
Challenge in the Forest Part 5.

The two stayed together for a long time until Karin stopped crying and the strong emotional charge that she had from her allowed her to sleep peacefully in Genji's arms.

With slow and careful movements I place Karin on the grass on the ground. The shinobi who was Karin's ex-partner gathered his strength to crawl away from the two of them, too bad he only reached 10 meters before falling unconscious.

Genji approached the near-dead body of the shinobi and used the system shop to buy something.

"[Your purchase of him has been successful]."

Genji searched the warehouse he bought the one he made to give the shinobi a nice death.

- Who would think that buying blood in the system would cost 5 coins, but I'm sure they were worth every coin -.

Genji got the blood from the reservoir and dragged the tired body of the shinobi to the top of the tree. He walked to the thinnest branch where he healed him as best he could and then woke him up. Seeing that he reacted a little, he tied him to the branch, and with some bags of blood in his hands that he spilled all over the shinobi's body.

"What are you doing damn?". I ask Genji in you almost nonexistent.

"Well, I'm giving you a chance to live, you bastard."

The shinobi didn't respond much to the words, just wondering what Genji was doing. A few minutes later there was a small flapping sound that drew a small smile from Genji's face.

"I hope you are luckily freeing yourself and just maybe live to tell about Karin to your village, but considering your condition it would be very difficult, anyway, say hello to the little mosquitoes from me."

Genji turned around without seeing the face of the shinobi and with his work finished under the tree to pick up Karin who was sleeping peacefully and placed her on his back to look for a place to spend the night and while placing Karin's arms around his neck something interrupted him.

"Bero Bero Bero ... Bero Be-Kachap".

"Hey, what's up Anko."

"Genji, ahh thank god!" Anko's voice responded with relief upon hearing Genji.

"He may know about Orochimaru right now." Genji thought.

"I am completely fine a little tired and I have some minor injuries, but nothing serious I would say."

Genji told her by telling her some words of truth and lies since he does not want to worry her and more because they fought against Orochimaru.

"That's good. Tell me, hasn't anything weird happened in the forest in the last few hours?"

Genji understood what Anko wanted, so he answered her question and tried to get information from her.

"Now that you mention it, some weird snakes showed up around the place and a weird guy with a pale face using his body like a snake to fight a team, but we didn't watch much for having some unfinished business with another team."

Genji noticed how light sighs sounded next to Anko's call.

"Hey Anko, out of curiosity you're supervising the test right now."

"Of course, I am the advisor of this test, it is obvious that I have to monitor the situation at every moment of the exam."

"Hmm, I see and where you are at the moment. Well, I say it so that we can cook something delicious because I have bear meat in my hands."

"I would love that, but out of pity I cannot meddle in the exam or give information and pity for you, I am already a few hours from the tower at the moment."

"That's a shame, hey, taking advantage of the fact that you are on your way to the tower, you didn't pass through a stream, since I'm dying of thirst and I still don't know where one is.

"Well, the little stream runs through the whole forest. Right now I'm just a few feet from one."

Anko told Genji without taking into account that she just said that she should not interfere or give information to the participants.

"I see, that's enough for me. Thanks for the information Anko, see you later in the tower."

"You're welcome my little Genji-Kun. Bye!"

"See you Anko ... Please don't do anything rash."

Genji ended the call while he was searching for the stream and received a message from the system.

"[Achievement Unlocked: Your First Kill ~ 25 Chibi Coins]".

"Not bad, it seems that this annoying plague has finally left this world," Genji spoke as he continued moving on the branches and put aside the first death of the shinobi and concentrated on Anko's words

- From what he said, I only have the opportunity to look for her in the entire stream channel and hopefully support her so that she does not receive damage from the damn snake. I just hope it doesn't change direction.

As he planned his next move something caught fire inside his brain.

"How could I forget those letters, what an idiot I was."

Jumping for a while he found the perfect place to rest for a while.

The stream had a small waterfall, however, his gaze was focused on the tree that was on the side of the stream. The tree appeared to be very old, which had a drier color than the other trees, however, this tree had huge drooping branches that provided a natural camouflage.

Genji felt tired, but he had unfinished business to solve so he ducked into one of the holes in the colossal tree.

He took out a kunai and looked around the hole to see if it had any kind of bug inside but quickly had the wonderful idea of ​​clearing all the critters or animals from the area with its powerful onions.

He got out of the hole and with his hand, he tossed some onions into the dry tree and around a whole perimeter so they wouldn't be disturbed by wild animals or nocturnal insects.

A few minutes passed and a small hive of insects ran out of some holes, other animals felt the unpleasant smell before approaching the stream to drink water and simply avoided the place.

Genji cleaned the place so that he could sleep comfortably, joined his hands to perform the Shadow Clone Jutsu, and sent him to prepare dinner.

With the clone making dinner with delicious bear meat, he moved in the direction of the hole in the tree and arranged one of his sacks on the ground for Karin to rest.

He started by carefully releasing her hands and opened the sleeping bag to place Karin carefully.

"Hmm." Karin made a slight sound of annoyance as she was placed inside the sack. Karin's face seemed calm against Genji's back, but when she separated from him, something about her was different as she lost the heat from Genji's body so she reached out her hand to hold him.

Genji seeing this could only show a slight smile and took out of her storage a pillow that he placed in Karin's arms. She felt the softness of the pillow and hugged the pillow tightly.

Genji, seeing that everything was in order, stood not far from Karin and took out a huge amount of paintings from the warehouse.

He opened the system window and swapped the insane melody card for painting the future of the board. - Orochimaru pissed me off, if he had switched to the Imagine breaker card he would have a chance to deny the Wind-style Jutsu. Well, nothing can be done now -.

