
Card shop in an alternate World

**** transmigrates into another world as useless wastrel #125857, named Alucard Stella. Born with no talent for magic, knighthood, nor the family's sacred bloodline, he has been kicked out of the family and found himself in a faraway kingdom after a rough voyage. Here, he decided to plot for revenge as a self-respecting transmigrator so that the readers can enjoy at the very least an action filled revenge-Isekai, but his absentee system suddenly presents itself. "Ding! Conditions for activation complete! True dream system activate!" "Host's last thoughts before transmigrating: Aaah... I wish I could've started a card shop instead of investing into crypto, at the very least I'd enjoy it..." "True dream system now transforms into the Card shop system!" ~ "Huh?"

Uglyface · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Can I summon my BEWD now?

A glistening card featuring a majestic dragon unfolded before them. The dragon itself was pale white and exuded a subtle gleam, with azure eyes that resembled deep blue pearls. The background echoed with a star-like twinkle, creating an ethereal ambiance around the pale dragon.

"Woah! That card is indeed beautiful. Honey, is this the card you wanted to get?" Gardenia asked James.

"Yes, it is, but..." James looked at Alucard with a puzzled expression.

"It looks different from the box and the other cards! Yet, it's so much prettier!" Annie exclaimed, pointing at the unique card.

"Woah! Look, sis! The dragon looks like its about to burst out of the card!" Nina pulled her sister as she saw the 3D effect.

Alucard coughed, "Ahem... Yes, it is indeed different from how cards normally look. This is what you call a Full Art card, as it has no borders, and the art is fully printed on the card itself. Specifically, this is a Secret Illustration Rare. The Blue Eyes White Dragon here appears more like a pristine marble statue, with its glowing blue eyes as the focal point. It lacks its usual silvery luster but carries a more ancient and regal air. Here, take a look and pass it along." Alucard handed the card to Annie.

As they marveled at the card, Alucard continued his explanation. "Apart from the card frame not existing in a Full Art card, you can still see the name at the top, printed in gold. The star levels are above the name, with black circles and gold stars, rather than red circles and yellow stars. The card text is very translucent, making it readable and distinguishing the text from the card art clearly without affecting the art. A Full Art card also lacks any borders, and you'll notice a noticeable glimmer on the card, which is the holo-foil, making the card shine."

"It has a 3D holo effect which makes the Blue Eyes White Dragon seem like it's popping out of the card. The card shimmers and reflects light, different from the usual glossy effect common cards have. The Holo effect is only added to all cards rare and above; it doesn't have to be a Full Art card, but you won't see it on common cards. On this card, you'll notice that the monster and background have different holo effects as well. While the Blue Eyes White Dragon is pale white, it feels like cold marble and shines like one. The background, however, has an iridescent hue and a metallic sheen to it," he continued.

"So rare cards and above will always have the shimmering effect, making them like treasured gemstones?" Elaine asked with glittering eyes.

Alucard nodded. "Yes, while common cards are of the highest quality as well, rare and above cards have that added layer of extravagance, rivaling or even outshining the brightest gemstones. I assure you that the cards I sell will always be top-of-the-line art pieces that also function as toys for anyone of any age to enjoy playing with."

"Hmmm, I wish there were smaller cards so that we could wear them as accessories, since they're as pretty as jewelry," Gardenia added. Even though she had a more robust demeanor, she cared about her appearance, especially when attending city hall functions or banquets and balls hosted by the Leflamme or other well-connected noble families.

"You might just need a bit of patience as our store is constantly thinking of merchandise that will help you show off your collections, and I'll take your feedback into consideration." Perhaps women would like some Millennium accessories, especially the more chic ones like Ishizu's Millennium necklace, he thought.

Both women exclaimed with excitement and expressed their anticipation for those products. The husbands could only offer their support, while the kids imagined showing their Holo cards to their friends and schoolmates. Neon pondered if the cards could be used for experiments instead.

