
Chapter 39-1

"Oh my gods Aiden!" She shrieked, yanking herself out of his hold only to whack his bicep repeatedly with flaming cheeks, "take that back!"

"What'd he do now?" Celeste asked, walking over with sparkling eyes as she watched Marley continue to hit a laughing Aiden, while he shrunk away with tears brimming the corners of his eyes.

Marley huffed, crossing her arms and feeling exposed, "He told Travis that we..." she trailed off, far too shy to continue with that sentence.

"I asked if they were siblings and he said it'd be incest if they were, Cel. If that's the case..." Travis was laughing at her too!

"No! It's not! We are friends! Aiden!" Marley spun around to face him, glaring into his eyes to show she meant business.

But it was difficult to keep her resolve when he looked so hot tonight in general, but on another level when he was laughing and carefree.

Would thoughts like that be considered incest? Oh boy-

Marley! Not helping!