different directions to attack the ninja.

Upon close observation, it was evident that it was Haku my opponent, but instead of fighting me, he turned to Tazuna to finish his work in a quick manner where he quickly killed my clones with his needles.

"Attraction!". With my hand outstretched without wasting any time and spending half of my chakra on telekinesis, attraction, and reducing their mass, I pulled all of our speakers a few meters away from Naruto, Tazuna, and Sakura.

Feeling that they were dragged away by some groupers with my ability, they were surprised by the strange feeling it gave them. Haku raised his hand to give the signal to group up and attack once again, however without waiting for them to perform a countermeasure I applied chakra on my feet, jumping backward to rejoin my teammates.

"Guys linear formation NG1S," I said to them.

"Understood." They both replied to me.

"Jutsu shadow clones," Naruto said as he created eight shadow clones in front of our opponents.

Then Sakura took out a spool of metallic thread along with two mutated plants that I had given her some time ago with my ability, without wasting so much time she let her chakra awaken the plant's abilities, and with both plants in her hands that in no time began to stretch turning into something like a green whip with a flaming tip.

Sakura had shown a good talent with the handling of thread and using her chakra she began to move the whips with greater ease that surrounded Sakura and Tazuna.

I remained in the same position, waiting for one of them to attack. This formation is a tactic we made to face this kind of situation, where Naruto would use the shadow clones as attackers and support.

My role in this formation is to be a defender of our contractor, and if the situation calls for it, I would switch roles with Naruto and place myself on the offensive.

As for Sakura, she is our last defense and with her new abilities, she can create a thread cage or trap, preventing the enemies from killing our client and also obstructing their movement for a few seconds, giving enough time to receive support from me or Naruto.

Without thinking too much about it, I rejoiced at how much we are progressing as a team. We all looked into each other's eyes, waiting to see who would start the attacks, and without waiting too long, Naruto launched himself first against the one closest to him.

"Secret Jutsu: Ice Mirrors." Haku didn't wait and started his hand signals, trapping Naruto with his clones in a large number of ice mirrors.

- Haku is serious about this fight, normally in the series, he wouldn't use a powerful jutsu right off the bat, but with the way, he's acting it means he's going all out with this mission -.

After Haku caught Naruto, his teammates headed straight for me and Sakura.

- This is going to suck, I should have spent less chakra with telekinesis.

I prepared to meet them, but for some reason, my heart was beating faster, and faster and my hands were shaking. Perhaps it was because of the momentum of the fight that I gathered all the strength I had to take that step of faith and run in the direction of my attackers while trying not to bring up my fears.

The adrenaline ability allowed me to observe their movements more slowly, but it did not allow me to move faster and with my improved strength I hoped to hold this fight for a few minutes and if I played my cards right I could defeat them.

With an armful of haki I threw myself into the fight, one directly confronted me while the other tried to go after Tazuna and Sakura.

While I was facing one, Sakura started to create a cage of flames using the whips and metal thread, making it unable to allow it to approach her and Tazuna.

Her partner seeing that I could not attack from the front decided to attack me and quickly attacked me from behind trying to capture me with a strange chain of sharp teeth similar to an electric saw.

Without missing the opportunity I covered both my hands with haki and stretched out both my arms holding the chain with my hands producing metallic sounds the moment I touched the chains.

With my enhanced strength, I crossed my arms causing the ninjas to be attracted by my enhanced strength.

The two ninjas that were within my attack range, I released the chain I was holding, then did a spin with my outstretched arms to perform a rotation that hit both of them in the face.

Both ninjas had a face of pain, but I did not stop my siege as I picked up the chain and began to spin like a tornado. I performed several spins as the two ninjas spun with me, and with the necessary momentum, I sent them flying into a tree.

The two ninjas crashed into a tree leaving some wreckage on the tree, after seeing the two ninjas fly I tried to turn off the adrenaline, but as a result, I felt physical fatigue all over my body, my muscle tissues were burning all over my body.

"Looks like I already have a rival." A calm voice spoke.

Without waiting long, I turned my body to block the needles with my arms.

- Ok, this just got a lot worse -. I thought while contemplating how Haku had defeated Naruto.

With my hands a little numb, I detached the needles from my arms and other parts of my body.

- It looks like he's only unconscious Naruto, but this still sucks, as he has a hostage, and no matter how fast I am I won't be able to knock him out and get Naruto out of harm's way.

"No choice, Sakura, hold on as long as you can!". I said as I unannounced attacked Haku with Telekinesis.

"REPULSIOOOON!!!". I said in a loud voice with my hand outstretched as I sent Haku flying and pushed him away from the ground a bit.


