
Bully's Bride

What if your family found out that you had bullied a young woman during high school, but forced you to actually be with her as a new couple after all the pain you caused her? That's what happened to Jason Herrington. After Rina Washington gets bullied to an unacceptable extent for being a total nerd, she becomes so upset by it that she tells his mother, Britney, about it. Days later, some critical moves are made. Julie, his GF at the time, breaks up with him, and an arrangement by the Herrington and Washington families is made to force him into a relationship with Rina, the girl he bullied since high school. Jason doesn't like the idea of dating the girl he had bullied for years, but he has no choice. And after a few dates as a couple, Jason and Rina find that they actually have a lot in common. But will this end in a happily ever after for them? Find out in the new anti bullying story, Bully's Bride!

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5 Chs

Foreword: Just the Facts

I know that I have never been bullied before, but I know a few people that have. And this is why I have written this modern, funny-but-serious anti-bullying story.

As you are about to find out, your actions always have their consequences, and that's what the lead main character, a young man who thinks bullying is cool, is about to find out.

According to the website dosomething.org, in my country, the United States,1 in 5 students ages 12-18 has been bullied during the school year. Plus, approximately 160,000 teens skip school because of it. Also, the students who reported that they were frequently bullied scored the worst in reading, mathematics, and science than their peers who had never or rarely been bullied.

The most commonly reported form of bullying is verbal harassment at 75%, followed by social harassment at 50%, physical bullying at 29%, and lastly, there's cyberbullying at 25%.

So this is why I have written the story you are about to read. And I hope the message that this story carries is passed on. Because bullying is not cool. And if you are or were a bully or the victim of one, I encourage you to read this story, because I would like for you to step into the shoes of the victim, a young lady who loves anime.
