
Can't Help Falling in Love: A BBC Sherlock Fic

A self insert fic about an American police detective who transfers to Scotland Yard and meets Sherlock Holmes. They become friends and eventually fall in love. Based on the BBC Sherlock. Bit of canon divergence. Names of og characters are not the actual names. A lot of my insights are actual thoughts and insights I had while watching the show for the first time

KnowledgeKeeper · TV
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7 Chs

An Unexpected Visitor

The next morning I got up to get ready for work as usual. I put on my robe and headed out of my room to the kitchen only to find the man from the night before, Mycroft, sitting in my living room.

He was impeccably dressed in a fashionable suit and had an umbrella resting between his knees, his hands perched atop the handle. Everything about his demeanor screamed 'collected and in control.'

"What're you doing in my flat?" I asked, pulling my robe more tightly around myself.

"Julia Lee," he said, ignoring my question. "An American who became a detective to satisfy your morbid curiosity, then transferred to Scotland Yard. What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?"

"You already know," I said, moving into my kitchen and opening the fridge. "You saw last night." I pulled out a bottle of water and closed the fridge. "Work."

"Work, yes," he said with a disbelieving smile. "But that isn't all it is, is it?"

"I'm his friend." I moved back into the living room.

"He doesn't have friends," he said.

"He does now," I retorted, flopping onto my couch. "Whaddya want? If you're here to offer a spy deal, don't bother. I won't do it."

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

"John told me that you made the offer to him after abducting him. Not such a stretch to say you're doing the same with me, seeing as you broke into my flat and started asking me about Sherlock. Plus, judging by your suit and the fact that you work for the British government you could easily afford it. Not very smart, by the way," I added, "breaking in here. I do have the ability to arrest you, seeing as I work for Scotland Yard and all that. Even if you do work for the government."

"I haven't even mentioned a figure," he said, ignoring my comment about arresting him.

"No need to. Still won't do it."

Mycroft leaned forward in his seat. "You're very loyal, very quickly," he said. "You and that soldier fellow."

I shrugged. "Suppose I am," I said, taking a sip of water from my bottle. "So what? Loyalty is a virtue, provided it's given to the right people."

"And you think Sherlock is one of those people?"

"So far." I shrugged again. "He hasn't given me a reason to believe otherwise."

"Do you plan to continue your association with Sherlock Holmes?"

"Obviously," I said with an amused snort. "I think he's interesting."

"Clearly." He gave me an unpleasant smile.

I sat up. "Well?" I asked.

"Well what?"

"Well, are you gonna leave now, or have you something else you want to say? I haven't got all day, you know." I got to my feet. "I have work to do. Crime isn't going to solve itself, after all."

Mycroft stood up and made his way over to the door. "I've said all that I needed to," he said. "I'll be in touch."

"You can certainly try," I said, moving back toward my bedroom. "I'm sure you can see yourself out, seeing as you let yourself in. Thanks for breaking into my flat," I added with a sarcastic wave. "Bye."