
Bigger preys... and how it ends...

Like the river flows…

Surely to the sea…

Darling so it goes…

Some things are… meant to be…

Warm crimson flowed and oozed from the fresh cut she'd made across her victim's pale throat. It gushed out in spurts, forming a red river across his torso which flowed down his body to form a sea of blood under his feet. It was a masterpiece… Anna was sure her love would think so too once he sees it.

She looked at the poor man's eyes, seeing the same question she's been asked a million times over in the past;


It was nothing personal, and she had no foolish thoughts of a grand purposes like those other killers. There was none of the crazy voices and none of that drugs and need for violence either. No… Her reason was quite simple really, so simple that it was sensible to do and give anything for it…. and yet they always asked. No matter as she never tired of answering…

"It's all in the name of love." Came her honest reply.

Take… my… hand…

Take my whole… life too…

For I… can't help…

Falling in love with you…

The last notes of the love song echoed in the deathly silence of the room. The people around her – police officers, doctors and a few members of the media watched as she was granted her final wish before she faced her death sentence. Her audience all had the same look of horror and disgust on their faces, she knows they think she's gone mad. Perhaps she had. Perhaps she was driven insane the night her parents died and she's been crazy ever since.

None of that mattered though… All that mattered was the dark hooded figure standing in the room with her. No one else was able to see Him, reinforcing the people's belief of her insanity.

But she didn't care as she offered a wide and happy grin up at him. "What do you think?" she asked despite knowing that all she'll ever get was silence. That was ok, she didn't need words, His presence in this room itself told her how much He loved her.

Anna said a brief word of thanks as she handed the simple ukulele she borrowed to play the song over to the disturbed police officer. She then laid down on the plain hospital gurney she's been sitting on, the love of her life looming over her prone form.

The doctor gave a small syringe a few taps before she approached Anna's bedside. The small object contained the medicine that would finally let her join Him, and Anna had to fight the mounting excitement that was coursing through her limbs. The needle stung a bit as it pierced her skin, but it was a small price to pay for what awaited her.

Anna willed the medicine to work faster as she stared into His bright crimson eyes. "My love… Finally… My life is finally yours…"

"Infamous serial killer, Anna Jones has finally been sentenced to death by lethal injection on the 24th of April at 8:46 am." A newscaster said in that evening's news, a grim expression on his face as he delivered his lines. "Attendees of Jones' execution said that her last wish of singing the song famous song 'Can't help falling in love with you' by Elvis Presley was the most chilling final moments they've ever witnessed"

"Jones, aka 'The Reaper', was convicted of at least 87 counts of murder and kidnapping and is said to be one of the most prolific and successful female serial killers of all of history… Hopefully, families of her victims can now have closure and peace of mind knowing that their loved ones' killer is finally put to death..."

Last chapter~ Yay! Anna finally gets her just comeuppance... and as He was at her beginning, He was their for her end.

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