
Chapter 4 finding the materials (#3)

Inside the current dungeon there was a desert with storm clouds and our hero leaned that he had acquired a pair of new titles

Congratulations player you have earned the titles ( solo slyer of the snake of forest and first slayer of the snake of forest)

Title name solo slyer of the snake of forest


Increases strength stat by 10

(Upgradable title (1/8)

Title name first slyer of the snake of the forest


Increase affinity to nature and metal elements

Increase resistance to poison

(Upgradable title (1/8)

The hero of the story found out that the snakes are under the sand so he can leave only when all the monsters are dead he found out there are two forms of the snake are

Monster name lesser heat snake

HP 100%

MP 100%


A type of snake given the ability to control small amounts of heat it's ancestor grow up in a heat rich environment over multiple generations and slowly became a monster snake that can control small amount of heat

Monster name lesser lightning wind snake

HP 100%

MP 100%


A snake monster capable of using stored electricity to empower itself or paralyze its pray it has evolved due to a large amount of electricity in the air over multiple generations

Reaper (brad) has gone and lured searched for snakes these snakes where long rang attackers as a result he fought and found them and there nests he actually found that all of the snakes are in 3 areas except the boss all in all there are 300 (150 of each) snakes and an average of 100 each area with snakes snake eggs with at least 10 eggs in each nest as a result there are roughly 3000 snakes with a mix between them as a result I'm going To try sniping them there are so many

As a result I'll go lay on the sand Ill begin my sniping reaper (brad) said looking at the snakes and he began to target the snakes and targeted critical areas for critical hits so he aims for there heads as a result after a few seconds he had killed 5 snakes each 1 hit kills and he only fired when he was sure he could hit them and he moved after the fifth kill to another location he repeatedly did this so when the sakes came after him they would only come within sniping distance to be sure he killed them with this his mana bullet and he heard a another notification that he heard for the second time today

Congratulations player

Mana bullet has reached level 2 - 3

So he clicked on the icon and found new information on it

Mana bullet

A projectile made out of mana that is fired out of a finger that deals damage equal to one's own intelligence stat 1.0x - 1.5x magic damage

(New) can Ricochet onto new targets if there is damage left over

Cost 5 - 3mana

Cast instant

Cooldown 3 - 1 seconds

Reaper (brad) is stunned his skill has gone through a mutation into the best skill for this moment

So he sat and sniped them down in notice at all the snakes of this nest where all dead and he decomposed them and got some good gear and the other stuff he could get he even got the nests of the snakes and there eggs our hero moved on to the next nest and the one after forgetting about sniping secretly and just sniping them and he heard another system notification

Congratulations you earned another title

Title name enemy of snakes

Deals additional damage to all snake monsters (+100% damage)

(Upgradable title)

(Author note I am updating the info of our hero)

Player panel

Name : reaper

Class : necromancer LV 6

Race : undead

Species: skeleton


Title name solo kill of the snake of the cold


Player gains 15 points in dexterity

(Upgradable title (2/8)

Title name solo slyer of the snake of forest


Increases strength stat by 15

(Upgradable title (2/8)

Title name - first slayer of the snake of cold


Increase resistance and affinity to ice and water elements

Increase resistance to cold

( upgradable title (2/8)

Title name first slyer of the snake of the forest


Increase affinity to nature and metal

Increase resistance to poison

(Upgradable title (2/8)

Title name enemy of snakes

Deals additional damage to all snake monsters (+100% damage)


HP - 80 (+200)

MP - 360

Strength : 8(+20)

dexterity : 8(+29)

endurance : 6(+8)

intelligence : 36

spirit : 16

charisma : 6

luck : 6


Titles skills


Unique skills


Race skills

Lesser undead

Class skills

Fake life , mana bullet

Skill description(s)

Name - Lesser Undead

Type passive

Gives endless stamina weak to sun light , light magic and holy magic

Name - fake life l(v1)

Type active skill

Raise undead to fight for you you can raise any monster

Mana bullet (lv3)

A projectile made out of mana that is fired out of a finger that deals damage equal to one's own intelligence stat 1.5x magic damage

(New) can Ricochet onto new targets if there is damage left over

Cost 3mana

Cast instant

Cooldown 1 seconds

Our hero killed all the lesser snake monsters on this floor and was about to target the boss when he heard his stomach growl for food as a result he logged off and made a sandwich then he logged back in to the games now with his stomach filled he went to challenge the boss who was a let down the boss monster

Boss monster name giant duel (fire and lightning) python

HP 100%

MP 100%


A snake that grow up in a desert with a thunderstorm always present as a result this creature learned over a long time to command and control the elements of lightning and fire

It only took 5 min to beat rather then the 30 min he took for the first boss or the 20 he took with the second boss this boss was sniped from far away and this time he fired over the corse of 21 seconds the first was a super critical that took one of the monsters eyes almost have his health was gone just like that then the monster rose and rampaged wile it was struck over and over then it bathed the area in a sea of lightning and vanished as a result our hero was looking around and found nothing how ever the monster tried to attack from underground and slowly rose to the surface the our hero had to continually doge lightning only when the monster thought that it's pray was tired was it going in for the kill however it's plan was noticed by our hero who was only playing exhausted to lure the snake up just as the snake lunged from under the sand our hero used a mana bullet to distract the boss as he hurled himself at it and struck the head of the snake after words he killed the boss with mana bullet

Congratulations player you have gained the titles

Title name Solo kill the snake of heat


Intelligence +10

(Upgradable title(1/8)

Title name first to kill the snake of heat

Increased affinity for lightning and fire elements

Upgradable title (1/8)