
Chapter 40: You cannot decide to let yourself be consumed by death without killing me as well.

Angelique's POV

With every step we took in the passageway, I felt the pain in my stomach getting sharper and sharper. I didn't know what it meant or what to do with it so I decided to just ignore it while I could still endure. The last thing I need is for this baby to come in the middle of a battle.

"Your majesty," said one of my guards, "We've reached the center."

I looked up to see that we had. Everyone was there safe and secure. Alicent came running towards me, wrapping me around her tight embrace. The poor child must've been scared.

"Are you alright?" I asked, noticing the scratch on her right arm. She must've stubbornly fought someone while they were being evacuated. "What happened to your arm?"

"They were going to kill Nala," she explained, "I had to do something. This scratch is just the small sacrifice of saving my friend's life."

Judging by the look on Alicent's once-sweet face, she must've slain the person who attacked her friend. I know that look very well; it's the look of your first kill. She was trembling. I looked into her eyes before hugging her tight.

"You did what you can to survive, my sweet girl," I said, trying to soothe her with words. "It was either the enemy or your friend. You did what you thought was right and you survived. The important thing right now is that you're safe. You're all safe. They were the ones who initiated the attack so there's nothing you should be guilty of."

I pulled away, meeting the eyes of my subjects. Everyone is shaken by the situation. "I need to tell you something," I said, "The maps given to you are false. There isn't just one path at the end of this; there are two. I want all of you to follow the passage to Diamond Fortress going forth. I will take the other path."

Everyone's faces were mortified at what I just said. Maidservant Rose came forth, shaking her head in disbelief. "Princess, no," she says, taking my hands. "You cannot go. You must be with us where it's safe. I know that if we are discovered, we have another passage that will lead us to safety. Please come with us." She too was trembling in fear and worry. She swore to Damien to stay by my side. I can't let her do that knowing that she cannot defend herself. The last kindness I will give Damien is sparing the woman who raised him and the sister he lost eleven years ago.

"Princess," Alicent adds, teary-eyed. "Please come with us. It isn't safe for you to venture into the woods alone. You're pregnant."

I shook my head in response. "Guards," I commanded, "I order you to escort every civilian to safety. That is my decree as the future Queen of White and as the princess of this nation. No exceptions." I looked at my chief of guards and added, "I will take her with me. Do not fret."

It appears that everyone knew the possible outcome of my decision. They all knelt down before me, bowing all the way to the ground as though they were bidding farewell. They stayed like that for about a minute before I dismissed them.

"Where does the passage lead to?" asked my guard.

"The woods," I replied, leading the way. "The enemy will most likely find us on this path. If you wish to turn back, I will allow it. Tell them that I commanded you to escort them at the last minute."

"Why are you doing this, Princess?" she asked sternly, "I've known you for a long time and you always chose your battles. That's the reason why you never lost. If you lose tonight, you will die. Is that the outcome you want?"

I stopped in my tracks, facing her with cold dead eyes. "Yes," I confessed, "Perhaps I have given up in life. When we were in the castle, I thought of fighting to survive this... But as we made our way to meet the others, I thought about the peace death would bring me. You know me, chief. We've trained together a lot... I did everything to fulfill my duty to the crown. But after every effort and sacrifice I've made, still, it wasn't enough. I was like a sacrificial lamb sold to marry Damien Cross whom I saw as an enemy! After being married and touched by the person I saw as an enemy, everyone pressured me into cooking up the baby inside of me. This is not the life I wanted."

She surprisingly embraced me, crying silently. As she pulled away, I could see the pity in her eyes. "I apologize for the pain you feel," she says, "I know you didn't ask for all this. With all honesty, I was baffled when I found out you were to marry Damien instead of Jonah. I am deeply sorry for the fate you're in... But I ask you as a friend you've known for a long time to please reconsider and live. I am one of the knights your family trusts the most; I know about the plan to kill your husband."

My mouth fell open. I suppose there really is no turning back since even my chief of guards knows about the assassination plan... Judging by the look on her face, she is more than ready to murder Damien.

"I am your loyal servant, your grace," she says, kneeling down. "You cannot decide to let yourself be consumed by death without killing me as well." She unsheathed her sword, handing it to me. "If you want to die then you must kill me too."

I sighed, shaking my head. "Thank you for your concerns, my dear friend... For that and your life, I will give mine a second chance. I will ask for something in return. Should anything happen; when it's either you or me... I want you to choose your own life."

"Yes," she swore, bowing her head.

We then proceeded to walk. There was an eerie silence around us. At the end of this passageway is the dark woods. People usually avoid that route at night except for my cousins, the Malachites. The passage to the dark woods is set between House Claw and House Malachite. Whoever comes to our aid first would be a relative therefore I will be safe.

"Ah," I flinched, clutching unto my stomach. The pain sharpened even more than before and I could feel the liquid pouring out from my canal. This isn't good. The baby is coming and there's no midwife. I bit my lip, trying my best not to make a sound.

"Your grace," the chief panicked, holding me. "The baby is coming?"

I nodded, holding onto her. "Unfortunately, the baby will come tonight or at dawn. We have to get to the end of this passage. We can't go back; it's too late. We need to find my cousins."

Chief nodded, helping me walk. I was practically limping as we walked hurriedly out of the door. As we reached the wood, I looked up at the moonlit sky. The woods seem to be at peace. There was no trace of anyone here. We were safe at least.

"Do you know the way?" she asked me, laying me down to rest by a tree.

I shook my head. "Even if we knew where it was, we wouldn't make it in time without being on horseback or carriage. The worst case is that they don't find us first... But I did write to my cousins that this is the route I'd be taking. I asked them to send troops to our aid and to Diamond Fortress. As for House Claw, I informed them as well and asked for troops to send in Palace White to end the battle there."

"Will you be alright?" she asked hesitantly, holding my hand. "I am scared for you."

"How the bloody hell do you think I feel?" I asked, furrowing my brows. "Friend, I can feel the contractions inside my body; I am in excruciating pain! I wish you no discomfort should you decide to settle down and have a family."

She was as pale as the moon above. Sounds of horses and troops then started to fill the space around us. "Sh," I said, laying low. "We're surrounded. We don't know if it's enemy troops or not."

"I will fight them," she says bravely, unsheathing her sword.

"No," I said, taking her hand. "You promised to choose your life, chief. There's no bloody way you're breaking that promise."

The footsteps grew louder and louder until they stopped. Soon after, a calm voice called unto us and I knew we were safe. "Princess Angelique," he called with a soothing soft voice. He ran immediately to me, holding my hands.

I smiled, holding his as well. "Conner," I said, resting my forehead against his. "You came."

"I couldn't let you have all the fun," he said, lifting me up without a hint of trouble. He carried me in his arms with a warm smile on his face. "You've always been a warrior, but I think you took it a step too far this time."

"Conner, my people," I said, holding him tightly.

"They're safe," he assured me, "Don't worry, Angelique. Everything's been taken care of. You're wet; your water broke. Let's get you somewhere safe to deliver the baby, yeah?"

I nodded. I'm safe. My people's safe. All there's left is to deliver this baby and everything will be okay. Unfortunately, this is how it all turned out. I was supposed to meet Conner when I'm well and fit; not a hot mess like I am now. He must feel uncomfortable.

"I got you, Angelique," he says, "You'll be fine."

I nodded, saying, "I trust you, Conner."