
Burnt Souls

Life can be too harsh sometimes. Living or choosing to die is always your wish. Can you live a life of misery? Would you allow yourself to love and be loved after being hated for so long? Can love truly overcome all? _________________________________________________ "Could someone who've been betrayed all life will ever fall in love?" Kace , 19 and perfect in every possible way. Academic topper, Soccer player, perfect cook, sharp and witty, not to forget the damned looks. The only thing he isn't perfect at is to love and being loved. The seemed to be playboy, the dream guy of every girl in the college, well everyone except one. Nyla Wilson, a pretty girl with half of the college hitting on her. She is another model student to beheld. Academically perfect, dancer, artist, a cheerful attitude and a personality which seem to attract almost everyone to her. Kace, an introverted person , minding his own bussiness and keeping away from everyone else ,successfully guarding his own secrets, while Nyla, cheerful , almost childish person, who has a great bunch of friends and seem to have no problem in her life. But is that so? Or is she hiding her true self behind this cheerful mask? What happens when these two opposites are stuck with each other for the next three months in a friendship deal. Will they be able to tolerate each other through their friendship deal. Will there be more? Or will they break even more? Tune in ,to find out!!

Inked_hearts007 · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

Have Your Diary

"Hey . Its Kace"I said

Silence one the other side.

"Nyla? Are you there?"

Either she is too much shocked that I called or she is fucking enjoying , testing my patience. Either way I was being pissed

"Girl, do you know how to speak ,or I have to get you enrolled into speech therapies for dumbs?"

"Huh? Of course I can speak. You fucking piece of s***! It was just a surprise that you called me. Moreover I didn't gave you my cell number"

"I took it from Mike"

"Were you that intrested in talking to me? Or wait. Are you sorry for being rude to me at campus and wanna apologize. Go ahead . I wanna hear you apologize" I could practically imagine her smirking on the other end of the call

"Are you done?" I ask , challenging her" Firstly, I won't give a shit talking to you. Secondly, I won't apologize for something I'm not wrong at. So keep your wish up to yourself. Cause I won't be apologizing, not to atleast to you, not atleast in this life"

"Ohh. Then just care to explain, why the fuck you have to call me in just half an hour time ,from the point when we decided to stay out of each other's path. And never to forget ,begging my number from a mutual friend. Huh? Tell me. What is it Kace? What does the famous Kace Scott want from a commoner like me?"

Even I didn't knew why I felt obligated to call her. I just didn't knew what got into my mind when I was calling her. I just had followed my instincts and was already regretting it

This girl was getting on my nerves, but I couldn't let her go,with a thought that I was dying to talk to her when she wouldn't give it a fuck.

I had an urge to crush her ego. Which I was surely going to do.

"Well, someone's surely mistaken here" I spoke in a teasing manner" you're correct at saying 'What does the famous Kace Scott want from a commoner like you? 'cause Kace Scott didn't called you to ask for anything. Quite opposite to give you something"

"Ohh. What is it then?"she challenged me

"Your diary"I said in a smug tone just to hear her laughing.

If it wouldn't be for these circumstances, I could have admitted that her laugh felt like music to hear. But right now ,she was laughing at me. She didn't believe me to be having her diary

I pick the brown leather book with a large oval shaped jewel on it middle of the front page and a kind of buckle on it. I open the buckle, start reading a random page.

"25th Jan 2007

It's been two years since Kayden had been out of my contacts. It was his birthd-"

"Ok ok ok. I believe you. Now shut up and don't dare read my diary again" she cuts me in between

I laugh at her sudden response.

"Kace, I mean it. Don't try to read my diary. And how the fuck in the world did you get hold of it?" The tinkle of charm and amusement in her voice was replaced by fear and hurt.

"Miss Nyla, believe me or not. I didn't intend to read it. You were the one who made me to. And about getting hold of it, your diary must have mixed with my books when we crashed"

"Whatever! I want it back as soon as possible"

"Well. I guess I'm not in any kind of debt of yours,so I expect to be treated politely"

"People who deserve to be treated politely have the privilege of my politeness. But I'm afraid you're not one of them. Now then. I want you to return my diary tomorrow before the classes start"

This girl got some guts to be talking to me like that.

"I don't think I take orders from a stranger"

"Well ,then I'm really very sorry for you. Cause I'm habitual of being in lead." She pauses for a sec and resumes" Now Kace, I want the diary back tomorrow morning. You get it?"

"Yeah. You'll have it in the morning" I huff

"Good. Also , you're not allowed to read it"

"Are you challenging me?" I ask , irritated by her sudden dominant nature

"Well,I'm sure , you're not that cheap to be going through a random girl's daily diary. If you are, then go ahead. It will be worth knowing that you're so low to read my diary without my permission"

She definitely has a way with words. She can manipulate you into a suicide and you'll feel like it's the best thing to do

There is no way I could stand in this argument. Plus she had a point.

Reading a someone's diary, whom a met half an hour ago ,is really low. Reading ANYONE'S DAIRY without permission is LOW.

So I better give in.

"Fine! I won't read it" and I hear her sigh out of relief

"Looks like you ain't so low after all. So here's a deal. Tomorrow you meet me before class return my diary and it's a good bye forever. We won't cross each other after that. Deal?"

"Deal"I sigh" You clearly hate me, don't you?" I ask

"You've got no idea" she replies in a no nonsense way and hangs up

Yes ,she is different. Different from the girls who try to hit on me for my looks. To her , my looks doesn't seem so intimidating as they are for other girls. But out of all, her sudden seriousness after I tried to read her diary completely caught me off guard. There must be something there in it, which must have been really very hard for her to bear......to share. I wonder who Kayden is and why the mention of his name made her act so unnatural.

But why am I even thinking about it? Why do I care? It's not of my bussiness

As much as I wanted to read what was in the diary, keep is aside, knowing I'm not so low to peek into someone else's life.

Tomorrow I'll return it to her and it will be the end of Kace v/s Nyla story.

I make up my mind ,to stay away from her after that.