
Chapter 2: The Deal

Jake and I with our staff members arrived at Camp Avenue at 8am just in time for breakfast. We were welcomed by the camp owners. The husband - Luis - helped me with my luggages. Our staff members were left in the van while Jake and I were ushered into the camp's office. We checked into the camp just like how the other cast members entered he show.

"Finally, our accomplices arrived," Megan, the wife said with a nervous laugh. We all laughed, probably mixture of fear and guilt of what's going to happen.

"Your place is really nice. I like the ambiance," I complimented the couple. "When did you start this business?"

"Thank you. Actually, we just opened. Your company's our first customers. This is also a first for this town in the Northern Province," Luis shared to us.

"Okay, now that you have checked in you still have time to get your stuff settled into your huts and go to the dining area for breakfast," Megan told us. "You'll know breakfast is ready when you hear music playing."

"I'll help you with your luggages," Luis offered help.

"Why did you bring so many stuff anyway?" Jake mocked me. I almost forgot Jake's here.

"Dude, we're staying here for a month," I defended but he already started walking out of the office.

Luis started wheeling my luggages out as well. The office is connected to the living room which has the way out to the bali-indo huts where the guests stay. There's a cemented pathway to the huts but mostly, the ground is covered with sand. There are 10 huts in total, 5 on one side and 5 on the other side facing each other.

"Ami, this is your hut," Luis stopped at the one in the middle on his left side. Then he pointed to the next one, "That one's yours Jake."

"Alright," Jake said as he walked past me and straight into his hut.

"Here are your keys," Luis gave each of us a key. "And I'll help you with these.." Luis said as he carried my luggage on to the three-step stairs up the hat. He went back to get the other one. "Alright. We'll wait for you guys in the dining area."

"Thank you so much," I smiled at Luis.

I went up my hut and closed the door behind me. The interior of the hut is minimalist. There's a bed on the floor that's covered with white sheet. There are two pretty big pillows. There are windows that can be opened, a cabinet for clothes, a mirror and an air conditioning unit. There are quotes hung on the wall with really cute designs. It's a relaxing place to be at. If only we're not filming I think I could stay here for a day. I looked around the hut to search for cameras and I found one on the wall design with a quote. I'm pretty sure there are more on different angles but I could not find them. I looked at my luggages and decided to fix my clothes in the cabinet later at night. I surveyed myself in the mirror and decided I should do my morning skincare routine but there's no water supply here in the hut. I have to go to the common restroom for that. I gave up and decided to just put on some light make up.

Just as I was finishing my lipstick, a chill music started playing around the camp. It must be the signal that breakfast is ready.

I put my lipstick on the small table below the mirror and brushed my hair with my hands. I took a deep breath and walked to the door. Just as I opened my door, the hut's door across mine opened as well. The tall cast member who's smile never saw the light of day came out. He was surprised to see me which was evident through his chinito eyes which are now as big as a coin. I smiled at him to make things less awkward. I was expecting him to smile back but he just turned his gaze to the camp house and closed the door behind him. I pouted and closed the door behind me.

When I got to the dining area, Jake was already sitting on the right side of the host's seat. The couple sat beside each other with their baby sitting on a high chair.

Of course I went straight for the baby. "Hi baby!!" I leveled my face with the baby and pinched her cute little cheeks.

"Her name's Ashley," Megan told me.

I looked at her and smiled, "Such a cute baby!" I turned back to Ashley. "Hi Ashley!" But the baby as she is, she doesn't seem to care about me.

I stood up and sat on the chair next to Jake. I noticed that the guy cast member I saw earlier is sitting across me. As I was settling into my seat, other cast members arrived.

"Hey, Darren. Why don't you sit beside her?" The guy-who-never-smiled told Darren, the gentle guy with dimples. Darren looked at me and his eyes widened with surprise. He looked at Jake as well and looked down to hide his face. He tried to sit beside the other guy, the one close to Megan and Ashley's place. "Bro, come on," he pushed Darren away.

"Yes, Darren why don't you go and sit beside Ami?" Megan laughed. With a shy smile, Darren headed to sit beside me.

I adjusted my seat so I am slightly facing Darren to greet him, "Hi, I'm Ami." I shook his hand.

"Hi, I'm Darren," he greeted me back.

I sat back to introduce him to Jake, "This is Jake."

Jake reached for Darren's hand and they exchanged smiles.

The family arrived. The child approached the guy across me and they did some unique hand shake. This kid is really something like he can give off free energy for all of us.

