
Chapter 7

The school day ended without any more fuss or issues on my end at least. I was locking up my classroom before I felt a presence standing behind me not saying anything but just staring my guess would be waiting for me to finish locking up. "Can I help you? Staring is rude ya know and very intimidating to everyone." The person let out a deep chuckle before coming into my partial view. It took every drop of my free will to not moan at the sight of this man especially because I don't know him at all let alone what he was doing here. Time slowed down to a screeching halt when I heard a squeal followed by the mystery man being tackled by Grandma Nora in a fit of happy rage. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to be here?! I haven't heard from you in months young man and what are you doing back here in the English wing?" I tuned her out leaning down to pick up my purse before turning towards the exit. I waved at them before my phone rang, snapping everyone out of their little worlds. Of course, Donnie was calling me probably to tell me he was outside waiting for me or to ask if takeout is fine for dinner tonight. Usually, I cook dinner but I guess he wants to make it easier for us so we don't have to do dishes or something. "Hey, teach how your first day was? I'm just now leaving the office so I should be there soon and then we can figure out dinner when I get there." He was exhausted I could tell by the raspiness of his voice and the quiet grunts every time he moved or a new person joined his elevator ride. I smiled as I made my way to the front of the school happening to pass by Kai talking with a few students that were I'm assuming just passing through to go to whatever club or activity was scheduled for tonight. Donnie's voice came back through my phone as I walked towards the gym to cut through towards the parking lot I needed fresh air after today, and sitting outside should do the trick for me. "Um, sorry I zoned out there for a minute, how about I call ahead to that Chinese/Japanese buffet and order our regular cheat night? We can gossip about our day at work and eat sushi." That was the first restaurant we ever tried when we first moved here. The cooking never disappointed us, especially when we felt down in the dumps. Still, the owners are good people and I will miss their cooking when I move into my new apartment. Donnie and I continued to chat while he looked for his car and I sat outside enjoying the sun's warmth against my face eventually he hung up so he could drive safely; I held no argument there seeing as I have yet to pick up my car from my parents home. "Alright, I found my car I'll try to avoid traffic as much as possible. Bye love you Ru." He hung up getting into his car while I sighed enjoying the sun on my exposed skin, it wasn't hot. Yet, it wasn't cold either like an excellent medium where you could wear a long sleeve shirt without dying of exhaustion. "So this is where I can find you, huh I've been looking for you since lunch what happened did I do something to upset you?" A shadow blocked my view before I opened my eye to peek at who it is. It was Kai thank god if it was anyone else I'd probably run away as if nothing happened earlier and I didn't hear a thing they said before running. I shook my head before standing up with Kai's help of course before I spoke telling him everything that had happened so far today but decided to leave out Jill's stupid little competition over Shouta's heart. It was ridiculous however I do have some feelings for Tsukarehateta just not sure if it's camaraderie or amorously but whatever these feelings are for him they will have to wait a bit before I bother trying to figure it out alone. He nodded in understanding as we waited outside together watching students head to their sports or other outdoor activities. "So you might have a crush on a coworker but you're unsure if you should pursue it or not because of someone else making your life miserable? Jesus Neru it's only your first day and already someone has an issue with you?! God people are unbelievably selfish and just goddamn nosey. Don't let them threaten your happiness, and you better not let them destroy everything you worked hard for cause that is just plain silly." Kai snarled clenching his hands before releasing a breath I didn't realize he was holding while he was ranting about people's nosiness. It made me laugh at how caring he was of me like an older brother would be towards his little sister after her first heartbreak. "Kai, I just want to work here, not get myself mixed up into some weird love triangle filled with petty drama like we're back in high school and no one could communicate their feelings properly without bullying or hurting feelings." I snorted before standing up from my seat on the concrete sitting for that long was starting to hurt my ass and I did a little too much sitting today so might as well stand. We moved the conversation to the upcoming spirit week and what categories we should be expecting in the upcoming week. Jill and her evil children came outside with the rest of the students leaving towards the parking lot my guess is that they're ditching detention but I'm going to have to talk to the principal tomorrow about this. Kai waited with me until Donnie pulled up to the curb, he looked exhausted I hoped that after I move out he'll be able to work at a different law firm. "I got to go Kai but um thanks for the advice...I'll see you tomorrow morning." I smiled waving goodbye as I opened the passenger door and slid into the passenger seat holding my purse and laptop bag close to me.