
Moving On

After Eraser Head and the police came to the house in the woods, everything started to move smoothly. Lyrin got taken to a hospital and Bran and Raden were arrested. Raden did end up getting his wounds healed, and Bran was not wounded. Shade begged to see his daughter but was unable to. He was soon arrested as well. Lyrin never got any visits from anyone, but she wasn't sad about it. She didn't know anyone anyways. It was actually quite nerve wrecking for Lyrin to be in such a large place with so many people.

When Lyrin was finally aloud out of her ward, she only ever left to walk around a bit. No one really tried talking to her. If they did she wouldn't say anything. A lot of the time she was lost in thought. Thinking about what had happened. Lyrin has never really felt real fear, but now that she has its the only thing on her mind. Everytime she thought of Bran, she felt fear run through her brain. She felt hate for him, because he stripped her of her wings, but the fear of him overpowered it.


Lyrin would sometimes just wonder around the hospital. She got to see new things. It wasn't easy for her to cope with all the people, so she often tried to avoid them. I'm getting bored im this hospital, Lyrin thought. She closed her eyes for a second and continued walking.

"I wonder what I will do when I get put of here, where I will go," she said to herself. Lyrin saw a girl walking in her direction but decided to keep walking this time. The girl had a blue shirt on and some jeans. Her hair was to her shoulder, and was a pitch black color. The girl looked like she was struggling. Lyrin stoped of a second to look at her. The girl kept walking forward, but she started to slow.

"Is someone there?" she asked. Lyrin didn't say anything.

"Fine then," she said. The girl felt for the wall and, when she found it she started walking a bit faster. In front of her was an empty cart, and she ended up running into it.

Feeling pity for the girl Lyrin asked

"Are you ok?" The girl looked around trying to find Lyrin.

"Oh so you can talk, and anyways why do you care?"

"I don't know," Lyrin said, "Maybe because you just ran into something."

"Well you try walking around blind," the girl said. She now had eyes on Lyrin.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you're blind," Lyrin said back to her. She looked into the girls eyes abd realized they were pure white.

"What are you going to pity me now or something?" the girl asked.

"Hmm? No I wouldn't do that. I would like to know your name though." For some reason Lyrin felt intrigued by this girl and wanted to get to know her.

"I'm Zayren, how about you?"

"You can call me Lyrin. Its nice to meet you Zayren."

"Yeah you to."

"Where are you headed to?" Lyrin asked.

"Oh I, uh I was just walking around"

Suddenly a Lyrin saw a man walking towards her and Zayren.

"Is someone coming?" Zayren asked.

"Yes someone is walking towards us," Lyrin said. Zayren sighed.

"Do you mind hiding me for a second?" Zayren asked.

"Oh? I guess I can."

"Thank you," Zayren said.

As the man got closer Lyrin realized she knew the man. He had come into Lyrin's room occasionally to give her a check up. Seeing that she knew him Lyrin got an idea. She walked over the the man.

"Hello doctor," Lyrin said.

"Oh hi Lyrin, nice to see you being a bit more social."

"Yeah, I'm trying my best to get used to this."

"Well don't worry, you'll get there soon, and no one is rushing you," the doctor said.

"Thanks doctor."

"Yes, see you later Lyrin, for your check up." The doctor started walking again, and when Lyrin looked back Zayren was gone.