"Oh, new guests," the husband instantly noticed us.

"Yes. Guys, meet Ami and Jake. Ami and Jake, this is Blake and Sarah. They're actually married, and this is their son Andrew," Luis introduced us.

The couple reached from the other side of the table to shake our hands.

"Hey are you actually Ami and Jake, the celebrities?" Sarah asked us.

Jake and I smiled at them and nodded our heads.

"Wow, if people find out y'all are here the campsite might just be packed by tonight," Blake stated. Well he's partly right because I am pretty sure the security at the gate is tight already to keep people from entering the camp.

Andrew sat beside the guy across me, while his mom sat beside him. Blake sat beside Sarah.

"Have you met each other?" Megan asked us pointing to the guy-who-never-smiled. We all shook our head. "Okay, guys this is Dean. Dean, meet Ami and Jake."

Dean nodded his head at my direction and did a fist bump with Jake. He acknowledged me too fast that I was not able to respond.

"We have one more guest, Katherine, but I think she's still-"

"Good morning everyone!" A tall and skinny girl approached the dining area. She's wearing a floral maxi dress that just hugs her figure. She's a total head turner. "Oh. My. God." Her jaw dropped. "Is that Jake Pangilinan?!"

Jake stood up to shake her hand, "Hi, I'm Jake." He greeted her with his killer smile. I'm sure the girl could have fainted right there, good thing the chair beside Dean caught her.

Jake sat again and I stood up to shake her hand. "Hi, I'm Ami."

Her face slowly turned to me. She had not closed her mouth and yet it dropped even more as she looked at me. She slowly raised her hand again to shake mine. "Katherine."

I smiled and removed my hand, then sat again.

"What are you two doing here?!" She asked with bewilderment.

Luis and Megan started getting food and the rest followed. I did not realize my tummy's growling from hunger already until I looked at all the breakfast food in front of me. There's fried rice, eggs, hotdogs, and spam.

"We're just taking a break," Jake said and then looked at me as if to confirm if what he said was fine.

"Yeah, this is a much needed breather for us, I guess," I supported his answer.

"So you two are real?!" Katherine instantly put us in a hot seat.

"No, no, no," I answered with hand gestures dismissing her idea. We have answered this type of question a hundred times and it seems that the more we said no, the more people are convinced that we have something special between me and Jake.

"If you say so," Katherine winked at me. See? People just don't seem to take no for an answer.

I really can't wait to get these food into my mouth but first things first. "Megan, do you have coffee? Where can I make one?"


The breakfast went by smoothly. Right after, I went to have my first shower in the camp. By the time I finished my skincare routine and make up and dressing up, the boys are playing beach volleyball. Jake, Darren and Luis vs Dean, Blake and Andrew. Us girls were the scorers, referees and cheerleaders. Blake and Dean were basically a two-man team but they still beat Darren, Jake and Luis.

At lunch, Luis and Megan announced that we're going to have dinner by the beach. I was pretty excited since I haven't done this for a long time now. By sunset, everybody helped preparing the tables and chairs on the shore. We carried the food from the kitchen to the beach. The guys also started a bonfire beside our table.

"Okay come over here you guys. Dinner's all ready," Megan called us. I can say we're going to have a sumptuous dinner just by looking at the seafoods on the table. Everyone gathered around the table. "Before we eat, we would just like to thank you guys for being part of this new chapter of our life. Starting a business was a leap of faith for Luis and me. When you signed up for Camp Avenue you gave us so much hope and excitement. You guys are special to us because you are part of this new journey that we embarked on as a couple."

Everybody clapped as Megan wrapped up her mini-speech. If this were not a show, I'd be freaking touched by the courage of this couple. Well, they are still courageous for agreeing to do this show.


As the plates on the dinner table gradually became empty, Luis started bringing alcoholic beverages. How could the staff think of bringing alcohol into the show? This could bring more damage into Jake's image instead of fixing it.

"Jake, stop drinking already. Your one bottle down to being knocked out," I whispered to Jake's ear.

He put the glass he was about to drink down to the table with a thud. "Okay, Ma'am," he said exaggerating the last word. Then, he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Are you still awake?" I shrugged my shoulder to wake him up.

"Yes," he answered without moving.

"You guys!" Katherine, who was sitting across me suddenly put her glass down after gulping her drink in one go. "I'm really happy to be away from the people who hurt me and be surrounded by you guys right now," she told us and then sniffed. Tears started flowing from her eyes. You know a person's intoxicated when he/she starts crying and sharing things without anybody asking him/her to tell.

