
Chapter Title: (52) Predator And Prey-02

Marley shook her head over and over, "She needs me to do this. You don't understand. I need to...need to figure out what to do. Call the bank-"

"You're not giving him anything," Bryan ordered stiffly, "You worked for that money. It's yours."

Marley felt Aiden's hands release her arms to wrap around her waist from behind, crushing her against his chest. His warmth and comfort stilled her and her racing thoughts - but only temporarily.

"You are not giving him your money, Marley," Aiden added in a tight voice, "You need it for college."

Your mother would want you to take care of me.

She took a deep, trying breath, "Aiden, let me go. Please."

He seemed to be comforted by her surrendered stature, his heat disappearing. She was acutely aware of every inch of his heat that was leaning away. Ready to run.

Because Marley Hoover is always, always ready to run.