
Chapter 21: She will be my downfall.

Damien's POV

It has been over a month since I left to fight in this dreadful war. Angelique's been pregnant for a month and a half now. She wrote to me some time ago. I have yet to respond to it. I don't know how to respond to it. When I left, I felt like something inside me broke down. I just told myself it was because of the baby growing inside of her. After a while of being here, I felt like my old self—strong and heartless. I didn't feel anything for Angelique at all. I realized that I must've just gotten used to her company. Now, I know better.

Silver told me that I became this strong because of my new family. I suppose part of it was right. I have become more lethal because of the son growing inside my wife's belly. I want nothing more than to protect him. I wasn't able to protect my mom, but I know I'm more than capable of protecting my child. I will do whatever it takes to cut down my enemies and protect the realm I am to raise him in. That is the vow I make for him.

The war hasn't been kind. Countless people have died in battle. Innocent people and soldiers. I have asked the soldiers left to protect the realm to start training women as Angelique advised. This suggestion might just save us from losing.

"Knock knock," said Silver, entering my tent. He looked ratched and tired like everyone else. "It's been days since Her Majesty's letter arrived. Will you truly not respond? You may cause her distress if you don't give a reply. That wouldn't be good for the baby."

I hate hearing that. They always use the baby as an excuse for me to treat Angelique more kindly. I will admit that I treated her kindly when we moved from the Estate to her home with my own will. No one forced me to. It just felt right to do so because she's my wife and the mother of my future child. But now, all I've been hearing was "give her a reply" "Angelique this" and "the baby that." I feel suffocated!

"Son?" he called, passing me a cup of wine. "Do you still not love her?"

"No," I replied, chugging on the wine. "I loathe her, Silver. She may have seduced me into bed, but she's just like every other whore I've lain with. There's nothing special about her other than the fact that she's carrying my child."

He looked disappointed. Very disappointed. "I suppose you mean to tell me that you put a baby inside her only because it's your duty. Have you really not felt anything for her?"

"I did," I confessed, "I felt something the evening before I left her. I felt like I needed her, Silver. I cannot feel such things, or it shall be the beginning of my downfall. That night, I felt her warmth, and I knew that she felt something between us too."

"So you do love her?" he asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I clutched my hair in frustration. "I don't know," I said, "But I know that it will never happen again. Angelique White is a dangerous girl. She will be my downfall. From this day forth, she is nothing to me other than an object I possess. I only use her for my pleasure, creating heirs, and nothing more." I sipped on the wine, adding, "And if she does give birth to a girl, I will make her feel like she's in hell. I will not stop until she bears me a proper heir."

He sighed in defeat, not willing to argue. It took me by surprise since he usually puts on a good argument. "I can't have a word with you regarding this," he said, "You're a grown man and you're married to a princess who'll one day inherit the White throne. I will not force my opinions on you as I did when you were young. But soon, I will be here if you're ready to talk or seek guidance." With that said, he left my tent. It has me wondering if he came all the way here just to talk about my wife.

I had to think. I already made up my mind to keep things strictly business with Angelique. But what if I can use her to my advantage? I have made every single girl fall in love with me. Making Angelique mine shouldn't be impossible. Besides, she already showed signs that she cares about me. If she falls in love with me, I can easily influence her decisions as queen and have her in the palm of my hands. It's what my parents expect from me, after all. But I need to be cautious. Love is the most dangerous weapon—that I'm sure of.

I whipped out a fresh piece of parchment and a pen.

To my wife Angelique,

Forgive me for taking too long to respond to you. I can imagine you now rolling your eyes. You must think I'm also foolish for writing back to you, but I cannot help it either. I also wish to hear from you.

I know that the people are keeping you in the dark about what's happening beyond your palace walls. Please believe that it's for the best. We're only doing this to protect you and the child you're carrying. I will let you know that I appreciate your suggestion regarding the training of women. I have expedited it, and soon we will have female troops ready to fight in battle.

Now, I want you to stay out of politics and war as of this moment. I should not want you to be in distress or tired because of this stupid war. I want you to do what it is that makes you happy. Enjoy yourself. Think of it as a vacation instead of a duty you're trying to fulfill. Our baby's life is in your hands. Please think of this whenever you find yourself working and tiring yourself.

