

Eraser Head was rasing through the forest to see where the scream came from. He notices a decent amount of blood on the ground. He went to investigate, and assumed it was that of Lyrin's. He found a small trail of blood leading further into the forest and decided to follow it. As it went on there was only little drops here and there. Eventually there was none. No longer having a trail to follow he thought he would look around.

Soon enough he found a small wooden house. There was a strong pressure coming from inside. Eraser Head circled around the house trying to find out were is came from. When he did find it, he saw Lyrin being consumed by black flames. As soon as he did Eraser Head's hair flew up and Lyrin passed out, but was caught my Bran's quirk. The cloud started moving away with Lyrin on it and the two men followed.

After investigating the house a bit more Eraser Head found that it would be easy to get Lyrin out. The room she was in had a window that Lyrin would be able to fit through. If needed, Eraser Head would be able to help her. For now he would wait for her to get some rest and go tell the others.


Lyrin woke, once again, in the same small room. It took her a second to remember what had happened. When she did a horrifying feeling came over her. It was terriying when she was covered in those flames. Thinking about it made her remember how it was controlled. Eraser Head had been there! He used his quirk on her to get her in control. This made Lyron hopefull, for now someone knows where she is. Maybe I'll be saved, Lyrin thought.

Her whole body hurt, so she was hoping to get some rest for now. She hadn't even gotten up so no noise was made. Not making any noise she turned to get herself comfortable. She didn't want to fall asleep just incase help came. Being able to rest for a bit was nice. The last two days of been quite eventful, especially compared to Lyrin's normal life.

After a while, Raden walked into the room Lyrin was in. Lyrin pretended she was asleep so they would not bother her. She was far too exhausted to be bossed around by them. Except Lyrin was so tired that she almost fell asleep again. By then, she was starting to lose hope of being saved. Not knowing whether she would be saved or not was troublesome. She could wait forever and never be saved or she could do something to save herself. She didn't think twice before choosing what to do. Lyrin was going to get herself out of there.

Lyrin quietly got up and walked over to the window. She would not be able to get out without help from someone or something. Lyrin wondered if she was able to form claws on her hands. She never tried, but is she could she may be able to climb the wall to the window. Looking at her hands she activated her quirk and focused on forming claws. Soon enough black claws formed on her hands. They were similar to what her black wings were made of.

I'll try to update ever Thursday and Saturday from now on. Maybe Sunday occasionally if I've the time.

TimeZ_Voidcreators' thoughts