

Habiibah46 · Ciudad
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13 Chs


Selena decided to go to her sister Yolanda for help.Yolanda had a daughter, Monah still in the same age as Zoe but she was also a single mother like Selena.

Yolanda...I will let you stay here with your children but in return for that, you have to do all the house work here.

Zoe...Why would she do that? If you decided to help us then do that.

Selena...Stop it Zoe.Dont mind her, she just speaks whatever crosses her mind.

Yolanda...Okay, i will.show you your rooms.

She called Monah to greet them.

Monah...But mum, why did you bring them here? Why do people come to you when they are in need, we are not a charity foundation.

Zoe...What did you say?

Selena...Enough Zoe.

They were taken to their bedrooms, Zoe and Diego's bedroom were next to eachother.Selena always did the housework, Monah never liked them and she always ignored them.Zoe and Diego always spent time together because they loved eachother alot.

Years passed and Zoe was already 18years, Diego was 12years.

Zoe attended the same school with Monah though they acted as strangers.Zoe always went to school with Diego and it was her first day at highschool.

Selena...Welcome back my dears.

Monah...Am going to my bedroom so dont bother me.

Zoe...It wasnt mum though its my first time as a highschooler.

Diego...I wish i was in the same age as you Zoe, I want to study in the same class with you.

Zoe...I also wish for that but you that its not possible.

Selena...Am so glad that you always get along, am so proud of my dears that even your all grown up.

Zoe...Thats because we have the best mum in the whole world.

Diego...We love you mum.

They hugged their mum and ate what she had prepared for them.After they went to their rooms and later Diego went to Zoe's room.Zoe and Diego were very very very pretty and attractive, people always admired them.

Zoe...Hurry Diego, sit here on my bed.The live is about to start.

Diego...Luckily am on time.

Zoe and Diego were Armies who stanned BTS and they never wanted to miss their live shows or any news about them.

Zoe...Wow! Jhope dyed his hair gye, he looks so damn hot with that color.Am going to ask mum so that i dye my hair like his.

Diego...Your right, he looks cool.Check out V's outfit.Its so damn perfect.

Zoe...Everything about these guys is perfect.

Diego...After their live, lets watch RUN BTS ep98.I wanna watch it again.

Zoe...Tell me about it, these guys are really funny.

They watched the live and the episode they wanted to see again.Diego after went to his room.They went to school together as usual.

Zoe...See you dude.

Diego...Okay, later.

Zoe....Dont forget that we have to practice IDOL choreos after lessons.

Diego...When it comes to the Bangtan boys, you know i cant forget about it.

They parted ways and went to class.Monah made friends already since people knew that her mum was rich.Zoe entered the classroom and all boys focused on her since she was very pretty.She went and sat down and started listening to BTS songs through her headsets.Henry went and sat near her.He was her friend when they were still young but he couldnt recognise her.

Henry...Hy.Do you mind if i sit here?

Zoe paused the song and turned her face to look at Henry.

Zoe...Sorry, what did you say?

Henry...OMG! Wooowww!!!


Henry didnt see Zoe's face clearly at first but when he saw it, he was amazed by her beauty and he fell for her that very moment.

Henry....I...i...i...can i sit next to you? I mean if the seat isnt reserved.

Zoe...Sure, i also came here yesterday and no was sitting here so just sit.

Henry...Thanks, by the way am Henry.Nice to meet you.

Zoe...Am Zoe, nice to meet you too.

They didnt mind their names since it was years since they last met.Zoe continued playing her music, Monah saw Henry.

Monah...Who is thag guy? His so hot.

Girl...His name is Henry and his also new here.

Monah...I see, why is he sitting next to that girl? I want him for sure, his my type.

Monah shamelessly went to talk to Henry.Zoe saw her and didnt mind coz she also didnt like her.

Monah...Hy, my name is Monah.


Monah...Aren't you squeezed here? Why not come and sit near me coz their is alot of free space.

Henry...(I cant leave this seat, some other guy will come and take Zoe from me).Dont worry, am fine.

Monah...I dont think you would want to get close to that girl because she is not simple.

Henry...I came here to study not to check simplicity.Excuse me.

Monah left angrily and went back to her seat.The teacher entered to teach.Their was a knock on the door.

Tracy...Am sir for coming late.It wont happen again.

Teacher...I will forgive you but this is the last time.Come in.

Tracy...Thank you sir.

Tracy entered the classroom and Zoe saw her, her eyes widen and her jaw dropped to see that she is now attending the same school with Tracy.Henry noticed it.

