
Chapter 3

There was only arts class left but Brandon said he is going to skip it and after that Miles and Rue would meet him in front of the school.

'' Don't be late '' he said before running outside.

Miles sighed and looked at Rue.

'' Ok so before you get mad... ''

'' Oh I'm not mad '' said Rue.

Miles raised a brow.

''No? ''

'' No. But if Brandon gets you into trouble, it's your fault '' said Rue almost smiling.

'' Yes mam '' said Miles laughing.

Arts was pretty normal except the fact that some bird came through the window and the whole class freaked out.

But that was actually pretty normal. Once, a bird hit the window so they were grateful that this time it made it through.

After arts Miles and Rue packed their backpacks and took their jackets. Miles stopped Rue before leaving school.

'' Rue, are you sure you want to come? ''

'' Yeah it's not like we are going to kill someone ''

Miles smiled and opened his mouth but didn't say anything. They made their way silently to Brandon and when they got there he was looking at his rich kid shoes.

'' You guys made it! '' he said looking up at them .

'' Yeah now tell me what is going on. '' muttered Rue.

Brandon stood up and put an arm around her shoulder.

'' We are going to steal something from a store '' he said proudly.

Rue pushed him away and looked at Miles.

'' You are going to what? '' she asked angrily.

'' I know it sounds bad- '' Miles started

'' It is bad '' interrupted Rue

'' But I think it could be... fun? ''

'' See Rue? Even Miles think it will be fun. '' smirked Brandon. '' Come on! We are bonding! ''

'' We don't have to steal to bond ''

'' Sure we do. It will be that crazy adventure that we had '' he said making his puppy eyes.

Rue sighed and agreed to the '' crazy adventure '' .

Miles and Brandon high fived which was weird because they were enemies 5 minutes ago.

Then they talked details and set off.

Brandon sang all the time and then decided they are going to steal something from a clothing store.

He said it will be '' easy for begginers''.

They entered it and both Miles and Brandon just got to their '' jobs '' but Rue had no idea what to do.

She chose to observe a little.

Brandon was walking near a guy and suddenly he bumped into him. '' I knew that guy just bumps into everyone '' thought Rue.

But then she saw that Brandon stole his watch. He looked at Rue and winked.

'' That was good '' Rue said under her breath.

She went to look for Miles. But when she found him, he didn't look like he stole anything.

He was just walking and asking people for advice.

Rue took a deep breath and took a scarf she liked. She stuffed it behind her back and started making her way out of the store.

Just as she passed through the doors, they started making loud noises like an alarm.

'' I'm dead '' thought Rue before she saw a security guy coming at her. She also saw Brandon looking alarmed and then Miles nodding his head.

Rue looked at the security guy and asked what's wrong. Just to buy some time.

He didn't really explained much, just that he had to check if she stole something.

Well, she did.

Miles left the store without even looking at Rue.

'' So he is just going to leave me here ? '' Rue thought before seeing Brandn leaving too.

The security guy didn't find anything and let her leave.

She saw Brandon and Miles waiting for her, both leaning to a wall. Brandon smiled and showed her his new watch, while Miles came and put the scarf around her neck.

'' How... '' started Rue

'' Magic'' said Miles before pulling a t-shirt from his sleeve.

'' How did that go in there? '' asked Rue pointing at the t-shirt.

'' Magic '' said Brandon gesturing with his hands an explosion.

Rue rolled her eyes and thanked Miles for saving her.

After the '' crazy adventure '' Rue made her way home.

She liked her new scarf. It was red and had golden stars on it. She hid it so that her parents won't see it.

'' Dinner ! '' her mother yelled from the kitchen.

Rue sat at the table and remained silent.

'' You are unusually quiet today '' said her father

'' I am just tired ''

'' Did something cool happen at school? '' asked her mother winking.

'' Nope. I just stayed with Miles. ''

'' How's Miles? Still doing his magic tricks? '' laughed her father.

'' Yeah but now he is really good at them '' muttered Rue.

'' That Brandon guy is shady '' said her mother

'' How... How do you know Brandon? ''

'' I am friends with his mother. I never talked to him but I don't like him. ''

'' Huh.... never noticed... '' replied Rue.

After that small yet weird talk they ate in silence. Rue stayed and helped her mother with the dishes.

'' Camp is in 2 weeks '' her mother said.

'' I know ''

'' Is Miles coming? ''

'' Yes ''

'' Is... Brandon coming? ''

Rue looked at her mom. Why did she seem so scared of Brandon?

'' Yes '' Rue glared at her.

'' Promise me you will stay away from him''

'' Mom, Brandon is fine. Yes, he can be a jerk but he is not shady '' but that was a lie.

Her mother nodded and smiled.

Rue changed her clothes and went to bed. She couldn't sleep so she started looking outside her window.

She always does that when she can't sleep. It's like watching the dark landcape relaxes her.

She watched the trees danicing and heard the wind blowing. She looked at the stars and they reminded her of the scarf.

Except her scarf was red, not black.

Finally she fell asleep. She dreamt of the sky turning red and everybody trying to find a shelter.

When she woke up, Miles and Eleanor were in her room.

'' What are you guys doing here? '' Rue groaned.

'' Miles said that we should come and wake you up '' said Eleanor.

'' MILEEESSS!!! '' Rue yelled.

'' Sorry. But we have to go to the pool '' he said.

'' And that required you breaking into my house ''

'' We didn't break in! Your mom let us in''

'' Uhhh fine. Now go away '' said Rue in annoyance.

'' Are you coming to the pool? '' asked Eleanor.

'' I guess I am ''

Miles and Eleanor looked proudly at eachother and left the room.