
Call_ of_ the _forest

A girl always heard people talking about a haunted forest and that's there was a house in the forest the house was haunted and it's abandoned, she didn't believe until she experience it herself,

derynebb · Ciudad
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2 Chs

call of the forest




The word originates from 16th century Germany, from poltern which means 'to create a disturbance', and Geist meaning 'ghost'.

A poltergeist is a ghost or a supernatural being that causes chaos and disturbances. They can move objects, make loud, sometimes grotesque noises, and on rare occasions they can posses the living.

Since time immemorial there have been stories of things beyond human comprehension, creatures that do not bend to the will of logic, presence that go beyond the grave.

I never had much belief in these stories, they couldn't possibly be real afterall. It was easier to think this way, what you don't know won't harm you... Right?

No Boogeyman

No monster under the bed

And certainly no ghosts.

How dumb I was.