Henry...Do you know that girl? I dont mean to interfere but you looked suprised when you saw her.

Zoe....I dont know her, she just looked familiar.

Tracy sat next to Monah.The teacher saw Henry and Zoe talking.

Teacher...You two stand up, why are you talking when am teaching?

They stood up and Tracy saw Zoe, she was also shocked.

Tracy...Sh*t! Why did i come to the same school as that brat?

Monah...Do you know her?

Tracy...I do, she and her mum used to leech on my dad and after they ran away.I hate them.

Monah...They are staying at our house and her mum is our maid.So they have lived their lives depending on other people? Am Moah btw.

Tracy...Am tracy.The enemy of my enemy is my friend.Nice to meet you bestie.

They shook hands and became friends that moment only because they both didnt like Zoe.

Teacher...Wow! Are you from this class? You look like a contestant of mrs.world nack in 1998.She was very very pretty but unfortunately she got pregnant and was dismissed from the competition.Men all around the world had a crush on her and wished to date her including myself.You really look alot like her.

You can both sit.

Henry...(How shameless of this stupid man to say such flirty words to her infront of the whole class?!) Thanks to you looks that the teacher spared us.

Zoe...But he wont spare us if he catches us talking again.

Henry...Your right.

Monah...She is not even that pretty but people overreact when they see her.

Tracy...Tell me about it girllll...But who is that guy sitting next to her?

Monah...His name is Henry.

Tracy...Do they know eachother?

Monah...No they dont, he just sat their.

Tracy...I see, his so handsome.

Both Tracy and Monah had a crush on Henry but both hid it from eachother because they wanted him for themselves.After lessons, Zoe hurriedly went to go and meet his brother to practice the choreos.Henry went after her and found her.



Henry...Can we be friends?


Henry...You really walk fast, i had to run to catchup with you.

Diego saw them and went to them.

Diego...Sup, lets go Zoe.Is.....he your boyfriend?

Henry...No, am Henry her friend.

Diego...Am Diego his brother.

Henry....Can i tag along coz am not busy and i dont want to go home yet.

Zoe...Only if you know BTS.

Henry...I dont but i dont mind.

Diego...We going to to Zack's gym to learn IDOL choreos.He is Zoe's friend so he allows us to use his gym since he also loves BTS like us.

Zoe...You will tell him that your bias is jhope, rm, v, suga, kookie, jin or jimin.

Henry...What was that?

Diego...Just learn one name then he will let you join us.

Henry...What was it again???.... Anhaaa...its V just like the letter.Why are they many? Am really not into kpop but i've heard about BTS.

Diego...Good, lets go then.

Monah and Tracy saw them and felt angry and jelous.Both secretly liked Henry bur hid it from eachother.Henry went with Diego and Zoe to change their clothes and he waited outside the gate.Monah was coming back home and saw him, she ran and went to him.

Monah...What a coincidence to find you outside my home.

Henry...Do you live here?

Monah...Ofcourse, i live here.

Henry...Are you related to Zoe?

Momah...Not really, her mum is our maid and we the ones who take care of their everything.


Monah...What does that mean?

Henry...Why? Do you want to give it a meaning?

Monah...Anyway,.lets be friends and hangout together sometime.

Zoe and Diego cameout.

Henry...Sorry but no.

Zoe...Lets go guys.

Monah...You are going with them?

They ignored her and left.Tracy went back home and told her dad about seeing Zoe.

Bob...What about Diego? Did you see my son?

Tracy...I didnt.

Bob...That filthy woman had the nerve to take away my son from me!! I will get him back.

Tracy...Do you think he still loves you after seeing what you did to her mum? He will never agree to move in with you dad.

Bob...I dont care, his the only person who is going to run my business when i die.

Tracy...What about me dad?

Bob...Your just a girl and he is my only son.

Diego, Henry and Zoe started training but Henry couldnt stop looking at Zoe's body.Diego noticed it and later their training ended.

Diego...Am thirsty Zoe.

Zoe...I will go and bring water for all of us.

Diego purposely chased away Zoe because he wanted to talk to Henry.

Diego...I know that you like my sister

Henry...I...i...i...how did you know? Is it that obvious?

Diego...I might be young but i know how we guys act when we like a girl so dont even deny it.

Henry...Its true dude.Does she have a boyfriend? Do i stand a chance?

Diego...She doesnt have a boyfriend coz she focuses her life on me, mum and BTS.

Henry...She must really love BTS.

Diego...Very much.If you want to upset her then say something bad about them.

Henry...Then will you help me win her?

