
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 4: In a instant

4 years had passed without a sighting of Simon or his girlfriend, Betty. While I didn't particularly miss their presence, losing their business did sting my pride a bit. Nonetheless, despite the setback, my coffee shop had flourished to the point where I could afford to hire additional staff.

The first person I brought on board was Elise, a young woman juggling university studies and living expenses. Tall and slender, with a dusky complexion and shaggy black hair that occasionally obscured her vision, Elise exuded a sense of determination. Despite my suggestions, she staunchly refused to trim her locks, insisting on maintaining her unique style.

The second addition to our team was a rather peculiar individual named Hudson. With his pale, almost blue-tinted skin, crimson red eyes, and unusually sharp teeth, he certainly stood out. Despite his eccentric appearance, I found myself overlooking these quirks, especially considering his strong work ethic. Unlike another candidate who reeked of pot and lacked Hudson's dedication, he proved to be remarkably proficient at brewing coffee.

However, I couldn't help but notice Hudson's attempts to woo Elise. Their growing closeness was evident as they spent more and more time together, and while it did raise an eyebrow, it didn't interfere with their productivity. In fact, they seemed to complement each other well, their partnership contributing to the smooth operation of the coffee shop.

As I found myself manning the coffee shop alone, Elise having called in sick and Hudson staying home to care for her and their newborn daughter, I accepted the situation and opened the shop as usual. Serving customers solo was a challenge, but I managed to keep things running smoothly.

One group of customers caught my eye in particular. They seemed different somehow—more mysterious, perhaps. The way they spoke with hushed tones and secretive glances, they exuded an air of intrigue that piqued my curiosity. Despite my best efforts to focus on my tasks, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something unusual about them.

I wasn't able to hear what they were talking about considering they were at the far in the shop, but I still noted their weird looks.

As I observed the group, I couldn't help but notice their striking and unconventional appearances. The first member, a tall and slender man with pink skin, stood out prominently. Next to him was a shorter individual, with a thick white beard and fiery red skin, a stark contrast to his companion. The third member of the group was even shorter, with slimy yellow skin that seemed to shimmer under the café lights. Lastly, there was a woman with skin even bluer than Hudson's, her presence adding to the group's enigmatic aura.

Their collective appearance was unlike anything I had seen before, and I couldn't help but wonder about the nature of their visit to my humble coffee shop.

Despite their intriguing appearance and mysterious demeanor, nothing particularly eventful occurred during their visit. They chatted amongst themselves in low tones, their conversation veiled in secrecy as they sipped their drinks and nibbled on pastries.

But at some point the conversation seemed to get heated as one of them the blue skinned woman stormed off to who knows where as the other 3 continued to enjoy their food in silence, but before I could quickly grow bored and get back to work I heard the sound as if something had blown up and before I could even make a move to find out what it was things went dark.

I was dead before I even know how