
Chapter 5

I got back to my classroom quickly as my thoughts wandered with conclusions on why this mystery woman hated me so much. "Maybe I should ask Kai about her. Is she a teacher or maybe a parent who came to get their kid?" I thought out old to myself not realizing my boss was sitting on one of the desks waiting for me. "Ms. Riakkusu. May I have a word with you?" I let out a surprised scream at his voice before turning around to face him. "Sir I'm sorry you scared me...um what can I help you with Mr. Chishiki?" This conversation could go one of two ways, he could be here to check on me to see if I need any assistance or he's here to yell at me for not realizing that two of my students were cutting class of course I desperately hoped it was the first one for the sake of my sanity. "My son has requested to have you as his English teacher. I guess he overheard some students talking about how you make earning bearable for a bunch of mindless kids. Of course, I would prefer to keep him in his advanced placement class for English but whatever keeps him from dropping out anyways I'm here to ask if you can bear having another student in your morning English class. If you cannot tell me now and I will have his request denied." His tone was so aggressive almost like he didn't have any other choice but to fulfill the request. "I wouldn't mind taking your son in my English class, sir. But I do have a complaint about 2 of my students cutting class this morning to go to Mr. Tsukarehateta's class and watch him teach." He looked at me confused before he asked me to continue my complaint. I was glad he was hearing me out instead of assuming or calling me incompetent. I explained the situation in detail including Shouta coming to my "rescue" and sending the girls back to my class. "I see. This isn't the first complaint I've had against the girls since they have come to my school. I shall give them a punishment befitting their behavior and if their parents need an explanation I will forward what you told me to them as well." He huffed before grabbing a manilla folder and handing it to me with purpose. "This is my son's grade history and there is also a paper I need you to sign to allow him to be transferred into your class." I flipped through the folder and was quite impressed by his son. There were copies of awards he has won in multiple competitions including a Shakesperian poetry writing contest eventually I found the transfer form and signed it quickly to let Mr. Chishiki be on his way especially if he has to deal with the Baez twins and maybe their parents. He left without a second glance let alone a goodbye almost like this whole conversation never even happened, I was worried about how the twins would react however to receiving punishment for cutting class and interrupting another. I did however check my phone for any texts from Donnie or maybe even my parents wishing me good luck for landing a job I have always wanted to do. Donnie did text me a cat picture that said "good luck you're purrfect". I laughed at the picture though grabbing my wallet, Donnie always knew what I needed throughout the day to cheer me up but I put my phone away as Jenna knocked on my doorframe to grab my attention from my phone. We walked back towards the cafeteria chatting about our personal lives and what we enjoy doing. I learned that her husband and the father of her kids left to go be with a mistress and that his mistress was actually someone we work with. I felt bad for her honestly I've experienced being cheated on or left for someone else and it's gut-wrenching that experience leaves you hollow and an immediate loss of self-esteem. "Well I hope he gets what's coming to him then Jenna absolutely no one deserves to be cheated on especially when you have kids with the person who fathered your kids." My anger was boiling hearing about her cheating scum bag of a husband I was ready to punch a wall. "It is fine really. I've learned to ignore the tragedies and move on with my life. He may be the father of my children but he is not the husband that I married." Jenna smiled happily but I could tell talking about her husband hurt her deeply so we moved on from that touchy subject and talked about my parents instead. We discussed how they judged me for wanting to be a teacher instead of a doctor or a scientist like they dreamed their child would've been. I didn't mind talking about them but it did hurt rehashing everything they've ever said to me. "By the way what is for lunch today?" I piped up as we enter the lunch line both of us grabbing a tray. "Well let's see it's a Monday so it would possibly be shepherd's pie or pizza but I usually eat pizza or a salad." I shrugged looking at my options before deciding on making myself a salad while Jenna grabbed her lunch. "So you're the new teacher Jill has been nonstop complaining about huh? I will admit you are interesting to look at that's for sure." I scoffed at his dismissive tone before walking away with my salad and cold wrap I grabbed as a snack. "I'm Hizashi! Shouta's friend the one who is teaching across the hall from you in case you forgot." I shot him a look before paying the lunch lady and started looking for Jenna before he said one more rude thing to me. "Wait wait wait I'm sorry I'm sorry. I wanted to warn you about Jill and the two girls you have in your class now." I stopped in my tracks waiting for him to catch up with me. "The twins are Ms. Emory's stepdaughters. Jill is seeing their father and they get away with stuff cause Jill talks the principal out of it and she has been trying to get Shouta since we all started here together but I figured you put two and two together by now." Well now I knew her name and her issue with me. "Hizashi...thanks for the warning but I don't need it." I stated walking off waiting for Jenna at the cafeteria doors so we can go eat our lunch together with Kai. So now I knew exactly what Mrs. Tight dress aka Jill's problem with me was and now I know what to do to keep away from her but it is gonna be hard with Shouta and I building a friendship.