Diego...Sure thing.I always wanted her to date a hot guy like you unless your a villain hidden in a nice body.

Henry...No, am a very nice person.

Diego...Then you have my back.

Diego and Henry bonded quickly and became friends.Zoe brought them water and after they left.Henry didnt want to leave her side and he spent the whole thinking about her and learning about BTS.In the morning, Zoe told her mum and Diego about Tracy.

Selena...OMG! Ignore her dear because we all know that she is bad.You too son, even though she is your sister.

Diego...You and Zoe are my only family so dont worry mum.

She served them breakfast and after they went to school.Zoe sat down listening to BTS songs as usual.Henry came and she paused the song.

Henry...Hy Zoe.

Zoe...Hy Henry.

Henry...Kim namjoon, Kim Taeyung, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Seok Jin and Min Yoongi.

Zoe...Hahahaha....now you know them?

Henry...I do, aren't you happy?

Zoe...Am very happy that now i have an Army friend who even sits next to me.Diego has been my only Army friend whom i only discuss BTS with, but now i have you too.

Henry...Who is your bias?

Zoe...Actually i love them all equally but if you insist then its jhope and RM.But i love them all so much.

Henry...What song of theirs is your favourite?

Zoe...Life Goes On.


Zoe...Because its very nice and it comforts me through the sad and happy times i go through.Once you get to know what they meant, then you will surely love it too.

Henry...Now am more than curious to findout what the words meant.If only they knew they had a huge fan like you, they would be very proud.

Zoe...One thing am sure of, all true Armies in the world love them like me and Diego do.

Henry...Do you have a crush on any of them.

Zoe...Not anymore.At first, i had a crush on RM but not anymore.I just pray that they live a happy normal life and marry pretty woman then have kids who are as nice as them.

Henry...Wow...wow...wow!! From now on, i stan BTS and am an Army for life.


Tracy entered in class and went to them.

Tracy...Hy sister, Long time dear.How have you been?

Zoe...Are you really concerned?? Just leave me alone.

Tracy...I will, after all am here for Henry.

Zoe...Me?? Why?? What do you want from me??

Tracy...I like you.

Henry...Well i dont.

A guy went to them.

Guy...Hy Zoe, can we please talk?


Henry...( I bet this guy wants to confess his love for my Zoe, i cant allow that to happen.) Me and Zoe have been discussing something important so please excuse us.

Tracy...Me too?

Henry...Yeah, you too.

They left and Tracy was angry because she was rejected mercilessly.

Zoe...Thanks for chasing her away, but why did you tell the guy to leave too? Maybe he had something important to tell me.

Henry...No, he wanted to hit on you.

Zoe...How do you know that??

Henry...Because am also a guy so i can easily tell.

Zoe...Okay if you say so.

After lessons Zoe walked to find Diego but Henry insisted on going with her.She found Diego.

Zoe...Lets go Diego.Sorry Henry but we have a kdrama to watch.

Henry...So you guys have daily routines? I wish i can join you but anyway its okay.

Diego...Zoe, why dont you give Henry your number?

Diego winked at Henry and he smirked.

Zoe...Why?? You give him yours.

Diego...Its because you guys are classmates and am not his classmate, it makes sense doesnt it?

Zoe...He didnt even ask for it but your talking non stop.

Henry...I dont mind, can i please have it?


She gave him her number and they parted ways.Diego and Zoe watched a kdrama together as usual.Henry, Zoe and Diego became very close and they enjoyed eachothers company.Henry's love for Zoe grew stronger each day.Guys always hit on Zoe but she was never interested in any of them.

Henry...If you really want to stop guys from hitting on you, then why not tell them that we are dating?

Zoe...Mmmmm...its not a bad idea boyfie.

Henry...Boyfie?? Does that mean that you agreed to my idea?

Zoe...Ofcourse, i will be safe atleast.

Henry...Okay, girlfie.


Henry...You have a pretty smile Zoe.

Zoe...(Gosh! Did he just compliment me? Why is my heart racing? Am i happy for what he said? But i get told such words alot though his hit different.) Thanks Henry.

Monah and Tracy saw them laughing and talking happily.

Tracy...They seem close now.

Monah...I dont understand why guys go crazy about her?!

Tracy...She is not even special, ahe is just a useless beggar.

Henry learned about BTS and he also fell in love with them and everything they do.The three of them always spent time talking about BTS and they were always happy together.

Diego...Zoe, am thirsty.

Zoe...Gosh! When will my handsome young brother grow up so that i stop baby sitting him?! Okay, i will get some for you too Henry.