Placing himself on the ground while he spread a canvas on the ground, Genji would test the card for the first time so he felt a little nervous about the new card that he would use next.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on activating the card while he thought of Anko.

His dark surroundings vanished giving him the sight of a new place with a serious Anko hopping around the village of the Leaf as if he was shaking his head because it was something he didn't care about so he thought of Anko and the forest. at the same time.

The scenery unraveled and he once again showed Anko sleeping peacefully in a room with a beautiful body exposed to Genji's eyes. He looked at her for a few moments and although the image seemed to have stopped he could not help but admire Anko's body with a sexy red nightgown that he was wearing.

The landscape stopped when looking at Anko's body began to disappear and Genji saw the portrait of a sexy Anko painted all over the canvas as he came out of her trance.

"That was a little creepy Genji."

He heard Karin's voice behind her, watching carefully the portrait of Anko on the canvas and her face had a blush on both of her ears.

"So that weird instructor is your ideal girl," I speak in a low voice.

"No-If I say that's not the point. How long have you been awake Karin?"

Karin placed her hand on her head as she foolishly thought of something. "I think about 30 minutes, the noise you were making with the brushes bothered me a bit, so I got so mad at the sound that I ended up throwing the pillow in your direction. However, I was scared to see how your eyes were completely colored. white while making jerky movements across the canvas I even thought I was dreaming. "

"Hmm, I see. You would find out in time anyway."

"Do you like to paint girls like that instructor?" She said in a lower voice to Genji while looking away from him.

"Ok, I think this situation will get confused if I don't explain myself…".

"Okay, I'll keep your secret!"

"That is what I want to clarify because it seems that you are thinking about something else."

"I mean ... normally, you feel some interest in a woman like her, I mean she is beautiful, she has a good body, her legs are long, her height is small which attracts more men, she has a fat butt, her breasts are big, has a weird attitude, I already mentioned that she has a big butt and huge breasts. "

Karin mentioned feeling a little sad when holding her hands close to her small breasts and feeling that her future will be very little in her breasts.

Genji better kept his comments about her breasts to himself and explained to Karin. "Ok, first every woman has the cons and pros of her, however, that does not mean that you do not have your charm, unfortunately, that is a completely different topic than what I want to say."

Karin listened to him attentively and stopped looking at Anko's portrait - Well he said I have my charm, maybe I'm pretty hehehehe -. Karin thought as a tiny smile played on her face.

"When you looked at the portrait that was only a part that I drew from Anko's future or past, but my goal is to find a clue of where she may be within this vast forest."

Karin showed a surprised face as she said to him Genji "Ok, what kind of drugs did you take?". She told her as she placed her hand on her right eye to open it and analyze it.

Genji moved her hand away "It's serious Karin-chan, my eyes turned white and I enter a state where I observe the future or the past depending on what concentration I am and the person I want to observe the future of!". I talk to you, it would be.

"I understand, so you want to know Anko's location. I'm right!"

"Indeed that is what I try to do when looking for a fragment of the future on her."

"Does that ability or quality that you have allows you to see the abilities of another person?"

"Well about that… It depends on the person I think!"

"With that quality of yours did you observe my future?" It is the question that Karin was most interested in asking her.

"You could say that if I looked at you a few times and found out some of your abilities, but as I said I can't see everything just fragments of some important event or that I am looking for in a specific way." Genji lied to him a bit with the truth.

- And the fact that I have a little knowledge about anime in general -. She thought Genji in her mind.

Karin heard her words and her face turned a little red because she can paint a picture of her naked in her bath time or an embarrassing situation.

"Okay leaving aside about him because you drew Anko on your canvas. In your vision of the future, you did not observe my abilities and ask me to find Anko for you." She said as she adjusted her Karin glasses.

"If I found out some skills…". Genji instinctively slapped his forehead and fell silent because he didn't think deeply about using Karin's abilities to find out where Anko was. - BUT WHAT AN IMBESTILE I AM! How was I such an idiot to forget the best kunoichi in tracking! -.

Karin looked at Genji's face and understood that he did not think of asking for her help because she concentrated so much on other things that she forgot the simplest.

Genji let go of his thoughts and looked at Karin's face. When she saw her serious face, she put her attitude aside and concentrated on Genji's words.

"Since the exam started, do you think you can find Anko's chakra signature?"

"If it is not very far, I could locate it, since before I was a few meters from it and I know what kind of chakra her body gives off."

"That's great, so how about we eat a little and then move on to find Anko."

"By me, she's fine," Karin said with both shoulders slightly raised.

Genji came out of the hole and went to get the food that his clone had finished. I take some plates and go back to eat with Karin.

The afternoon continued as Karin and Genji devoured a huge amount of food, even Karin felt a bit sorry for the amount of food she devoured, but Genji encouraged her to eat as much as she wanted and did not care that she ate triple the amount of him.

- Possibly the Uzumaki have big stomachs since Karin is eating even more than Naruto, well that would be normal knowing a little about the situation in which Karin lived. Perhaps, it is because of me that Naruto is growing a little more than he should and Karin could develop better by providing nutritious meals for her body -. Reflect Genji by looking differently at Karin in his eyes.

"Is something wrong Genji?" Karin asked her noticing her lost gaze on her.

"No, he was just thinking nonsense."

"I do not know, because I feel that in part you are lying a little."

"It's just your imagination Karin-chan hehehe." He told Karin a little nervous about finding out that she was lying. - Damn I almost forgot that she also has that ability like Kurama and Kokuro and Soshiro's children to know if she lies or tells the truth. Well in part it is a good thing because we will know better who has something against her -.

"Karin-chan! Hehehe I see." She said as she happily continued to eat the delicious meat chunk soup that the Genji clone prepared.



