
Chapter 23-1. choose you

WHEN there were three soft knocks at the front door of Common Ground fifteen minutes after close, Marley finished tying a garbage bag before eagerly unlocking it and letting him in.

It was raining steadily outside, the open door bringing in a chill that raised goosebumps on Marley's arms before she firmly shut the wet breeze out. Aiden slid the hood of his black windbreaker off his head, revealing damp, messy brown hair that he ruffled out with his right hand. Over his left arm was a familiar pink raincoat as soft blue eyes locked on hers. His lips tilted up at the corners, and Marley's heart unfailingly stuttered at the sight of him. It had been days since she's taken a real breath, felt real warmth. And here he was. Here was every good feeling in her entire world.