Zoe went to bring water.They were in the gym as usual.

Diego...Dude, when are you going to confess? Its been two weeks already.

Henry....Do you think now is the right time?

Diego...Their is no right time in love, just tell how you feel already.Me and Zack will leave the gym to you so you dont hesitate.Be a man dude, see ya.

Henry...Thanks bro.

Diego and Zack left.Zoe came back with water.

Zoe...Here, this is your water and this is for Diego.Where is he by the way?

Henry...He left with Zack.

Zoe...Why? So its just the two of us here?

Henry...Yeah, i wanted to comfess my feelings to you so they gave us some space.I love you Zoe.


He went close to her and he kissed her.

Henry...I seriously love you Zoe, please dont say no coz it will break me.

Zoe...I...i...i dont know.

Henry...Its okay, i dont want to be your fake boyfie anymore, i want to be your real boyfriend coz i really love you so much.

Zoe...(Geezzz...He really loves me? Now my heart cant stop beating fast amd i still cant believe that we kissed....that was...my first kiss.) O...ok.

Henry....Thanks Zoe for giving me a chance, i swear that you wont regret this because am the only guy who can love you right.


Henry walked her home and Zoe was very shy that she dared not look into his face.They reached their.

Zoe...Thanks for...walking me home.

Henry...Its my pleasure.Good night.

Zoe was happy and she went inside home, Diego grabbed her hand when she entered and took her to his room.

Diego...Tell me, what did he say?

Zoe...So you planned this together with him? How could you betray your sister?

Diego...Dont pretend when you love him too.

Zoe...Huh???...I...I....i dont....i mean....

Diego...Hahaha...see, you love him too.Just admit it already because who wouldnt fall for such looks?

Zoe...Yes his handsome but....

Selena...Care to explain both of you?


Diego...Were you eavesdropping?

Selena...I saw you dragging your sister and i thought you were fighting but when i came to see whats going on, it seemed like you guys were talking about something interesting.


Diego....Mum, a hot guy confessed to Zoe but she pretended not to care yet she likes him too.

Zoe coughed non stop and she ran to her room.

Zoe...Am going to cut off your big mouth Diego.Wait when everyone is sleeping then i will come for it.

She remebered how Henry kissed her and his calm confession.

Zoe...Why cant i stop thinking about that? I cant believe that he actually stole my first kiss! But his really handsome.How am i going to face him tomorrow?

She hugged her pillow while covering her mouth and amiled non stop.In the morning, she showered and searched for a nice dress to wear.

Zoe...What am i going to wear today? Its like as if am wearing it for someone.Stop it Zoe....hahahahahaha....

She went to eat breakfast before heading to school.Her mum, Diego and Monah were seated already.

Diego...Did you apply makeup on your face?

Selena...Tell me about it!

Zoe...Just a little because my face was dry.

Monah...She is also imsecure.You also know that your not pretty as people say.

Zoe...Whats your problem? Does it hurt you when people say that am pretty?

Selena...Finish up and go to school before its late.Zoe, you have to tell me about him later.


She blamed it all on Diego for telling her mum about Henry.They went to school arguing.

Diego...You love him.

Zoe...I dont.....care..

Diego....Hahahaha...why dont you say you dont love him?

Zoe...Okay i do, so what?

Diego...Finally you agree.If you dont lobe him then he will find someone else and when he does, dont come crying to me.

Zoe...So he has other girls on the wait? He should go to them instead, am not interested.

Diego...You can pretend all you want but deep down you wish he never dates any other girl.

Zoe...Will you let me be?.

They at school and she entered in class.Guys looked at her with their mouths and eyes wide open because she looked much more pretty since she applied makeup on her face.Henry couldnt take his eyes off her and she was feeling shy.She sat down.


Henry...So your clearly rejecting me?


Henry...How can you look like that getting all the guys attention? What if they take you away from me before you even give me an answer.

Zoe...Hahaha....come on.

Henry...You really are making it hard for me to look at other girls.I have all my eyes only on one girl and she is heaven sent.

The teacher entered and he stopped talking.

Teacher...I've made a list of names for group.discussions, check the list and sit with your classmates.

Henry was put in Monah's group and Zoe was put in a different one.Henry felt bad because he wanted to sit near Zoe.

Guys...We want to be in Zoe's group, plwase teacher!

They all shouted.

Teacher...I knew that you all wanted that so i put Zoe in a group with girls only.Zoe my dear, watchout for these lousy rats not to let your beauty go to waste.