
Chapter 38-2

Unperturbed by the eyes in the room on them, they followed the railing up to the first floor, geeking out over the older looking spines. If it were strictly more modern books, it would be a disappointing library.

"By author." they blurted at the same time, running their hands along the spines and separating to cover more ground.

"It's so...beautiful." Gabby gushed, nearly brought to tears at the sight and smell of so many books.

"Hey! Be careful up there alright? My Dad would beat my ass if he found out we were in here."

While Gabby remained lost in dreamland, Marley strode over to the railing and peered downwards, taking in the rest of the room. The voice was indeed Dalton King. He was sat on one of the couches in the room with a scantily dressed brunette across his lap.