
4 chapter 2

"Nineth highness , nineth highness" distant calls could be heard as many servants could be seen looking for a young teenager like there lives depends on it ( which it's does)

" hmm it seems I can't stay here for long if I don't want my brother's coming to look for me" showing a dejected expression the young prince made an entrance to the group of people looking for him but as soon as he did he regretted his decision " we hua were have you been this brother has been looking for you since the sun bells rang " brother we hua went to see a'ming ( talking about his soul animal) " ohh next time take the guards with you or else father might have a heartache from worrying " we hua felt like crying he was the youngest prince but also the youngest prince to accomplish 'han ling ' " brother I promise I will do as you say let's go and meet the other brothers ok " ok my little hua " . The princes were all in good terms but if one lived with them you will notice how they all fight for the attention of the youngest prince we hua .


A young man with a beautiful sultry figure who's presence alone could make you fall to his feet begging to be seen or to please him could be seen arranging what seems to be red threads all in a pile of different threads of different varieties all connected to what seems to be a tree alas everything prefect comes to an end when he suddenly gave a chilling smile for no reason truning around one could say he really was beautiful his peach blossom eyes were pulled up his red lips apart not to mention his eyes had hearts in them ( seriously it's does) who else could he be but the seventh prince.... we feng .

" I think you've seen enough.... uncle Bai " oh what a shame I couldn't get to see you longer little feng'an " uncle Bai have you gotten old after sleeping for half a millennium " no infact I didn't age at all.... tell me is he awake ( referring to the male empress I will tell you guys tell name after four chapters) " ..... no but father's been checking up on mother everyday leaving the heavens affairs to second brother " oh really that's concerning how's hua'an" his well apart from always going to play on the pretext of visiting his soul animal or cultivating for his soul weapon " hmm that little idiot is trying to beat me but that is a good thing especially since he's the god of war and destruction" he said with doting eyes " feng'an tell me how is everything going for you have you found your soulmate yet " I .... haven't... uncle Bai my soulmate is here but I can't find his location he ... he must be a god like you , either a creator or one of the king's of the underworld " what... out of all the places it's have to be the underworld no please don't go there if Jin saesang finds out he will definitely know am awake and will come troubling me " but the first king of hell is away on some hunt for a very rare creature spotted causing a racket in the far east on earth" " oh ok " showing a happy expression leaving we feng to wonder how such a young man who was feared by all was actually afraid of two people which was his mother and his clingy soulmate (Jin saesang) oh well thinking about his mother he should definitely visit him and ask for advice ( all through he was in deep sleep his soul could communicate with them if not the emperor might have gone insane with pain in his heart)


"hua'an this brother has prepared a banquet for you to choose your protector maybe you might find your soulmate" we ling fifth prince voiced out, " but I don't need a mate Orr a protector am fine and ok " we hua said showing a dejected expression , " I think little prince is right after we are the almighty, the most powerful gods in all arenas , hahaha oww what was that for " we shen glared at we wang " don't listen to them hua'an father said not to push it ok take your time and well mother ( male) said if you want to go to the underworld with we feng you can " we feng could be seen pushing out his chest and boosting about being hua'an favorite (which wasn't true) " I will think about it but am going with feng'an by full moon in rain time ( time used by weather god's) " sure get some rest" .


what the prince's didn't notice was that in the shadows a handsome man was looking at they're little prince with eyes that screams My mate . it's none other than the great villain Bai yunyu .( the villain is related to Bai shen who is the eldest brother to Bai yunyu )