
CHAPT.1-new day new school

I walk into high school oh my where's my manners hi I'm Ava Henson I'm a pretty smart kid just I talk a lot anyway I got to go to class


I walk into the class and it's my first time being at a school away from home but I thanked the lord since HE wasn't here

Who is he you ask well let me tell you

Brayden caldera was a horrible person he beaten my friends or what I had left of my friends said to them that he beat them because I cursed them or something so after the time freshmen year was horrible I moved onto sophomore to senior year being bullied being beaten but for some reason it hurt most when Brayden did it like I couldn't bear seeing him looking at like I am

He caused a lot of my wounds that have left scars but not many the biggest one he did was breaking my rib but it hurt me more for some reason that he was the one that did that

I walk down the hall after my class to see a familiar dark figure down the hall I walk closure until I notice it was gone I assumed I was hallucinating so I shrug it off and walk into my 2nd class I watch as the professor and her wacky purple hair stuck out into all different directions she spoke about the elements and sciences of how this and that works this class was known to jump from physics and other sciences on random

But I don't care as long as I can pass them

I started on the first thing she gave us which was name as many elements as you can 1 point per element so I started naming

The probably 2 hours past and the bell rang I handed in the paper and walked out to go to lunch

I sat down and let out a sigh then I hear something sit down across from me I open my eyes to see a dark haired man with black eyes with yellow rings "hi I'm ja" he was cut off my someone standing behind him "get up" the voice was way to familiar it was him caldera

But I thought he was back home not hear I look up to see the kid move out of the way and caldera sit down I look away instantly I didn't want him near me I went to go stand up but he puts his leg out stopping me from getting out

"Don't go anywhere sweetheart" he said I sit back down "look Ava I want to talk to about something" he said that and I believed him because he isn't someone to waste his time on something especially a female like me

"Look I want to apologize for what I did to you" he said his words were calm no venom no aggression towards me "apology accepted" I didn't really but I wanted to leave "ok but let's try that again Ava" he said "apology accepted caldera" i said with a little aggression "anyway Ava I want to take you somewhere" he said with a little blush

Is he asking me out I thought my mind was racing I looked at him with confusion

"S-sure" I said stupid stupid stupid why say that to him "okay well at 5:00 pm call xxx xxx xxxx"

When he left the cafe I ran to my car and pulled my car keys out I turn the ignition and drive away

I was hyperventilating I was panicking I didn't know what to do I parked at my apartment and ran up the stairs and ran into my apartment and shut the door and I fell to my knees

This guy wasn't being serious right no way

I looked at the clock and it read 4:35 pm my heart dropped I remembered the phone number so I dialed and it and waited





And started the call

And it was answered "hello" I heard the same voice that I spoke with in the cafe "h-hi" I could only muster it out "ah Ava how you been I noticed you ran away" he said with a sense of enjoyment "I was scared" I yelled "hey no need to yell sweetheart " he said with an even bigger sense of enjoyment "so where is it you wanted to take me" I asked seeming to calm down was all I could do "it's a surprise but I suggest you dress warmly" he said "ok yeah I can do that" I said heart still racing "okay better get ready fast because I'll be picking you up in about 15-20 minutes" he said "wow no time" I thought "okay I see you then " I said and hung up I walked into my room and opened my closet I grabbed a jacket and some sweat pants I throw them on and wait

I heard a light knock and I run to the door to see Brayden there waiting he steps back and I walk out locking my door

"Where are we going" I said "it. Is. A. Surprise" he said a little irritated we begin to walk down the hall and I am freaking out the feeling of him next to me seems unreal

We get to his car and I notice it's a 1969 Dodge Charger custom we hop in and we begin to drive and half way through the drive I begin to fall asleep and of course he noticed

"He down by the door there is a switch that will lean your seat back" he said and I did as he said I laid it back and dozed off till I was actually fully asleep

I woke up to the car stopping and Brayden shutting his door I noticed it's pitch black out I noticed my door opened and Brayden held his hand out I took it and stood out of the car

