
Chapter 15

I will kill Stella for making me dress like this. If I had known that this will be some kind of a gathering I wouldn't have put on trousers and a top. Gosh, I look like a homegirl.

Stella covered her smirk " I'm sorry please"

" Then why did you allow me to dress like this?" I questioned.

" I said you should put on something you'll be comfortable in" she shrugged

" But you should have given a hint that you all are going to be in dresses. Look around you Stella, I'm the only one in jeans for crying out loud!"

She giggled " it doesn't matter, you always look beautiful so don't you worry"

" I hate you right now "

She blew an air kiss my way " but I love you"

I glared hard at her " so tell me before I outburst more on you, whose party is this?"

She clasped her hand as if remembering that she should have done that earlier. Stella then looks at me with guilty eyes.

I cock a brow at her " What is it?"

She rubbed her neck " I should have told you before bringing you here but I knew you won't come if I had done that "

" Just tell me already and stop talking in riddles"

She sighed " This party was organizer by Zion. This is one of his mansions amongst other"

I furrowed my brows confused. Of course, i know Zion was rich but I never knew he was super-rich to own something as big as this. I stared around again and my surprised expression couldn't be missed.

" he owned all of these?"

She nodded with a smile " I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him"

I waved it off " it's nothing, I'm good. So what's this gathering about?"

" Oh yes, his parent just came back from Germany and this party is to mark their safe arrival" she explain and I find it stupid.

" so you mean just because they arrived safely they needed to organize a party?"

She nodded " Yes"

" But that's stupid" I couldn't help but say

" I know right but the thing is, this is some kind of a tradition they follow so it's nothing new to them, and don't forget that they are rich. Spending a lot of money on little things doesn't affect them" she said.

" Then they should please give me all those money. It's like they don't have anything useful to do with the money " I retorted " but what is with all the tradition? Is he from a particular native which I'm not aware of?"

She find my question a little surprising but didn't have to say it cos it's written on her face " Of course not "

" Are you sure ?"

" No. But why do you ask?"

I let out a sigh " I just find somethings strange this day"

" what is it, Ella?"

" I don't know why I feel that I'm missing some part of my life. I mean, I've been living with mom since birth but something still feels strange when I think about things"

" you are confusing me the more Ella, what do you mean?"

" I've been having this dream...

" Hell dies" we got interrupted.

Alex smiled widely upon seeing us. What is with this guy always acting strange?

" Hey Alex"

" hi Stella"

Okay, this was getting uncomfortable. So it was my cue to say something.

" it's nice seeing you again, Alex"

" Same with you. I didn't know you are coming " he said.

I scoffed " Why are you saying it as if you don't want me here?"

He activated his defensive mood immediately " of course I want you here. I'm only surprised you know "


" Well then I'm here already and treat me as the guest I am" I retorted jokingly

Alex found it funny to so he laughed " I know right"

Stella cleared her throat " Well if you two may excuse me, I need to use the restroom." That being said, she left immediately.

Alex and I shared a look. Is my friend jealous or something?

" You see what I told you about her being a big problem," he said staring at the direction she passed through.

" Just admit it, you like my friend"

He made a choking noise " God forbid. She is not my type and will never be one "

I shrugged " Don't say I didn't warn you"

" oh please. Why not we talk about how beautiful you look tonight " he said instead.

" here we go again, Alex always dodging the truth"

He chuckled " I'm not dodging anything. I find the conversation useless that is all".

" Don't say I didn't tell you when it's too late."

" Oh please, like I'll go for someone like her " he scoffed.

Alex called a waiter who brought two glasses of champagne for us. I was grateful for that.

" So tell me your type Alex," I said enjoying the conversation

He started at me " I don't have a type. When I get connected to you, then you are it for me. That's how I work. I'm not the kind of guy that has the image of my dream girl already from birth. I just want someone who is understanding, caring, and of course someone I share connections with. It's not always about the look but she does not have to look like some Buffalo"

I chuckled " hope you meet someone like that soon"

." I hope so"

.He winked at me " So tell me, love, how do you expect your dream guy to look like ?"

I smile remembering that day when I kept insisting that I want a tall, rich and handsome guy. The truth is I've found that kind of guy obviously but he is out of reach. Zion is who I'm talking about.

" I'm waiting" Alex sang

" I also want someone I share a connection with, " I said instead.

" We all do ,don't we?"


I find it hard to believe that Alex doesn't know what transpired between me and his friend. The way he kept smirking at me says otherwise.