
Chapter five

Kara's POV:

I was panicked. Really panicked. This is bad this is really bad! I can't expose my superpowers. I don't have my suit here. And besides, I can't leave Lena alone with this SUV following us.

"Maybe, it is going the same way we are?" Lena asked hopefully

"With their Car number hidden? No I don't think so." It's usually me who is hopeful, "Okay Lena, just keep driving like nothing happened, stop at the nearest hotel. Then i will fly us from the place they can't see. Got it?" Lena nodded.

"Escaping from people who are trying to kill you. Piece of cake. Seems like normal Thursday to me" i mean... she's not wrong. The gas fuel was lowing at the minimum. "Shit" Lena seemed to notice it too"We have to stop at the gas station" i nodded, yeah maybe they weren't even following us!

In 15 minutes We stopped the car at the nearest gas station, Lena was filling Fuel and i was buying food in little market. Thanks to Rao the Black SUV got ahead of us. While cashier was handing me the bags, I thought about the day. It wasn't that bad like first one. Me and Lena actually talked like normal persons being, and i made her laugh. Oh Rao, her laugh. Stop Kara. Stop it! She's not even your fr-friend anymore.

Bang! All i heard in that moment was one big bang. The black SUV returned with 2 more cars. They were all armed with guns.  Lena was standing there frozen in place. She couldn't move. Armed guys were ready to shoot. They were just pointing the guns at us. At Lena. i felt myself move, run, towards Her. Three words playing over and over in my head "must. Protect. Lena"

Lena's POV:

Ouch. I was pushed down to ground by Kara. She was shielding me with her body, bullets were flying over car. Soon the car could explode. Kara grabbed my arm and we started to move slowly, crouched down, to the market. Bang! The car exploded, i could feel the bullets making their way over me. But Kara caught all of them, we got in the market. The cashier called the police, and was standing there scared. After 2 minutes they stopped shooting. And we heard police sirens. Making sure the lady is alright and then grabbing my arm, Kara got me out the back door, and soon i found myself flying. Her hand was strong, and soft. She was flying me bridal style,but as far away from her chest as possible. I don't know what happened, because the second later we were at the ground, Kara lost her balance. "Are you okay? Did any of the bullets hit you?" She asked worried. And started checking my body for injuries.

"No no I'm okay. Thank you" she relaxed. I looked around, we were in the center of desert like place. With only cactus near us. No signs of road, or building. "Kara? Can you fly us back to metropolis? Or somewhere near hotel?" Kara started to move awkwardly, she looked lost, little pale. "Kara? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, yes sorry Lena. I just... can't do it. I'm sorry. I-i lost balance there. I don't know what happened to me. But I can't superspeed or fly right now. Maybe it's because i lost energy..." Kara had sad eyes, something's wrong! I can feel it

"Kara, what's wrong? You look little pale"

"I'm fine Lena, let's just walk a little bit" classic stubborn Kara Danvers. ​"Fine. Let's walk" i gave up. "Wait, we don't even know where is road my GPS isn't working because of signal"

"Let's just go left." ____________________________________________"I have a feeling that we just walk by circles. I saw that cactus with flower 30 minutes ago." No response from Kara.I turned around. Kara was holding her chest, tried her best to smile. She even looked paler. "What's wrong with your chest" She held her hands up trying to tell me she's fine. Well she's clearly not. "Again, Kara I'm asking, what's wrong?" Kara was little shaking, her legs were like jelly, she tried her best to stay on ground. I could see it. And then she lost her balance, I caught her. "Kara show me your chest" she gripped it harder "KARA DANVERS! If you will not show me your chest, I'm gonna call Alex and i know she will be here with all the DEO agents, and i also know you don't want to worry your friends, especially Alex because she's on vacation!" she finally held hands up. So i could see what was wrong. I saw lot of, i repeat lot of blood, but how is that possible! She's invincible, unless..."You are bleeding. Why are you bleeding. You have a huge wound upper your chest" I panicked, If she will not get medical help soon, she will lost lot of blood.

"Lena I'm fine" Is this girl stupid?! "I was just trying to protect you from those bullets. Some of them injured me, they were made of Kryptonite, that's why i lost balance, when i was in market i saw those guns, i was terrified, they were flashing green, but I didn't care. Three words were repeating over my head must. Save. Lena." some of them? I tried to process what she just said, but I couldn't, i was shocked

"How many bullets you have?" She shook her head. "Kara how many bullets you have in your chest"

"5" FIVE?! FIVE?! Five freaking bullets? That's not good, that's not good. How she managed to hide so much pain this whole time? And how i managed to not notice that. I felt so much anger, and sadness and guilt. And then it hit me! Kara risked her life. To save me! She knew the bullets were made of Kryptonite, but she risked it, and saved me, i was so mad at Kara for what she hided from me. Because i thought she was like everyone else. Liar hypocrite, who just befriended me because i was a bad threat to them. But now, I am not sure. She could have let me die there, but she didn't do it. She got hurt instead. That's when it hit me like a bus. Kara isn't like everyone else. She really cared about our friendship. "Lena? I'm so sorry for hiding this secret, i really wanted to tell you. I was scared of losing you" i remembered her words that night. I also remembered my answer. Nothing, silence, i just left her.

"Lena?" I heard Kara's voice"Are you okay?" Is she asking me that? I should be the one doing that.

"Me? Okay? Kara are YOU okay? You were hurt with 5 kryptonite bullets" i have to do something. "Grip your wound tightly" then i tore my sleeves wide enough to cover the wound. Kara was about to lost her consciousness, "Kara! Kara! Don't shut your eyes. Please! Don't shut your eyes. Listen. Listen to my voice! Look at me. Breathe, hold your wound tight. But don't close your eyes do you hear me?" She nodded. I gripped her arm, helped her to stand up. She leaned on me, kryptonite was making her weak, so she wasn't heavy. She tried to walk, but i gripped her arm tighter "no, don't walk, you are gonna injure yourself more" i held her hand. "Here, I will help you" i held Kara close, very close. She tried her best to not shut eyes. I hoped for that. I needed to get Kara somewhere, i needed help of hospital. Now was dark, that means no big sun energy. I have to call someone. And i painfully know who that will be.