
A bit of change

Lyrin, didn't think much of Zayren's disappearance. She just hoped she would get to see her again. Zayren has been the only person Lyrin has really talked to on her own so far. It was her happy thinking about it. It gave her more confidence. She was going to try and talk to some people.

Lyrin walked back to her ward. She just stood around for a bit them went back to her bed.

"This is so boring," Lyrin said, "Just sitting around everyday nothing to do."

"It is quite boring isn't it?" Lyrin turned to see who said that and found Zayren standing there.

"Wait how did you get here?" Lyrin asked.

"Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't find my way around," Zayren said

"Ok well then why are you here?" Lyrin asked.

"Because I'm bored and don't know anyone else."

"Well you don't really know me either," Lyrin said.

"Well I know you name and that's enough for me," Zaryen said.

"Ok but what do you plan on doing here?" Lyrin asked.

"You see its almost dark and I think it would be nice to get out of here. That is if your willing to join."

"Of course I will!" Lyrin said with excitement. "Really? I didn't take you for the kind of person to do this," Zaryen said.

"Don't judge a book by its cover or you'll never get to see what's inside."

"Alright then, meet me at the front when it's dark, we can leave then."

"Ok, oh wait-" Lyrin wanted to ask her something but Zayren was suddenly gone. Well at least I can get out of here now, Lyrin thought.


Finally it's dark. Lyrin has asked for her own clothes and and was finally able to get them. Lyrin got up and made sure no one was coming. She quietly walked out of her room and headed for the exit. Lyrin saw the doctor walking in her directions. She didn't turn around or try to hide. Instead she walked up to him.

"Hello again doctor." Lyrin didn't want to look suspicious.

"Hi Lyrin, where are you headed to this late?" he asked.

"Oh I was just going to the restroom."

"So far from your ward?"

"Yeah I wanted to walk around a bit more before I go to sleep."

"Ok well don't be long," the doctor said.

"I won't, bye," Lyrin said and then walked away. Lyrin finally got outside, and had no more disruptions.

When she did she saw Zayren waiting for her.

"You know your pretty smart," Zayren said.

"What do you mean?" Lyrin asked.

"I saw the way you got past that doctor, quick thinking."

"Wait how did you see me?"

Sorry it's late, and short

TimeZ_Voidcreators' thoughts