
Capturing the Goddess Starting from Douluo

Yes, this is not machine translated, I worked my ass off translating it to perfection, now shut up and read it. Also this novel has over 1400 chapters, I hope you are ready. ... Xu Ran finds himself transported to the Douluo Continent, awakening an unparalleled Sword Spirit and inheriting the bloodline of the mythical Qilin. Straddling the worlds of both humans and soul beasts, he unites these two races under his command and rises to become the most powerful and invincible individual in the Douluo World. Defeating Tang San, Tang Hao, Tang Chen, Xiao Gang, and Mu Bai, he establishes his supremacy. Beginning as the fiancé of Zhu Zhuqing, he sweeps across the world, unmatched. Xu Ran: "I'm invincible; you can either accept it or not." Tang San and his descendants huddle in a corner, trembling with fear. ... 1Chap/day on Webnovel 2Chap/day on Patreon Patreon: patreon.com/ScumbagGuy ... Full Disclaimer: I am only translating this fanfic, its not my work

ScumbagMan · Cómic
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40 Chs

Chapter 9: Brother Xu Ran, Please Don't Leave

"Brother Xu Ran?" Zhu Zhuqing was momentarily stunned. She blinked her beautiful eyes, visibly surprised.

With a puzzled expression, she tilted her head and looked at Xu Ran, questioning in her mind, "When did I ever have a 'Brother Xu Ran'? Why can't I remember?" She wondered if Xu Ran was trying to deceive her.

"You don't remember, do you? By the banks of Daming Lake in Star Luo City, I once saved you. Back then, you used to call me 'Brother Xu Ran.' It was quite some time ago, so it's understandable if you've forgotten," Xu Ran hurriedly explained, eager to close the subject. He feared that continuing this conversation would reveal inconsistencies in his story.

"Oh," Zhu Zhuqing nodded, but her face still wore a puzzled expression. However, she didn't press the issue further. Six years ago, she was just a child; who could remember such distant past events?

Moreover, she wasn't some foolish, naive woman. She had her own intuition for reading people, and she saw nothing but sincerity in Xu Ran's eyes. She believed that he was telling the truth, that he wasn't lying to her. Why else would he have returned to the Zhu family for her sake?

Thinking this, Zhu Zhuqing felt a twinge of guilt. Xu Ran had saved her life, and she had completely forgotten about it. Would he be disappointed to know this?

"Could I hear you call me 'Brother Xu Ran' one more time? It's been so long since you've called me that," Xu Ran said, casting a hopeful look at Zhu Zhuqing. Even Dai Mubai, who was her fiancé, had never received such an affectionate title.

In the original story, the relationship between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai had always been strained. Xu Ran remembered that their relationship had only improved significantly when Tang San distributed some immortal herbs to the Shrek Seven Devils. At that time, Zhu Zhuqing had worried that Dai Mubai might have problems absorbing the mythical herb.

It was also around then that both their powers increased considerably, filling Zhu Zhuqing with renewed hope. Dai Mubai too emerged from his period of decline, eventually defeating Dai Weisi and redeeming himself.

In Xu Ran's view, even a worthless person could become strong if given a treasure. But the worthless remained worthless. As far as he was concerned, Dai Mubai shouldn't even dream of getting his hands on a single immortal herb in this lifetime.

And once he won Zhu Zhuqing's heart, he would show Dai Mubai exactly how it felt to see his fiancée being cherished in another man's arms. He could even reveal Dai Mubai's whereabouts to Dai Weisi, making life difficult for him. While Dai Weisi didn't know that Dai Mubai was in Suotuo City, Xu Ran did. Dai Mubai had fled to the Heaven Dou Empire to evade Dai Weisi; if his location was exposed, his situation would be dire.

"Brother Xu Ran," Zhu Zhuqing looked into Xu Ran's eyes, which were filled with unabashed anticipation, before lowering her head slightly. Her cherry lips parted, and she spoke the words.

She couldn't recall ever having a brother named Xu Ran, but if Xu Ran said they were familiar, she was willing to accept that. Xu Ran was a good person, and even though his gaze could be somewhat inappropriate at times, focusing on areas she wished he wouldn't, she inexplicably found herself unable to dislike him. Knowing that he had come to the Zhu family specifically for her, even at the risk of danger, deepened her fondness for him significantly.

"In a few days, I plan to ask the family head to annul your engagement with Dai Mubai. He's not worthy of you. I can't stand by and watch you leap into a fire pit," Xu Ran vowed.

"You're free to love whomever you wish in the future, but Dai Mubai, that useless person, is out of the question," he added as he stood up. His hand gently stroked Zhu Zhuqing's long hair as he spoke with determination.

"Xu Ran, don't," Zhu Zhuqing's expression changed subtly. She clung to Xu Ran's arm, knowing that if he made such a request to her father, it could cost him his life.

"I can't idly watch the girl I like throw herself into a dangerous situation. Even if she doesn't feel the same way about me," Xu Ran insisted, glancing at Zhu Zhuqing as she clung to his arm.

"You—no inappropriate glances allowed," she admonished.

"And you can't go talking to my father or the elders. I won't allow it," Zhu Zhuqing added, her face flushing red. Aware of where Xu Ran's gaze had landed, she couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. She was no longer a child and knew exactly what he was looking at.

T/N: FBI???

However, she didn't dare to let go of Xu Ran. What if he acted recklessly and put himself in danger? What would happen if the family elders, who were already fierce and stern, found out that Xu Ran was interested in her? And what kind of punishment would he face if her father learned of his feelings?

She couldn't bear to imagine. Without even thinking, she knew the punishment would be severe.

Filled with worry, Zhu Zhuqing held Xu Ran tightly, her voluptuous figure pressing against his arm, causing his heart to flutter involuntarily.

Yet, Xu Ran knew, according to the original story, that it was Xiao Wu's legs that were the most beautiful of all.

However, Xiao Wu wouldn't be so easy to pursue. Zhu Zhuqing was more open to being courted simply because she didn't like Dai Mubai. But Xiao Wu had Tang San by her side. Without enough charm, winning her over would be impossible.

"Brother Xu Ran, please, can you not go? I don't want you to get hurt," Zhu Zhuqing pleaded when she noticed Xu Ran remaining silent.

She wasn't sure if her feelings for Xu Ran were more than platonic, but she knew she couldn't allow him to get hurt for her sake.

"Alright, I won't go for now," Xu Ran nodded and gently pulled Zhu Zhuqing into his arms. She felt so soft against him, and her natural fragrance was intoxicating.

A blush spread across Zhu Zhuqing's face. How could Xu Ran take advantage of her so easily, even going so far as to embrace her? Didn't he know that girls aren't just casually embraced by anyone?

"It's already late; I should head back. Xu Ran, you should get some rest too," Zhu Zhuqing extricated herself from his arms, her face flushed, and quickly retreated.

Her heart couldn't help but race wildly. She didn't understand why she felt no repulsion towards Xu Ran, even feeling comfortable when held in his arms.

She still held Xu Ran's jacket, which he had used to cover her legs earlier. Clutching the garment to her chest, the scent belonging to Xu Ran enveloped her senses, making her heartbeat even faster.

With long strides, she hurriedly made her way to her own bedroom, not stopping until Xu Ran was no longer visible. Only then did her heart find a semblance of calm.