
Burning-Hood Deviant

This world is too normal.... Day in Day out, Everyone is just living for their survival. Where's the fun in that?, Wasn't living supposed to be fun?. I need a change...No this world needs a change. And miraculously, The change i needed occurred in an unusual way. *BOOM* At that sound the world changed. 30% of the countries population awakened powers of different attributes. What do I do now that I've got the change I needed?.... There was no need to think...No matter the change....Humans are still humans. There will always be those who can't see the full picture and commit silly crimes. And also those who see the bigger picture and have bigger agenda's. But who will stop them?, Everyone is becoming the antagonist of the story without knowing... We all know a story wouldn't be balanced without someone to go against the antagonists. My eyes as the author came across a young teenage boy like all the others was one of the chosen few... Awakening fire abilities, he chose to use it for fun without knowing he is the one keeping the balance of the story. He and friend Sasuke with child like mentalities became Vigilantes. Join Them as they continue to keep the story in balance while facing increasingly stronger enemies as the story progress. Author's Note: √ Hey Author here, I rewrote the synopsis and I will be apologizing to my readers for the unpredictable release of chapter's one through forty, I had school, family issues and also I'm the only child so you should get but... I'M BACK!!, and I promise to release appropriately from now on. The release rate will be 7 chapters every two weeks please bear with me. I would really love to take down the first forty chapters as I wasn't on balance and just wrote whatever came to my on the spot cause it stakes on my mind as an author but as a person I'm leaving it on so I can use it remind my self of my growth as this is the first novel I've written. Good news...The story I've always wanted to write or had planned to write starts from chapter 41 but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read the first forty chapters, it's good being sincere, you can just call it the beginning chapter's as it just laid the ground work for the actions and main story plot of the story. Also this might sound selfish but please leave a review and umm...power stones, for my growth cause I've got two stories that I know will shake webnovel as a whole so for it to be perfect I'm going over it slowly and thoroughly, you should expect either late 2023 or early 2024. I will give you all an update when it's out cause I should be done with Burning-hood deviant before they start. Anyways thanks for being kind enough to listen to this poor authors note and complaints I really appreciate it and will do my best from now on as I keep on writing you can also you can leave a comment on ideas you have that I can implement into the stories growth. Your's Faithfully, Top_Tier. (•‿•)

TopTier7 · Acción
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45 Chs


"Hmm....Sure I accept"

"That tattoo on your left palm, The one that looks like an eye ball"

"What about it?"

"When you caught my face back in the forest you caught it with your left palm, However the eye was open then but when I came to a realization after escaping your illusion your hand was leaving my face and the eye ball was closed. So I came to an understanding that I fell into your illusion again when I looked at that palm as soon as I burnt half that hand of your left hand jacket"

"Well that was a good theory but it's wrong, That's unfortunate detective"

"No I'm right"

"And what makes you believe that"

"There's currently no eye ball tattoo on your left palm"


He exclaimed as He hurriedly looked at his left palm.

"Seeing as how you reacted it seems you didn't notice this before, Which means I am right. But you could have made it seem like I was wrong by pretending to already know and claim that there is no eye tattoo on your left palm, Something like that but your reaction just now sold you away"

'Sh*t, He tricked me this little twerp'

"Second your ability has a range of about 2 to 3 meters, If your left palm goes beyond that range it would lose its function on me, I was able to notice this when I woke up, I couldn't feel your palm on my face any more as you were already moving back when I woke up, Meaning that your body is not too far from mine really right now in the real world"

'This guy....who could have thought He was this intuitive, But I should keep calm'

"Haha that's funny but its wrong, I can extend it from where I want so the deals off"

"What do you mean off, I said if a theory was correct, I didn't say all and the first theory was correct so you should be one telling me where Momoi is"

"Sure but you should know that I have the upper hand, You can't escape like last time and I can kill you whenever I want"

"And that brings me to my 3rd and final theory...You can't kill me now, Precisely you can't leave until the target is finished so you always had your other members do your job for you how ever this time pride got to you and you told them that you would handle this your self cause you won't be able to rely on them all the time. But when I escaped the first time you tried to finish me off as you already said you would do it yourself but unexpectedly I went to your other member, You knew He wasn't loyal and would spill the beans so you killed him. Argh my mouth starting to hurt"

'This kid He's not only intuitive but He was also observing the situation'

"The only reason you were able to leave last time was because you thalamus got activated when you felt my flame, Since it was an involuntary action your focus changed but now there's no one to make you feel any sensation like pain and danger, After all we are all people who became deviants a few months ago we can't perfectly control our abilities"