"Anyway, I'll always post any upcoming products on the bulletin board, so just check it out from time to time. Any more questions regarding opening booster boxes or packs? By the way, the bundles also have the same seal as the booster box, but it's simpler to open."

"No, sir, but what are the chances that we can get the coolest cards like this one with the full art on it?" Failer asked as he handed back the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was just pulled by Alucard.

Alucard took the card and stored it carefully in a separate box designated for his rare pulls. At least he had another full-art secret illustration rare card now, aside from his multiple copies of the Left Leg of the Forbidden One. "Well, all booster boxes have a chance of getting a guaranteed Ultra Rare card per box, and there are increased chances of getting Super Rare and above cards for the 8th and 9th cards. Bundles guarantee a Super Rare per bundle, and for packs, the 8th and 9th cards have a chance to be rare or above, but it isn't guaranteed, as you might only get some common cards."

James was fidgeting, hesitating whether to ask his question, but he decided to go ahead and ask. "Owner, are you perhaps willing to sell that Blue Eyes White Dragon card?" His question also made the others curious, and they stared intensely at Alucard.

Alucard stared at James like he was insane. "Hehe, unfortunately no, I collect these cards as well, and this is my first pull of this Blue Eyes White Dragon."

"But sir, don't you make these cards? Can't you just make one for yourself?" asked Nina as she stared at Alucard with her big round eyes, hopeful. Yeah, shouldn't you make one yourself? In fact, can't we just order a specific card from you? Everyone thought.

Heh, I wish. That way, I can add a bunch of overpowered support cards to the archetypes I prefer or create any archetypes I want, Alucard thought. "No, these cards are made by the maker known as Konami, who specializes in collectibles like these. I am only their point of contact, so only I can sell these cards. There may be products that I make and will be sold here, but that's a topic for the future; the cards themselves will be from the makers," he clarified.

"Well, it's getting late. I'm going to close up shop and grab some dinner at this point since I've missed lunch already." Alucard pointed at the orange skyline outside and asked the customers to leave. In fact, he wasn't even that hungry, but he wanted to confront the system about him being able to summon Blue Eyes White Dragon in the real world. Oh, and he had been itching to rip open packs as well.

"Oh, alright, sorry for troubling you, sir. Can we still play here tomorrow?" Nina asked.

"Sure, you're welcome to play anytime; just don't come too early since I sleep a lot." Alucard said. After all of them left, he swept the floor and wiped the tables clean. Then he headed out for a bit and went into Kalamar's main street.




Alucard walked along the bustling main street of Kalamar, where townsfolk, adventurers, and merchants flowed in and out of the city's main gate. Stalls and shops selling food and various wares lined each side of the main street and its alleyways. Patrons gravitated toward their preferred spots, with newcomers often choosing to queue at popular establishments such as open-air pubs, street food stalls, and tavern restaurants.

He joined the line at a stall that sold cornbread baked over charcoal. As he stood waiting, Alucard checked the new mission that he had to complete.

Quest: 'You've outdone yourself, now you'll wish you stayed lowkey' Sell at least 4 packs to 100 unique individuals in 7 days (personal purchases do not count).

Rewards: Store upgrades to lvl 3, 1st floor space expansion(a much larger play area with 30 more tables), Access to VR Game: Legacy of the Duelist: Beyond (game room included, it is the empty room next to your bedroom), Access to Store Summoning feature (summoning test room included, accessible in the storage room), 5% discount for business purchases (amount calculated each month)."

"If Host fails to finish this quest, Host will be banned from accessing the rooms until he levels up the store to lvl 6, and Host will be banned from purchasing cards for personal use ever again."

He then asked the system in his mind, "Wait, is this the same Legacy of the Duelist that I've played? Why not a solo version of Master Duel instead?"

"This is an upgraded and ongoing version of Legacy of the Duelist, you can now play the story as if you've been transported to the YGO world, it has updated cards like the Ashen, Snake-Eyes, Tenpai, etc., and what's more, completing the missions there nets you various rewards!" The system enthusiastically said.

"Huh? You're so lazy that you delegate rewards in a game? What kinds of rewards are we talking about here?" Alucard asked with suspicion.

