
Cannot Bear To Let Go Of My Rich Wife

Jin Yang received a birthday present at the age of 20. He received a baby wrapped in a blanket and placed it in a box. The paternity test results told him that this was indeed his child. What? What did that happen? In Jin Yang's memory, he had never had sex with a woman. How did this child come about? Lin Shenshen had gotten pregnant before marriage and was despised by her family. She had liked Jin Yang for many years, but one day, she disappeared. She would never pester Jin Yang again and stop him from getting close to other girls. Jin Yang gave the child a name. He realized that this brat was very smart, but his personality was becoming more and more like the girl in his memory. Six years later, at Lin Shenshen's lowest, Jin Yang found her along with his son. "I'll find you a beautiful stepmother." "What about my own mother? Is she not as pretty as this young lady?" Lin Shenshen picked up her son and kissed him on the cheek. "Where did this child come from?" "Baby, let Mommy tell you—you were born in Mommy's dream!" The couple, Lin Shenshen and Jin Yang, kept teasing the little kid. Jin Yang, "Honey, why don't you elaborate? How did you give birth in your dream?!"

Ye Fei Ye · Ciudad
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709 Chs

Chapter 211: Seeing with Eyes, Pleasure in Heart (4)

Evelyn Osbert was increasingly finding Percy Stanton's work style to be somewhat elusive. She hesitated for a moment before providing her email address.

As soon as her voice settled, her mobile phone chimed, followed by Percy's voice: "Miss Evelyn, I just sent you an email. Please take a look at it now. I hope you can accept the proposal in that email."

Evelyn glanced at Percy and then lowered her head to open her email on her phone. As soon as she saw the email from Percy and opened it, her expression turned sour upon seeing the large characters on the screen.

Carla Osbert noticed that Evelyn wasn't speaking and without thinking, she reached out to take the phone from Evelyn's hand. The moment she looked at the mobile phone screen, her expression froze as well.

Sebastian Smith frowned and asked: "What's wrong?"