"Ha..hahaha!, Now I get why 'He' wanted me to get rid off you, I thought it was weird making me kill a kid who looked as pathetic as you, Well...don't blame yourself just know that your intuitiveness killed you"

"Ohh and how are you going to kill?, You know we had a bet or are you one of those who shame humanity"

"Kid...you shouldn't forget that I'm the one in charge before you begin to lecture me"


"Do you think you can handle dying a thousand times over and over again?, Cause if you can I will be willing to tell you"





J-Just now...my entire body tore into pieces at the snap of his finger, I couldn't even scream just now and the pain...God T-The pain was immense, But now it is like it didn't happen, like time went back one second before He snapped

"Haha look at your face, Look at how terrified your eyes look. So how was it?...how did it feel to die while all your limbs were ripped out at the same time not even being able to scream, TERRIFYING WASN'T IT?!!!, Since I've been letting you run your mouth however you wished..BUT I'M STILL THE WHO WINS!!"



"HAH! the scream, How did it feel to die while being marched by a train and scream to death only to wake as if it never even happened"

"Was...Was that death"

"Yes and it's one of the most painful ones possible*SNAP*"



"Dying a thousand times over and over and over*SNAP*, And over untill you die in your main body*SNAP*. Your body might be able to handle the stress of dying over and over and over*Snap* But your mind can't, The more death you experience*SNAP*the more stress is accumulated into your brain which can cause shock*SNAP*leading to either death*SNAP*, Paralysis*SNAP*, Or even amnesia*SNAP* the last person I got was a Deviant that can generate light*SNAP* He was able to survive 47 snaps*SNAP* but he still died in the end*SNAP*"

'KAAAAHHHHHH!!!....This pain it's too much'



Everytime he snaps his finger*SNAP* I die one way or another *SNAP*I'm either run by a train,*SNAP* crushed by a large building made of concrete as it falls flat on you, *SNAP*burnt by being too close to the sun, *SNAP*zapped by a power plant and he solated in the middle of a jungle with wild animal and they all rush at you ripping you apart at the same time without even being able to scream out, *SNAP* It makes me feel like I'm losing my mind*SNAP*. NO!, I promised Momoi that I will protect her at all times I can't lose myself, I have to find a way to escape this, I need to think, Come on think, THINK!! *SNAP* KUAAAAAA!!!...'

"This is getting boring*SNAP*SNAP*SNAP*"


"HAHAHA!!..., Hey kid why are you shouting when there's nothing there or could it be YOU DIED THRICE IN AN INSTANT HAHAHA!!. This is why my ability should be one of the best in the world*SNAP*I mean I can literally make peoples mind show them what I want it to show them, HAHA!!*SNAP*"

"GUAAAAHHH!!...I see"

"Huh? did you say something probably not since you're doing nothing but screaming*SNAP*SNAP*SNAP*SNAP*"


"Huh?, So you are dead already I knew this was taking so long"

He fell on his knee at first then fell face flat hitting his nose on the floor.

'Phew, My thumb is starting to get numb from all the snapping. *SIGH*now I can go....huh?, Why isn't this world fading away is he really dead?'

He rushed walking towards Akasuki to check then something unexpected happened, A punch from below his jaw hits him.

'HAHAHA!!...it worked just as I imagined'

"What?, Why are you able to stand?"

"HA!, It's all in my head dude, Say have you ever got hit by a fist the size of a room before?"



He gets hit by an invisible fist the size of a room and crash lands on a building to my right, He creates a large hole as He breaks through the wall from the force.

"We aren't done yet you psycho"

Miraculously within the building the floor sinks down like a trampoline and shoots him up with an insane force. The force was enough for him to bust through all the floors of the seven story building. However a large tornado of flames was hovering in the sky above that building and it caught him in.


The distance between us is far a little but I could still hear his scream fade as he burns to death. The tornado of flames dissipates into the air, I made his body appear before like how he did to me after He makes me experience death like it never even happened.


He vomits a large amount of blood from his as He staggered and lands on his palm.

"Say have you ever seen an M134 Mini-Gun?"


"Judging by your reaction you haven't, Well there's always a first time for everything right"



The minute I finished those words two rotary six barrel machine gun gets created to my left and right hand side out of flame until it became how it really looks like, they shifted an faced the guy got me trapped in an illusion and they started shooting at the same time in a Gatling style firing around three thousand rounds per minute.