
Chapter 68: Two people in the wrong place.

I touched my face a couple of times to check what was wrong with my face, but quickly my vision was completely obscured, leaving me in a deep-sea where all my human senses disappeared from me.

The pain my eyes felt was long gone and as I tried to open my eyes only to get to see what appeared to be a replay of some movie, I quickly changed my vision to that of someone else as everything around me melted into the darkness to show me what appeared to be a dirty, dark room with a lot of poor, malnourished people barely clinging to life.


It was a strange sensation, as it seemed to me that I was possessing someone else's body, but I listened to everything carefully, because I seemed to be screaming.

"Why are you doing this to me!"

The words poured out of the body he possessed, and he could feel his body shake with panic as he practically begged for his life for his hand to rise up and completely hide the face of the person in front of him.

The ninja's silhouette was completely dark as he completely raised his hand where he held a short sword to then stab at the body where he stood.

I felt like I wanted to fight back or do something other than let him murder me, but I simply had no control of this body.


Shouted the guy I possessed as I started to feel my flesh pierced by his sword, and I fell to the ground, bringing both my hands to the wound.

Everything the guy was doing to him, I completely felt it all over my body, but apparently, it didn't last long because the ninja seemed disinterested and moved on to the next person to plunge his sword into a little girl's neck.

Chaos quickly spread in the small room as screams and agonies could be heard from the people.


"FATHER!!!! PA...!". *Horizontal cut*.

"PLEASE FORGIVE HIM!".". *Stabbed in the throat*

"MOMMY, IT HURTS, AHH!". *Vertical cut*

The screams of terror dimmed a bit as I watched it all happen I lay helplessly on the floor and once again darkness covered me.

Again, I opened my eyes to see as I walked in circles, through what looked like an abandoned lot and was once again inside the guy who possibly didn't die.

The guy moved some stuff around to reveal a door and I walked into the cold place where a tall, strange-looking man was dispatching a tall, butcher-like man with some guns around the room.

The butcher looked up as he stopped what he was doing and said.

"That's an order... Join the small association of Kumogakure at the northern sea gate and pass on your findings during your stay."

"That I was not to be prepared for the mission in Sunagakure."

"I don't care what you say or do to me, I am only Lord Danzo's messenger."

"This will be the last time I deal with Danzo, if I don't get what was promised in a few days you will have a small gift from me, mister messenger."

The guy told him before turning around to disappear from the spot.

My body tensed up as I felt everything disappear again, and I was back to standing on top of the tree, staring blankly into the mirror that showed my face in a normal state again.

"What is happening to me!!!!".

I stood still for a while, fully digesting what had happened and what all this vision I was having could mean.

Possibly, they were part of a mental disorder I was developing, or perhaps something deeper that I had not yet found within me.

I took a moment's breath and then tried to continue on my way, but the sound of the system stopped me as a system message appeared in front of my face.

[° System targets.

¬ Objective 1; Shimada Clan (Progress increased by 0.0032%).

A clan is always known by a group of people with a certain kinship or ancestry. The user has in his body a true lineage and the last surviving member of his clan.

The user has to find the remains of his clan and search for the truth about his clan.

This objective will greatly benefit the user and give him some answers if he chooses his decisions well.

+ Reward he gets; Answers about his clan, unlock his Kekkei Genkai and ancient treasures of his extinct clan.

Difficult ☆☆☆☆☆.


¬ Objective 2; Some of your enemies (Progress increased by 0.10%).

The Shimada clan made enemies with some people during their golden age, and the user's goal is to find out.

Who was the destroyer of your clan?

+ Reward you get: Answers to complete objective 1 and objective 2.

Difficulty ☆☆☆☆☆.


¬ Objective 3; Sacred's secret (Progress is increased by 1.20%).

Who is he, what is his nickname, and why does he protect the system?

Many questions and few answers, find the truth of the whole mystery of the goddess Sacred through the dream you saw.

+ Reward you get: Answers for objective 1, objective 2, the techniques of the Sacred goddess and?

Difficulty ☆☆☆☆.


¬ Objective 4; Coordinates (Progress increased by 8.50%).

The Sacred goddess has given the user some coordinates and thanks to the level up of the system, the coordinates have been marked on the map.

The user has to go to investigate the different coordinates on the map on his own.

+ Reward you get: Answer for objective 3 and the answer for objective 4.

Difficulty ☆☆☆☆.


¬ Objective 5; Time is money (Progress is increased by 30.50%).

Find a way out of Konoha village, but make sure you leave without becoming a deserter from your village.

Ticktock the clock has already started ticking, time is what the user needs right now, and the best way to have it is... Use your brain to the fullest to efficiently solve your problems with your best decisions and actions.

+ Reward you get: the first coordinate on the map, second coordinate on the map, third coordinate on the map, fourth coordinate on the map, fifth coordinate on the map, and some undiscovered areas on the map are unlocked, so you can start objective 3.

Difficulty ☆☆.


¬ Objective 6; An incompressible will (Progress increased by 50.00%).

The user can freely decide what he wants and what he does not want.

The journey will be long and difficult, but the user will have to decide whether to face the dangers head-on as a lone wolf or to help his companions grow enough to sustain him in the future.