I yank my hand out of his grip and we started to walk and walk and walk to the point where I'm yawning while we walked to where ever

Until he stopped me and grabbed my arm he dragged me to a break in the woods and it was the most beautiful lake scene I've ever seen the moon light and the north lights

"Wow" I said looking around then I noticed a small place on the rocks and I run to sit down and I noticed that the water was close up that I could put my feet i

I sit down and throw my feet in the water the cold water felt so nice I stared up at the stars

"Brayden come sit with me" I said smiling back at him he seemed happy and moved closer and sat down next to me

"I got ask why did you take me out here" I asked and he was hesitant "well because I wanted to ask if you would like to go out but I guess I used my old habit of forcing you sorry about that also I have a secret to share with you" he said I chuckled "okay what is it" I said smiling at him he stood up and took of his clothing luckily it was dark enough I couldn't see his stuff but I still felt uncomfortable

"Look if you wanted sex why bring me out here" I said "because I didn't want sex from you yet" he said YET why yet

"O-Kay" I said "well the truth is I'm a we're wolf" and before I could say anything he turned into a dog

"WHOA!!" I yelled "are you a were wolf" and I noticed his wolf shake it's head up and down

'Snap' I heard a twig behind him and his wolf did a 180 and got in a I guess a defensive position

I couldn't see much but I noticed red eyes coming towards us and I swore I was looking into death it's self

A 12 foot were wolf stared at us but this one was different from Brayden's this one was on two legs and huge for arms and like foot long nails it's teeth covered a red liquid saliva dripping down from its teeth

I could feel the tension between Brayden and this unknown animal I felt so small compared to them but what surprised me was what the animal did it bowed down catching me by surprise but Brayden didn't move he growled and stared burning holes into its soul

I saw it shift "hi" it was a woman but she seemed young until I noticed who it was "serah" I said "AVA" she yelled and moved towards me and Brayden didn't like that

He repositioned himself and got ready to attack her "Brayden it's my friend" and he shifted then and there and revealed to her that he wasn't going to let her near me

"Oh caldera how has it been" she with a overly happy face "good you vendetta" he said "VENDETTA?" I asked "yeah vendetta is one of the leading pack families" he said grabbing his shirt and pants and whatever else of clothing he had

He dragged me to his car and I sat in it and he got in the driver side he pulled out of the parking spot aggressively and sped down the road "Brayden calm down" I said but he looked at me and it sent chills down my spine and he slowed down I was glad because he was driving pretty fast 180 in a 35 zone to be exact

We eventually pulled into the parking lot of my apartment and we walked into the building and we arrived to my apartment door

I opened it and he walked in and took his shoes off "hey is it okay if I stay the night here" he asked "yeah that's fine" I said stretching my arms out and he placed a hand on my side "what" I asked trying to hold my blush back "nothing" he said and pulled his hand away and stood up and walked over to the couch

"Oh Brayden" I said "yeah" he's replied "what did serah mean by mate" I said "oh that well one way to put it sense I'm a werewolf I have a preset woman that i might be spending my entire life with or she rejects me" he said "and that mate is me" I said "yes" he replied "so what would you do if I knew earlier" I asked

"Well the way it goes is that I would mark you and then we would mate" he said making quotation marks with his fingers "what do you mean by mate" I ask and he pointed towards the bedroom "why what's there" I ask "well okay so me and you would well uh hm have sex" he said a light blush following to his cheeks

My face burned red "okay how about you hold on that stuff for a second maybe tomorrow" I said walking towards my bedroom then I stop "we can share a room you know" I said "uh" he looked out a window

"We're mates right shouldn't we be able to share a bed" i said then he just sighed and walked with me into the bedroom "look if anything happens don't blame me" he said pointing at me

I change into some comfortable cloths and hop into bed Brayden following suite I lay my head on Brayden's chest and nestle my body into his side and I slowly drift into the dark abyss