I am glad to hear about your growing belly. Do not worry. I shall think you're still beautiful even if you stay plump as a melon. Also, do not trouble yourself, thinking about the baby's gender. Our child is our child. If the child is a girl, then so be it. There are things that are beyond our control, and I accept that. We can always try again and again to create a boy. What matters is that you deliver this baby healthy.

I think of you and our child every day. Dare I say I think about our previous activities every night. The way you touch me and satisfy my needs. Every night, before I sleep, I think of us—the bond we shared before and after we found out we finally succeeded. I wonder if you think of it too.

Anyway, as the time passes, the harder it gets to find time to write to you. Please do not worry if you fail to receive any letter from me. Just know that I am making my way back to you and our baby.

Your husband,

Damien Cross

I sealed the letter in an envelope and sealed it with my royal seal. I should think that this letter is enough to tug at her heart. She is no ordinary girl, after all. She's as strong as the weeds growing in our garden. She's also as stubborn as I am. For sure, she will try her best to resist me, but I won't give up. I will have her.

I heard rumors about Jonah, the prince of Polaris. People say that he's long been in love with my wife. Even now, as she's pregnant with my child, he still deeply cares for her. I heard he even offered to get rid of me at some point. What a loser.

I exited my tent, making my way to the tent where my meeting with the other generals was. There were six in total in my camp; I, Silver, Prince Jonah of Polaris, Prince Lee of Noir, General Henry of Wolf, and lastly, General Brick of Everson. They were already there, waiting for me.

"Gentlemen," I greeted.

"Late as always," Jonah comments, shaking his head, "So let's hear it now. What is the plan?"

"The rebels will try to invade one of the provinces in the east of Wolf. The province called Moonroad," I said, "Because of that, I want to appoint General Henry to lead the defense. He knows the place well, so he will direct us to the best locations to set our post."

"Yes, your majesty," Henry accepts, bowing lightly.

"I have already alerted the province and the women who were already trained to join the army," I said, "The women will be there ready to defend and evacuate civilians. Their job is to keep the people safe; ours is to keep the rebels from invading. We mean to kill every single one of them by all means necessary."

Jonah slammed his fists on the table. "I object," he said, "I believe we should grant them a chance to surrender. There's no need to spill unnecessary blood!" He acts so noble and righteous. What a joke! No wonder he's called the most charming prince.

I laughed, applauding. "Prince Jonah, I suppose you haven't been to a real battle before," I said, "What you suggest is simply stupid. What they did—going against us—is treason. It was already betrayal in the first place. If we spare them and get them to our side, who's to say they won't do it again? We cut them down to secure our victory. We can't risk anything. We do what it takes to win."

"You mean to kill them even if they surrender just because of your paranoia?" he growled, "How would you feel if they barge into your castle and find your family? What if Angelique surrenders and they refuse? What if they decide to kill your family? How would you feel?"

"That, Prince Jonah, is war," I said emotionless.

Henry patted his shoulder. "I'm sure your heart is in the right place, Prince Jonah," he says, "But Prince Damien is right. We have to cut them down. This is the price of war. If you can't handle it, then I advise you humbly to please return home."

That was enough to shut Jonah up the entire meeting. It didn't take a long time for the meeting to pass. Soon, everyone left to prepare their people for the next steps. Jonah was the only one left in the tent with me.

"That was some show you put on," I said mockingly.

"You don't care if Angelique dies, do you?" he replied, drinking his wine. "What kind of husband are you?"

"Keep my wife's name out of your mouth," I said sternly, "This isn't personal, Jonah. This is war; get that through your stubborn head. If Angelique dies, she dies as a casualty in this war. Some things cannot be controlled. There will be bloodshed be it mine or theirs. Don't be a wimp."

"I thought you finally cared about her," he said.

I laughed, shaking my head. "Angelique is merely an object that I own. I have her to my pleasure in any way that I please," I said, "You can watch as much as you want, but you will never have my wife."

He threw a punch at me, hitting my gut. He was completely enraged.

I chuckled, punching him back on the cheek. "Do well to know your place!" I growled, "Have at least the decency to keep your feelings towards my wife a secret! She is married to me. You will never have her."

"Not if you're dead," he threatens coldly. The look in his eyes changed. He had the intent to kill. I could feel his wrath circling me.

I smirked, replying, "That's a threat huh?" We'll see how this story unfolds. Jonah of Polaris, Angelique will be your downfall. The love you feel for her is the weapon I have against you.