
Caged - Project Midnight

Nine has been freed from one prison just to enter another one. Can she battle her way through a world dominated by vampires to gain her freedom, or will she remained caged forever by her so called rescuers?

RavenSadi · Fantasía
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9 Chs


I could feel it, the warm summer breeze in my hair, the sun on my skin, and the joy in my heart. There was laughter everywhere and I knew this is where I belonged. I was running in a yard with other children, we were all wearing dresses and suites and I knew I was wearing my favourite pink dress with a matching top hat and gloves...though before I knew it the moment of joy was gone and replaced by a feeling of terror. I was back in that horrible room with those strange people in white coats. They cut my favourite pink dress away from my skin and left me naked and cold on the hard metal table. The lights above me were blinding so I could only see shadows where faces should have been. I felt sharp pains as they poked and prodded my young body. I cried out as the pain grew worse when they shoved large needles full of different coloured liquids into my body...I did not want to be here anymore I was free of this and I begged my mind to let me go back to where it was safe.

I cried out as I woke from the dream. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I knew I was no longer in that strange machine I had fallen asleep in. The bed was comfortable and warm and I snuggled into the blankets even more. The room was smaller than the one that held my prison but it felt cozy instead of restricting. There was a quiet knock at the door on the other side of the room and I tensed out of habit but relaxed when I saw my female rescuer poke her head in the door.

"Oh you are finally awake. I thought you might be hungry so I brought you up some food." The girl Cate said happily as she opened the door wider so she could bring in the tray. I could smell the food as she got closer to the bed and it smelled delicious. I could not

remember the last time I had eaten and wondered if I could still even eat normal food. She put the tray across my lap and when she took the lid off steam poured out in a poof towards the ceiling. I looked down at the plate and saw things that I didn't remember ever seeing or eating before. Cate laughed at my expression but assured me that the food tasted good and would help me get my strength back. I picked up the fork that was lying beside the plate and poked at the closest thing to me. It was white and lumpy and didn't really look all that appetizing but I scooped up a small amount and tried it anyways. It tasted like warm milk and something else I couldn't describe. I decided that it was good and ate a little more. When I couldn't eat another bite I put the fork down. I didn't really know what to do after that so I did the first thing that popped into my head. "Thank-you." I managed to squeak out and startled myself at the sound. Cate laughed again and I think she was finding my responses to things rather humorous. I felt my cheeks grow hot as this thought crossed my mind, which just made her laugh even harder.

"Oh you are cute beyond words. Now I know why he asked me to find you." Cate took the tray from my lap and came over to sit beside the bed. "Feeling better now?" I nodded at the question because I really did feel better. I no longer felt cold or tired, and I was no longer shaking. "Good though we should get you cleaned up. Your hair looks like it hasn't been washed in years...oh I guess it actually hasn't been washed in a long time. Do you think you can walk?" I blinked at Cate a couple of times because I had been asked that before and the result didn't turn out very well, though this time I was rested and thought I would give it another try. I pulled back the blankets and immediately started shivering as the cooler air rushed in to replace the warmth from the blankets. I placed my feet on the floor and pushed up against the bed. I wobbled a little bit but managed to stay upright. I was so thrilled that I took a small step forward and ended up falling backwards onto the bed. With an aggravated sound I tried again and this time managed to take a few more steps before Cate grabbed my arm to steady me.

"We'll have to work on your walking a bit more I see." She smiled at me and helped me walk out the door to a dimly lit hallway and into another room that had a harsher light. I squinted as I looked around the room that was smaller than the one we had come from. I got placed on a fuzzy toilet seat while the girl turned on some faucets and filled the big white tub with water.

"Ummm...what should I call you?" I asked quietly, the small high-pitched voice was still shocking to me as I spoke. The girl looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. "Oh you can just call me Cate." She replied. "Now lets get you into the bath." She helped me up off the toilet seat and into the warm water in the tub. It was warmer than the blankets but it felt good on my skin. Cate continued to laugh at me as she washed my hair. I squeaked when the cold shampoo was squirted onto my head, but then started to relax as she massaged it into my scalp. "Where did you get these from?" Cate asked as she traced lines down my back and arms. It was the first time I noticed the white scars on my arms and had to take a better look to see what they were. I rubbed my arm where the scars were, not wanting to remember where they came from. "They are from needles and different instruments. It's hard to remember exactly how I got them." I said in a quiet voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Cate replied as she continued to wash me. The room was silent as Cate concentrated on getting me clean. I jumped a little when she started talking again. "So umm...how old are you anyway?" I didn't really know how to answer the question. "I think I was only ten when I

was taken away. Though it was nine years after that when I tried to escape and... and...They locked me away...in that horrible prison." I could feel hot, wet tears slide down my face and then a light touch as Cate brushed them away. "It's ok, you're safe now and I will help you until you are ready to leave." Cate rinsed the soap and shampoo then pronounced me clean. I felt so much better now that all that dirt had been scrubbed away and I was wrapped in a fluffy towel. Cate walked me back to the room and sat me on the bed as she rummaged through some drawers of the small dresser. "We need to find you some clothes to wear for now and then we can get you some new ones in the morning...Here this one will do." She brought over a small bundle and pulled it over my head. It was a pink nightshirt with white lace around the collar and the bottom. When I stood up it fell to just below my knees. "Oh you look so cute in it!" Cate exclaimed as she clapped her hands joyfully.

