
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 20: Leaving the city

Honestly, I was nervous, which is weird considering what I did last night. However, leaving the city, where I hadn't even left before I died, was always nerve-wracking. I soon sucked it up and carried my large backpack filled with unread books on the highway out of the city. I planned to go to the town listed in the note that the museum group left, of which there was only one that fit the description. Still, I felt nervous as I moved, but I didn't let that get me down.

At first when I walked down the road you wouldn't even notice equivalent of a nuclear bomb was dropped well that's unless you didn't look at cloud covered sky that didn't even allow the sun to shine through clearly and they dead grass that went on for miles along with the several destroyed overturned vehicles. It left a pit in my stomach that soon disappeared as I continued to walk neither tired no sleepy. Eventually Hours turned to days as I walked a length of time which would have been shorter if I chose to walk faster but refused to do so as it would be harder to read if I did so.



At one point, I stopped as I noticed a human-like figure down the road. Sadly, I could not get a good look at them, but I noticed they seemed to be stumbling a bit. Curious, I went to check, as even though I'm undead, I still wanted someone to talk to. However, when I got close to get a better look, I was horrified to see that the person I saw earlier was actually a monster. Its mouth leaked green ooze, while its eye sockets seemed to have been burned out and were also leaking green ooze, contrasting with its leathery grey skin.

"[Frost Strike: Lv 1]"

That's all I could think as I wasted no time delivering a full-force punch to this shambling corpse that resembled a living being. The attack instantly froze its head, shattering it to pieces at my strike, leaving the corpse to collapse to the ground headless as it leaked a scary amount of ooze.

'There's so many, it's almost like a whole cit—FUCK,' my thoughts stalled as I remembered a weird thought I had during my first few days of my new life: the total lack of corpses. Even though there were like four or five on a street, that wasn't even close to matching the population of the city I stayed in. The latest census had a population of a little over a quarter million.

'So most people became these... things. No wonder I didn't see corpses. But why are they all not in the city?' That was the question that rang in my head. However, I didn't want to die to a ten-thousand-strong horde of oozers, so I immediately wasted no time taking a detour around for a couple of miles before getting back on track. Luckily, this horde seemed to be the last, as it was nothing but stray oozers until I reached the town, which, if I'm being honest, didn't look that much better than the city but still was better than this wasteland that was more fit to be a Fallout game setting.

It is also where a sight other than wild ooze beast or disgusting oozers came into view, humans and a lot of them to, I counted half a dozen atleast but thats just rough estimates.

'This is going to be fun'