"Again with your accusations! You should be thankful I even made this game for you, The game has rewards to motivate you in completing it as well, as for what kind of rewards? Hmph! You should check it out yourself." The system snorted.

"Okay, sorry for accusing you, but what about summoning monsters now? I didn't really ask you about the summoning feature itself, but how does it really work? Is there a difference between summoning on your own or summoning using the store?" He asked politely this time.

"Cards can be used as long as the user has the required energy for summoning. A Tier E individual like you can indeed summon Blue Eyes White Dragon, but a trashy one like you can barely do it, and the summoning will only last for a few minutes. You'll be out of breath and then would have to recharge the card with magicoins at the shop."

"Well, at least I can act like a god for a few minutes, but is there a way for me to bypass those restrictions? Come on, my golden finger can't be just this right?" Alucard teased the system.

"Once the store becomes level 3, the host can use the shop-assisted summoning feature. This allows the host to summon or use spell and trap cards by using magicoins or mana stones in exchange. A monster like Blue Eyes White Dragon will need 10,000 magicoins per summon and will last for 1 hour."

"Damn, that's expensive! Can you please lower it?"

"Heh, don't push it, and it wasn't that long ago that you flexed the money your brother gave you. The costs of various features will become less as you gain more control of the business when the shop upgrades its level, also, using the store's summoning feature will allow you to summon monsters anywhere within the store's territory." The system coldly replied.

"But just this feature! I need this feature, System. I'm an exiled scion of a very prestigious family with tons of enemies! Also, you realize that we're on the outskirts, right? A lot of shady individuals have probably already targeted my shop. I'm just in Tier E, barely stronger than a Tier F person! At most, I can beat a small group of thugs, and I don't really want to waste the things my brother gave me if possible." Alucard pleaded again.

"How about giving me 10 million magicoins? Since you want to have it in advance." The system tested the waters.

"Piss off! I'll just upgrade the store to level 3 then! I remember that you said newer systems like you didn't scam. Do you want me to report you to your higher-ups?"

"I'm not scamming you, host. That's just the price I have to pay for breaking the rules. I won't even profit off it, so just focus on doing missions and upgrading the store's level. Besides, how will you even report me? You can summon other cards as well. You'll be perfectly fine summoning a few Level 4 monsters."

"Pffft. There are only a few monsters that are useful with those power levels at this point, you know?" Alucard snorted, contemplating if a Hitotsu-Me giant could be stronger than a giant ogre in this world.

"It seems that you are underestimating the monsters unjustly. Let me tell you that a monster with an ATK or DEF of 500 is already equivalent to trashing Tier E like you in terms of offense and defense, not even taking their effects into consideration if they have any."

This revelation surprised Alucard. "What?! Then Blue Eyes would be as powerful as six copies of me?"

"No, the ATK and DEF values scale upward; Blue Eyes White Dragon will stomp half a thousand of you to the ground and is comparable to a pinnacle Tier B powerhouse. It gets more powerful with buffing spell or trap cards, especially the ones that specifically support it."

"You mean to tell me that I can literally fight against one of my family's elders with my summoned Blue Eyes with just one thousand magicoins? You really have bad timing, system!" Alucard gritted his teeth as he flung a bunch of curses at the system in his mind before calming down. "Then what about spell and trap cards in general?"

"Again, it's up to you to find out because a lot of them have effects that work differently in the real world, but to give you more examples of some generic ones, Red Medicine can be considered a strong potion, and Hinotama is a destructive fireball spell capable of taking down Tier E beings."

Haahhh... I guess I'll test it out back home. As he was thinking about which monsters to summon, it became his turn at the line. He ordered bacon-filled cornbread, a small sweet cornbread for dessert, got a few skewers from a nearby stall, and headed back home while the main streets of Kalamar lit up as the setting sun turned the orange sky into an inky expanse scattered with stars twinkling with a silver glow.

Will be on a break, next chapter will be delayed for a few days.

Uglyfacecreators' thoughts