
Call_ of_ the _forest

A girl always heard people talking about a haunted forest and that's there was a house in the forest the house was haunted and it's abandoned, she didn't believe until she experience it herself,

derynebb · Ciudad
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2 Chs

chapter one

*Chapter One*

"Hey Lisa I'm gonna run ahead, you've got it all covered right?"

Jay, my curly haired boss questioned as he stood by the door, phone in hand and with one leg already outside.

"Sure thing boss." I answered playfully, winking at him.

"Go get em."

"You bet."

He flashed me a grin, then dissapeared out the convenience store, leaving me to my lonesome.

'Okay time to head out.'

I stretched, cracking my knuckles in the process. It was past 10pm already, the store's usual closing time and I only needed to check around before closing for the day.

At least that's what I hoped.

I was used to Jay's company. My 34 years old handsome Irish boss had a way of making even the coldest places warm. He'd often run night shifts when he was in town or close up with me at the usual time, these days however he's been spending quality time with his new girlfriend.

'I hope it works out well for them.'

I thought, smiling sheepishly while thinking of my nonexistent love life.


"Shit! Jesus Christ!"

I yelped startled while making a beeline for the door. Something---No! A lot of things just crashed somewhere in the back store, I was on the pavement watching from outside and wondering just what could have made such sounds.

The truth is that although I'm nineteen and a senior in highschool, I get scared way too easily for my own good. At least that's what everyone says.

"Is something -"


"Chill Lisa! You scared me."

"John. What're you doing here?"

Despite my thumping heart, I still managed to question my friend who'd startled the hell out of me.

"I was heading home from Ris', thought I'd check in on you," he explained.

"Saw you run out like you saw a rat or something. Are you okay?" He asked.

And no...I wasn't okay, I was scared witless.

"Or something."

I murmured, casting a weary glance inside the completely calm store from outside.

John, my neighbor and best friend simply shock his head then grabbed my hand, pulling me along with him back inside. I didn't resist, as I could always use his bulky frame as a human shield.

My friends knew how easily startled I got, especially when I was alone, so he didn't bother asking why I'd run out, he simply asked.

"What happened?"

"I heard something at the back." I stated, a tad bit ashamed of how I'd reacted earlier. John didn't seem to mind.

"Stay here and don't run again." He said walking towards the 'staff only' area at the back, one which lead to the storeroom.

"B-Be careful."

I shouted after him, watching him dissapear behind the door.

After a few painstakingly long seconds, he shouted back.

"Lisa some shelves are down, don't worry nothings broken,"

That's not possible. We only renovated a month ago, every is brand new and the shelves are bolted down.

"Someone definitely pushed this---what a mess."

John's calm and evidently surprised voice rang out.

"Tell Jay to take it easy when bringing things down from here, where is he anyways?"


I called finally finding my voice.

"I'm the only one here."

Silence followed my revelation untill he asked playfully,

"Then who knocked the shelves over?"

"I was alone,"

I responded,

"At the counter."