
Scorching WIND!

Speaking of which, I guess that's why she turned me down like that.

She already had found someone else she liked.

"Its better if you were to loosen up and be more like Sayu here. So now, about what happened with the morning incident."

"Oh, you still haven't told me about that." Ichinose turned her head a bit sideways the same way she did when I confessed to her.

"Actually, these two were the cause. So what happened is that-"

The nerve with this girl.

"Of course Inori. Thanks for the enthusiasm. We appreciate it that much but don't you think its rude to gossip about people especially when we are around?"

"But you are certainly here so where's the gossip. Anyways, Ichi, so in the morning-"

"Ummm Inori, not to be rude or anything, but I think that's for girl talk only." Sayumi motioned with her head to me implying something to Sayumi.

"You're right. I guess I'm just so excited about this morning. Its not everyday you see those kinds of things."

"Inori, would you please tell me what happened. You're killing me with suspense here."

"Okay. I'll fill you in at the café. Besides, the lunch is still young."




That last part was just…

"I know. Why don't we go to the cafe together? At least we can do some catching up with Sayu here."

"Sorry, but we are not going to the café."

"Really? So where are headed off to?"

"Heh. That's a secret between the two of us. Right Saku~."


"Saku~?" Ichinose repeated that last part like she couldn't get her head around it.

"I smell something spicy but that's none of my business. Hope you give us the juicy details." Inori replied as she began to walk off.

"Anyways bye." Inori took Ichinose's hand as they headed off to the café.

"Your friends are mischievous."

"Trust me. You still haven't seen the least of what they could do. Especially Ichi. I was surprised to see her acting calm. Usually it would be Ichi doing what Inori was doing and it would make the situations to be more intense for the targets involved. I've seen her do that to many people and they usually-… never mind."

"Wait. Finish up. What did you want to tell me?"

"Lets go. The food will get cold."

I stared at her in utmost silence with a smug face.

"Sorry, it will spoil."

After we left from that venue and climbed the steps, we finally reached the top of the school building.

Although, many bad things happened to me here, it's all washed away in the past now by this... wind.

After searching for a while, we finally found a perfect spot which would dilute this scorching heat with more scorching… wind.


We made a huge mistake.

There was no cool breeze this time.

Just heat waves in their purest form accompanied by the scorching… wind.

The best place we found where there was a shadow was occupied by some third years minding their own business leaving us to find the next best place which is where we are now.

Not my cup of tea.

It's hot here.

"Hey. Shouldn't we go back inside now. There is so much heat here."

"And where do you expect us to have our lunch." She gave me a quizzical look.

"In the class obvy."

"I think the heat is getting to your head. And what do we do about Sato?"

"Does he really matter that much?"

"Yes he does. Plus since we were disturbed yesterday, I thought that maybe for today we could have lunch just the two of us. I don't want to be disturbed again."

I felt my heart flutter a bit.

Does she really like me?

"Yeah me too."

After reaching a consensual agreement, we sat down under this burning sun and the scorching… wind facing each other and she began to bring out the delicacies.

To be honest, ever since I got a taste of her food yesterday, I've been craving for more.

Her food is just…Mwah, I have no other words to describe it for I am rendered speechless.

When she brought it out, I could not help but act like a kindergarten.

Even under this scorching…

"Someone seems to be eager to try out my food."


"Yes I am now hurry up. I can't wait anymore." This was the worst time to tease me.

Can anyone please make me forget this sco-

Once again, she divided the food in two and gave me the other part.

"I know I've asked you this before but are you really okay with giving me this much of a share?"

"I don't have a huge appetite. I told you about this before."

"Well, don't mind if I do."

For today, she came with a different lunchbox because this one was split into two from the middle and the first half contained rice balls which I don't know whose naming sense gave them the name rice balls as they are triangular shapes wrapped in nori whilst the other contained mouth-watering croquettes~.

Unfortunately, I'm not a chef, wait maybe I am so I don't know if she uses ingredients different from mine but all I know that she doesn't disappoint.

I breathed in again, taking the various flavors which were wafting in the atmosphere with my nose which I would anticipate later with my mouth.

And by later, I mean NOW!

I took one of the rice balls with both of my hands like I had just received a golden trophy with stars in my eyes and without wasting any time and effort, I took it in my mouth in one go.


Oh my god this is sho good. My cheeks were full as I was busy munching on this scrumptious rice ball.


This is one of the happiest moments of my life.


"Hmm." I turned to face her.


I heard that noise and I knew…

She took a picture of me with my cheeks full.

She had a cellphone all this time!!!

"Oh, it wasn't on mute." I heard her muttering under her breath.

My expression turned serious and with the food in my mouth, I was looking like a mad chipmunk.

"What're you whoing?"

She burst out into a laughter clutching her stomach so hard like she couldn't contain herself.

What's so funny about this?

"You should see the look on your face right now." Then she burst out laughing again.

I finally swallowed the food in my mouth with a loud gulp which was becoming hard with her cute laughter.

"Delete that."

"What? No way."

I tried snatching away her phone with my free hand and she easily evaded it.

"I'm warning you. Delete that pic this instant."

"No way. This is a rare find. No way am I going to let this go of such a rarity."

"Rarity? Are you messing with me."

"Ncaaaaaw. Would you look at that. You look so adorable. I can't delete this."

Then she showed me the pic.

No way in hell am I going to allow the existence of such an abomination of my face upon the face of the earth.

"Gimme that."

I tried to swipe away the phone with my free hand by which she immediately evaded by retracting her hand.

"Stop acting like a brute."

"Excuse me."

Although the food is appetizing and all, I had to put it aside so as to retain my dignity back from this girl.

So this time, since both of my hands were free, I was clawing for the phone wherever it was like a madman in a futile attempt to take it away and delete that pic leaning closer with every action.

I bet we looked like kids right now with such actions but its not like anybody was watching.

Sayumi kept changing the phone's location in different places like a failed martial artist until she put it behind her, and as that was the only thing occupying my mind right now I put both of my hands around her in both sides which made me to invade her personal space by a large margin.

Aha! No escape now!

I didn't know how it happened but through my attempt, I mistakenly pressed my lips against her, kissing her as I felt her lips on mine and within a fraction of a second she pulled away due to shock and began falling over her back, losing complete control over her upper body and letting the power of gravity take effect on her.

I tried to stop her from falling over by embracing her, but I failed to stop the momentum which increased the impact of fall.

The last thing I could do was to hold her head bracing the collision it was going to make with the ground and cushioning it with my hand as my face fell directly into her chest.


Creation is-


Lyrirylcreators' thoughts