
Chapter 1

Crowds of death reeked through a pale blanket of obscurity all the while maroon liquids splattered among the ground. Lights flashed in the distance, a calling card dimly shaded but quickly it lit up to being slightly more visible. The light bounced up and down pounding against the ground feverishly burning throughout town speeding across without it's swipes making a sound until. Knock. Knock. Knock. A chained door creeked open as a sea of arachnids scurried out along a blinding shine. Moans of the fallen echoed from within and now one greeted the darkness from outside allowing it inside. Buckets of wine spread across the jagged maroon ground and so did ever happy souls too ignorant or too heedless to notice their destruction. Set off east to west to north yet not a sight to behold it, where has it gone? Another ring of deceit? A soul in a fancy suit excites desperation. First the ground began to rattle, the burning ceiling extinguished, the cries arouse and finally the souls of which knew the decider would make their last decision or live on hopefully. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6!!! Why'd they refuse a word? Now the body count had risen too high, not another could die but yet they insist to defy their lives with not a sound, at least a helpful lie?

[Continuation later]

What is this?

Markson_1creators' thoughts