
Business is Booming!

The town game by DecodeUnicode from roblox has arrived in arknights.

Plutoisplanet · Derivados de juegos
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6 Chs

U.L.F. (United Liberation Front)


The United Liberation Front Headquarters.

-Strategic and Planning Room.-

In this room a magnificently crafted long table made from Molave wood with an oblong shape, sits In the middle of the room. Though the extra artistic design makes It more beautiful and eye-catching. The people sitting on the chairs beside the table would say other wise.

Guards ranging from people wearing Rusky armor Incase of chemical attacks. Guards wearing HCS Helmet, Armor and Clothing. But most replaced there HCS Body armor with Ballistic Vests Or Swat Vests.

With that out of the way the man In the middle spoke. "Alright... So were now Inside of a new shithole." The man said. Introduction? Here. His name is Liquid, leader of the U.L.F. had a phony war with the SCP Foundation wannabe's next door before. But It ended In just a month as they both settled an agreement.

"Can agree with that. We just had a war with other factions before. So current supplies? Low. But It's a good thing we don't rely on export to sustain ourselves." For what he is talking about, is that the base is self sustained. With It's own farm and small factory.

"Hm... What about our Vehicle and Aircrafts conditions?" Liquid asks.

"Uh.. Erm.. All good. We have spare parts and We still have those spare airplane parts." The man says. His name is Nate.

"Wait.. Why do we have airplane parts??" Liquid asks.

"Well.. We got the airplane part when I had ordered one of our staff member, aku. To buy aircraft parts. He got confused and straight up bought both Helicopter and airplane parts." Nate answers. As he hands him a clipboard showing 200 Shipments of Airplane parts.

"How... Did he forget we have no runway to even get a plane to take off??" One of high-rank officers responds.

"He might have had went full retard mode. But he could had also just asked us If he was confused." Another says.

"Alright everyone." Liquid says as he claps his hands to get everyone's attention. "Now that's out of the way. Now I need some Information regarding our current situation outside." He says.

Nate Is then seen standing up and pulling out documents. "Well.. Regarding said situation. We've dispatch a Helicopter to scout ahead, since It's much safer than risking soldiers lives. So far via radio, they've seen city lights from afar. And hovered above the city skylines for a while before heading back to refuel." Nate explained.

"And to also estimate how far they travelled. About 21 kilometers or so. But most of the fuel spent was getting there and taking some pictures and videos." He adds.

Liquid takes a moment to think before speaking. "I've heard about exploding rocks. Anything regarding it?" He says.

"Oh yes. They can be Ignited via a primer. So In this case by grinding the rocks carefully we have an alternative to gunpower. But gunpowder still came out on top when It comes to giving the bullet velocity and power." He says. "They can also act as fuel. By mixing them with water to act as fuel. But we can also mix them with crude oil and It seems to last longer. The good thing about them Is to be used as Flamethrower Fuel for the Ruskies." He said looking between envelopes about the rock. To the multiple good points of the rock, but his got suspicions that it has too many upsides to have no downside.

"I see.. Then will use It temporarily as our fuel source. Research more about it, We need to minimize accidents as much as possible. We simply can't trust unknown resources this easy." Liquid declares.

"Do we have anything else?" Liquid says.

Everyone looks at each other and nods. "That should be all sir." Nate responded.

"All right. Give that order to everyone, and continue with fortifying the surroundings of this town." Liquid orders. He then walks up to the window and looks down upon the vast forest.


U.L.F. soldiers is seen patrolling the town. With them also planning upcoming construction of wooden Watchtowers. Their are plans for the construction of concrete walls, but is quickly disregarded due to the already stretched resources. So it's decided to be wooden as wood Is more abundant.

Bulldozers are also used In this case. To make open fields to give better visibility. Though fuel Is now accessible because of the rocks, materials aren't.

"Here.." The man lays his finger on a map that's clearly roughly sketched. "This area should be cleared more. Remove the grasses, so we can get a farm going there, I'm even more thankful for the fact we have Inside so some of you have farming experience." He states.

He then signals the man to leave, which he does before giving a salute and exiting. He sighs. "If I'm correct.. Will have to start cannibalizing vehicles for parts, or start remelting spare parts to remake It to necessary parts we need."

He then looks right back to the sketched map. "If this accurate, then theirs a city a bit far from here.. But I fear there might be repercussions If we were to make our presence known." He thought. Being an armed organization Isn't always welcomed by governments. If there Inside a country that completely forbids armed organizations. Then there fucked.

'Let's assess the current situation further first before making a move.' He thought before leaving the tent to grab a bite.


Hope you guys liked this quick Introduction to the U.L.F.