
Camp night

Sha_nah_Flor_es · Adolescente
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2 Chs

first night

I was running, in the night. the rain poured on my back so heavy, that I couldn't see clearly where I was running to. There was a man chasing after me, like he wanted to kidnap me.

I yelled and screamed for help, as I continue running to an unknown place. then I saw a small building, with no lights. I don't care of there was someone inside, I opened the door, and closed it quickly.

my breathe was weak, I tried to catch my breathe although I'm asthmatic, I quickly took my inhaler from my pocket, and inhaled it.

Then the someone was forcing the door to open, and I'm sure it was the man, I began to cry as I use the little strength in me to hold the door..

Soon the door opened, I fell to the ground and cried in fear, and pain. Well my parents sent me out on an errand to buy some groceries. After going to the nearby store, they were all empty, then this creepy man from no where was staring at me.

I thought he was looking at something, but when I started walking, he was following me.


I came out, and saw the creepy man on the floor, he was bleeding seriously. Then I saw these guy, he was in black, with facemask, and silver hair.

I thought it was dyed, but it was real silver hair. Soon before I could talk to him, he left.