

Blair was about to leave through the door when Hershey spoke up once more.

"One last thing before we go."

"Hmm? What's the matter?" 

She turned to face Colt, a finger placed on her chin. With a scrutinizing gaze, Hershey checked him from head to toe. 

He was wearing a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up, a standard black apron with his nametag appropriately placed on his left chest, acid-washed blue jeans, and a somewhat worn-out pair of black converse sneakers. She examined him for about a solid minute, darting her eyes to different parts of his body in an irregular pattern, which made him more and more uncomfortable by the second.

"Do you need more garlic bread or something?" Colt asked with a nervous chuckle. "I can give you the leftovers we have."

Hershey erratically snapped out of her observation. She then firmly placed both her hands on Colt's shoulders.