Will you help your companions, or will you accept the responsibility alone?

The answer is in your heart!

Choose wisely because depending on your decisions, the difficulty of the objectives may increase or decrease in the not-too-distant future.

+ Reward you get a good life or a lifetime disgrace.

The difficulty of ☆, ☆☆, ☆☆☆☆, ☆☆☆☆ or ☆☆☆☆☆.


¬ Objective 7; Reset has just been activated (Progress has increased by 30.00% due to external causes) (New objective added).

The tolerance of the world will reach such a level that the inhabitants of this world will be forbidden to think, speak or even live so as not to offend the new monarchs to come.

At that time people will understand that every opinion will be a vision full of personal history, and at that time they will begin to understand that every judgment is a confession.

Survive, fight and never give up on what is to come.

+ Reward you get Survival of most life on the planet.

- Penalty you get is The loss of 93.7% of all living things in the world.

Difficulty ☆☆☆☆ (At this time)... Increases over 3 to 4 years to the difficulty of ☆☆☆☆☆]

*Uncomfortable silence*.


I clenched my hands tightly as I wondered what kind of mission that was, letting blood appear from the force of the pressure it was exerting.

"Genji... Are you okay?"

Temari's worried voice came from behind me and pulled me out of all my mission-related thoughts.

My footsteps stopped as I slowly turned around to see a face that was possibly the same one she was showing in extreme fear as she looked at her brother Gaara.

"Can I get you anything!".

"Well, I-I maybe? I wanted to know how you were feeling after d-....?".

"Your worries are unnecessary!".

I cut off her pathetic attempts at communication she was trying to have with me as I stopped looking at her face and walked away from her with slow, but prolonged steps.

*Steps* *Steps* *Steps* *Steps* *Steps* *Steps* *Steps* *Steps* *Steps* *Steps* *Steps*

"Will you stop following me!".

I said as my eyes glared at her in disgust and I tried to keep walking, but her hand grabbed my clothes to stop me from continuing to walk away from her as she quickly hugged me from behind.

"I-I'm sorry...!".


"That's no longer relevant to me!".


Temari shouted painfully as she managed to hear her voice start to become hoarse.


Her arms clenched tightly as her words were painful and choked as she uttered them in the short time she spoke.

"When I was a child, my mom always told me a philosophy that I couldn't understand at the time, but I think I understand it now."

"I have no interest in listening to you anymore."

I tried to push her hand away from me, but that didn't stop her.

"Please, just listen.... I kept telling myself that there would come a time when you'd think it's all over, But it will only be the beginning!".

Temari rested her forehead on my back as I sensed her warm tears even though my clothes were wet.

"N-NO, NO... NO! Don't go like this, I beg you...! I love you!"

Her pleading and crying soon followed as she held my clothes with her hands that we're slowly trying to keep me from pulling away from her.

"It's just..."

I tried to bring up the situation, as it was something I did not expect from her, but my heart simply did not want to acknowledge those beautiful moments we shared in the past.

Making out that my silence was mistaken by a fearful Temari.

"You didn't hear me!"

"Yes, I heard you."


Her hands squeezed my clothes tightly, hoping I would accept the situation calmly, but I had to make her see things in a way that would possibly be the end of everything.

"No, you love me!"

"Yes, I love you."

Temari replied the instant, I was trying to rebuff her advances towards me.

"No... You're wrong, No, you love me!".

"Of course, I love you, Genji."

"You're wrong, you're possibly misunderstanding things and being thankful that someone has shown interest in you."

"Stop it, please. Don't try to ruin this."

"Ruin what? What do you think this is all about?"

I said as I pulled her hands away from my body to look her straight in the eyes.

"It's impossible to change in the fog of ignorance, like trying to pretend you were doing good out of self-interest so that in the end you were cunning in carrying out your plan against me."

Temari's eyes never left mine for a moment as tears continued to stream down her beautiful face, shattered by my cold words.

"You have to forget everything from the past because after this it won't matter.... The only thing that matters is what you decide to be after this!".

I told him as I held his tear-stained face with my hand and leaned my face over his so that our lips touched in a quick, but tender way at the same time.

There were no words for the mood that was beginning to surround us, it was a tender, loving and affectionate kiss that marked how close we were to each other to mark a new chapter.

As my other arm held her waist and pulled her close to me.

Our kiss lasted a few seconds as I watched the blush on her cheeks and I slowly pulled away from her to turn around and leave the place.

"Goodbye, Temari, my first love!".

My voice came out as a whisper, but it was possibly enough for her to hear as I disappeared from the spot, leaving a glow.

While my mind was pensive, at the spot where I disappeared two ninjas appeared behind two trees, as they had secretly overheard the whole conversation.

"That was more intense than we thought."

Kankuro opined as he watched his sister cry, and Gaara looked in the direction where Genji had disappeared.

Gaara descended from the top of the branch in his sister's direction to try to help her up, but Temari pushed his hand away.

"I want them to leave, I just want to be alone right now!".

Temari said as Gaara pulled his hand away and his face remained expressionless for the most part, but for some reason, he felt compassion for his mistakes caused in the past that right now his sister had to pay for.