It was odd sitting doing nothing while someone else washed me, dressed me, and brushed my hair. I was without human contact for so long that I didn't really know what to do, so I just sat there in silence as I looked around the room.

I didn't want to sleep after Cate left to crawl into her own bed. I was afraid that the nightmares would come back or that I might be in a dream and when I woke up I would find myself back in that horrible room. I hobbled over to the window and peeked out through the curtains. I was high up in a huge building and there were other buildings around with lights in some of the windows. There were figures walking on the street below and the odd time a traveling machine would go by. I watched in curiosity. These things were the same yet different from before I was taken. It made me wonder how long I had been locked away from the world. After that thought left my mind I felt him...the strange thought that was almost a voice inside my head. I thought his plea for me to stay away from the darkness was nothing more than a dream.

I assure you I am quite real... "Who are you?" I whispered to the window. It felt strange talking out loud to a thought that was inside my head, but I was afraid that the voice in my head would answer me if I just thought the question. I felt his laughter ring through my mind like a summer breeze.

I told you who I was...but perhaps that was too long ago and you have forgotten?

"Archer..." The words left my lips before I could stop them. "Why...why did you want me to live?"

Did you not want to live?

"No...I wanted to find peace..." I could feel the tears well up in my eyes and spill down my face. I knew that release is what I truly wanted but it did not come. Now I was in a strange world with strange people. I knew that my family was gone from this world and I wanted nothing more than to join them.

I'm sorry but I can't give you your wish...

"Why not?" I sobbed as I wiped my face with my hands. Because you are special...

"I don't understand." The voice in my head didn't reply. I felt him leave the room and again I was standing there in the silence of the early morning hours.

I stood there at the window all night, I watched as the sky lightened and the sun started to rise. But when the sun finally peeked around the buildings I had to close the heavy curtains because the sun burned my eyes. When I finally turned away from the window Cate was standing in the doorway with some clothes. "These are for you. I had Peter pick them up on his way over. I also got some sunglasses for you since the bright light still seems to be bothering your eyes." She came across the room and set the clothes on the bed. "I have to go to work today so I asked Peter to keep you company while I'm gone. I made breakfast for you too." Cate helped me dress and escorted me to the kitchen. There was a small table by a window, a few cupboards, and some apartment sized appliances. I slipped into the chair facing the kitchen so that the wall was at my back. Cate placed a plate of food in front of me and I ate while she sipped something hot from a mug. "I expect you to take good care of her while I'm gone Peter." Cate glared at her brother who was typing away at his wrist computer. "I got it Cate..."

"You better be a perfect gentlemen!" Cate hissed through her teeth as she gave her brother an impatient look. "I said I got it." Peter snapped the computer shut and looked over at his sister. "All I'm doing is taking her to go get some clothes and lunch. We will be back before you get home."

"Good." She then turned to me and smiled. "Make sure my brother doesn't do anything stupid, and I will see you when I get home tonight." Cate grabbed keys off the counter and walked over to the door. When it clicked shut behind her Peter looked over to me with a grin. "Don't look so scared Nine. I'm only taking you out shopping and then we are going to meet some of my friends for lunch." He slipped some shoes on my feet, put the sunglasses over my eyes, and ushered me out the door and down to where his travel machine was. I got to sit in the front with him this time and laughed in joy as the vehicle zoomed down the street. There were people and vehicles everywhere, and buildings with colourful things in their windows. The buildings were all different sizes here and some were even taller than Cate's building. This was not the world I remembered before I was taken away. It was big, loud, and busy. My world was green, open, and full of laughter and animals. There was no green here and the odd bird I saw looked sickly and dirty. "Where are the trees?" I asked. "Most of the trees have been gone for a very long time now. All there is now is a large city with buildings made of steel and glass." Peter didn't really sound sorry that there were no more trees, but he seemed like he liked this world made of steel and glass more than a field full of green grass lined with trees. He didn't answer any of my other questions about trees and animals so I just turned back to the window and watched all of the different buildings go by as we got closer to our destination