Megan, who's sitting beside her, tried consoling Katherine. At the far corner of the table, Sarah quietly bid good night to us since Andrew was sleepy already.

"Can you please tell me what you would have done.." Katherine started and then sobbed. ".. If a very special person to you suddenly disappeared? Like.. poof!" She said with a clap. She wiped her tears and nose with a tissue. "There was this guy who expressed that he likes me so I dated him. I gave it a chance... because why not, right? So we dated for almost six months. It was the happiest six months of my life. On the day that I decided I want our relationship to be official, he did not talk to me at all. He did not reply to my messages, he did not answer my calls, and he told his family and friends not to tell me what was up with him. It was also my birthday by the way. And then that's it, he ghosted me. Everyday, I can't help thinking about what I could have possibly done wrong for him to do that. I mean.. there must be a reason, right? Until now I am trying to make myself believe I'm over him..." she started sobbing endlessly while covering her face with her hands.

"Katherine, that's why you're here right? You are here to find the reason from within you. You will seal the hole your relationship has created and heal yourself here. You and only you made the person who you were before him and you are going to make yourself whole again," Megan uttered her words of wisdom.

"Hey, Katherine! That guy's not man enough to face you. Just... just forget him!" Jake suddenly shouted and we barely recognized what he was saying since his face is buried in my shoulder.

"I can't stop crying. Somebody help me," Katherine answered in between sobs.

"Okay! Why don't we bring these two drunk people to their huts?" Megan stood and helped Katherine up. Luis instantly got up into his feet to help his wife.

I tried to make Jake stand so I can accompany him to his hut, but the man is too heavy for me. Darren, who's on the other side of Jake helped him up. "Alright bro, come on up!"

"Thank you," I told Darren. He started walking Jake away from the beach and I followed them.

When we arrived at the front of Jake's hut, I searched for his key from his pockets. I unlocked his door and went up. I helped Darren guide Jake up his hut and then we dropped him to his bed.

"Thank you Darren. You can go back first, I'll just help Jake get comfortable here."

He answered with a smile and then left. I turned to Jake and shook my head of disapproval. The staff members got a lot of editing to make here. I put his feet on his bed and removed his sandals. I opened his AC unit and covered him with his blanket. I went out of his hut and closed the door behind me. I started walking back to the shore. Blake and Luis are sitting on the sand somewhat far from our table. Megan is nowhere to be seen and I'm assuming she went to bed already.

"Bro, I'm telling you Ami's playing safe," I overheard Dean telling Darren. I slowed down my pace as I don't want to interrupt him.

"What do you mean?" Darren responded.

"It's a celebrity thing, they have to protect their image. She's not drinking 'cause she's afraid she might do or say something inappropriate in front of us."

"Excuse me mister, are you talking about me?" I suddenly blurted out. I really hate it when people talk behind my back.

Dean just laughed. I sat beside Darren and across Dean. "First of all, I am not playing safe here. Second of all, I have nothing to be afraid of because I don't get drunk."

"Let's see then, why don't we have a drinking contest now?" Dean challenged me.

"I am not that childish to play with you tonight," I answered. "The problem with you people is that you assume you know everything about celebrities but the truth is most of your comments on us are only based on judgements and generalizations."

"But it does not erase the fact that you have an image to protect, right? And drinking risks you of breaking down your inhibitions," he said while raising an eyebrow at me.

This guys's starting to get on my nerves. "You have only met me for a couple of hours and you're already out there talking things about me."

"So, are you not playing safe here?"

"I don't play safe," I answered right away. "I bet you would not even last 10 shots if you compete with me right now."

"Why don't we do it now and see for ourselves?"

"If you want to drink with me, you gotta work for it, mister," I narrowed my eyes at him. We are glaring at each other now.

"Alright, let's bet on it. If I win, you will drink with me until you drop."

"If I win, you will do everything I say for 24 hours," I replied.

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop it you guys. You're not going anywhere placing bets without a game," Darren laughed at us then drank from his glass. He has a point.

"Guys!" Luis suddenly broke our staring contest. I turned to their direction. "Blake and I are going to play basketball tomorrow. You can come with us."

Dean and I looked at each other again.

"Why don't you send your Jake for a basketball match with me, one versus one?"

"How about I'll team up with Jake against you and Darren, two versus two?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

Dean laughed and drank in one straight gulp.