
: Phenex The Whisperer!

'What is happening to me? I can't seem to find peace even after killing all his family members… Ohh wait, I wasn't supposed to only punish him…' An evil grin appeared on his face as his expression darkened, 'I should punish the whole world, and the heavens if I have to…for all that's done to me.'

"Come on, it's just a hug…nothing much, I'm not into you just so you know." Vanessa felt insulted when she heard what Quinn said, wasn't she the most beautiful girl in their school? How could Quinn say he isn't into her? "Alright, make it quick though." Vanessa's cheeks turned red.

Quinn and Vanessa hugged, 'What is this I'm seeing?' After exactly 2 seconds, Quinn let Vanessa go. "I gotta go, I forgot there is something I have to do. You be alright, okay?" Vanessa didn't understand what was happening, but she felt a little rage. 'Just when I was hugging the coolest stern guy in my school, he pulled off in less than a minute? How shameful.' Vanessa quickly turned away from Quinn. "Fine, you can go."

Quinn not realizing what was happening to Vanessa left without even looking back. He wasn't really the smartest person when it came to females, he left through an alleyway just behind Vanessa's mansion.

'This is troublesome, I may not know more about my powers. But I believe this is something I might be pulled into somehow, I have to pay a certain individual a visit.'

Back inside the house Silva, Vanessa was crying. When suddenly she heard a door knock, "Go away! I don't want to see anybody!" She yelled without even asking who it was, she suddenly heard a soft and gentlemanly voice. "This is someone willing to offer you what you're in deep need of." Vanessa hearing this thought it was just Quinn playing a prank, "Alright, you can come in." She started smiling, but then the smile faded when saw it wasn't who she thought it was.

Who opened the door was a man wearing all black formal clothes with a hat on his head. If Patiel was here, he would notice who this man was in a second. "Hello dear child, I believe I need to tell you who saved you from your demise."

Later that evening after Quinn had supper, he went in his bedroom to lie down on his bed and pay a visit to a special somebody. He now knew how to control summoning her, and how to sleep like a 'normal' teenager. After a few seconds of him closing his eyes, a bright white light glowed dimly around his body. He was standing in the same garden he had seen before, but this time like the last, it was real. 

"Matters have to be serious if you're the one who voluntarily visited me, Quinn." Said a woman, dressed in a simple white gown, with long, flowing hair. Who Quinn remembers very well, her name is Ariel. "Not at all, I know I'm nowhere near what I can become. But what I felt today was suffocating, it was a one of a kind thing. And I just didn't see it from the memories of her subconsciousness, but I felt it."

"Quinn, you're talking about a Cumulonimbus Cloud of darkness. That seem like a black havoc-wrecking storm is about to descend upon those within range, it changes faces every now and then…it might be a challenge locating it now, and…"

"Ariel, I saw him. He's like a medieval vampire, Klaus Mikaelson style. Except he puts on a hat to match his suits, and he saved Vanessa from death." Ariel's eyes widened when she heard this, "He didn't save her, he took her back from the world of the dead just in time before they got to her soul. Was Vanessa strange towards you?"

Quinn suddenly thought about it for a second, "Well actually yes she was, she was irregularly having a fluctuation in her mood. Mostly associated with rage." Ariel's expression darkened when she heard this. "He will get in her head, basically if a Light Bringer like yourself save her. Then you're cleansing her soul, she will be cleaned of all evil. So she will not be lost forever, but beware…there's a time limit."

"How do I save her?" "Do you really want me to say it?" Ariel looked at Quinn in a sarcastic manner, Quinn quickly shook his head as he stood up. "No, I'm not taking another person's life. That's not what I agreed to." "You killing her cleans her of evil, and light will engulf her giving her a joyful life like yours. Except she'll remain herself without even remembering fighting you. But you can't beat her with basic moves of course, you have to use Light Spells. And hurry before she learns how to use magic, or kills a human."

"I don't remember anything, and this is certainly the very first time I see your face." This gentleman laughed, "Hahahaha, ohh you are killing me child. Listen, I was here when all happened. And I can tell you if you'd like, but you won't like it one bit." Vanessa was surprised, "Well tell me, at least it will take my mind off the massacre."

"Your father is a fraud, the person who did this to you is your half brother. He was not made out of love, but out of spite for your mother. Your parents played a role in him being born, your father raped his mother and she became pregnant. Your mother hearing from his mother telling her that she's pregnant and it was your father's baby, she chased her away. She was their helper for hell's sakes, she lived in the poorest part of Kestell. On the street, with little to no food a day. How shameful…

"Worst part, your mother bad-mouthed his mother and she never got employed again. He thought that your brother was dead due to his mom sleeping on the street, but he underestimated the love a mother has for their young ones. His mother hustled and found a decent building, where they lived in. Your father learning of your brother's life and him still breathing sent out people to kill them, they only managed to kill the mother. And the kid went back to the streets again, I believe this was part of his vengeance. Will you say he did the right thing?"

He glanced over at Vanessa's direction, trying too look for a hint on how she truly is. "I'm a daughter of a monster!" Those were the only words that came out of Vanessa's mouth before she stood to face this gentleman. "I want him to pay for stripping me of my mother, and I want Quinn to pay for not noticing beauty in front of him." The gentleman smiled, he stood then went to whisper in Vanessa's ear. "How would you like to punish the world for doing this to you?"

The very same gentleman who went to the Silva residence walked into his big mansion, and went straight to his study. He picked up a book and a door appeared, he entered inside and was transported into a room filled with darkness. But he could move at ease. After walking 300m, he heard a voice, "Too close little demon!" The voice was terrifying, and one could see Phenex shaking…if it wasn't for the darkness of course.

He immediately felt something cut through his hair, it was a sharp invincible force. "You seem to value your head too much that you think you have the guts to face me." Phenex immediately went down on one knee and bowed down, "Forgive me master, punish me for I have wronged you," Phenex said. 'This is total madness, how much did his power rise for him to be like this in a day? And I can't really see him, so how am I facing him?'

"No little demon, you whispering wisdom in the ears of those in need spread enough malice to put me to at least 3% of my power. So consider yourself spared if you could raise it to 5% before the end of the week, and this seal shall be easy to remove. None of those Gods will be able to stop me now, mwahahahahaha." Phenex knew that the laughter was suffocating, but to the one in front of him…it was that of joy. "As you wish, master."