
ouch! gone wrong

*Authoress pov*

The thought of this cute guy kept roaming up and down Bahijah's mind

One thing was certain...she was in love with him...

Was it because she's been crushing on him all her life ? Or was it because he's just too cute and handsome for her ? That she didn't know

She was unaware of the look on her roommate's face

'hey what' she snapped when she noticed

'i bet you're in love with Harris....am I right?" Fahimah whined

'no I'm not' she disagreed covering her face to hide her blush

They got interrupted by a knock on the door



I was occupied with the thought of this girl.....she literally stole my heart within a twinkle of an eye....what a cute thief she was!

Since her brother kept intruding into our stuffs, I secretly excused myself with the thought of seeing her again leaving those bunch of creeps behind

I composed myself thoroughly before knocking on the door with my disobedient heart still beating like crazy!! Wow!!

Harris is finally in love...geez!

The door gently and carefully opened with a surprised Bahijah popping her head out of the door

"Oh Harris!" She managed to say scratching her head

"I just came to say a proper hi" I said trying not to stammer

She introduced her roommate to me and we greeted. It's not a surprise that her friend was surprised to see me

"May I borrow your friend for some moment..?" I asked referring to her friend

"Of course she's all yours" she smiled, pushing Bahijah out of the room and slamming the door

Oh yeah! She made it easy for me!

"Do you mind us strolling around the school..?" I asked with a temp of holding her hand

"Yeah...not bad right?" She said hiding her hand as if knowing my intention

I closed my eyes and grabbed her hand making her gasp in surprise

My eyes met hers....so cute and black, rhyming with her glowing brown skin

We stopped at the school compound and got into a light conversion

"Do you have someone you're crushing on?" I asked so as to be sure of my doubt

"Yeah" I heard her said

Hope it's me . "Who?" I asked again

"Uhm...here he is" she replied, making me smile... I was thinking she was referring to me until I noticed Aj was approaching us

Whatta! She was crushing my brother and not me!

Anger boiled inside of me seeing them admire themselves

They complemented each other making me sick!

"You are cute" that was Bahijah to Aj

"You are gorgeous yourself" Aj said and she blushed

I felt anger all over me.... I wanted to be the only one to make her blush...just like yesterday

"Like seriously Aj you met us talking!" I yelled releasing my anger

I walked out on them angrily



I was embarrassed at the question Harris asked me

How was I to tell him that he was my one and only true crush?

I saw a guy approaching us and pointed out that he was the one not even knowing that he was a brother to him

"What's up with your bro?" I asked Aj when Harris walked out on us angrily

I didn't expect that reaction from him

"He is in love with you" he pouted making shivers to run down my spine

"What..?" I asked pretending not to hear

" You heard me right. I only did that to derive something which I already did...my brother loves you alright?" He said and left immediately

I was shocked and short of thoughts for the meantime before composing myself

I quietly walked back to my hostel with the thinking of how possible it was for Harris to fall for me

Aj was right because Harris reaction to the sight of his brother and I said it all

I know Fahimah would be delighted to hear this


* Sonia*

Who the ugly girl that tried stealing Harris from me was bothered me a lot

It was obvious that Harris was in love with that ugly Nigerian girl but I know it won't stop me

Nobody messes with Sonia Ali and go Scot free

How could this girl come from nowhere and decide to ruin everything for me

Who does that!!!

Harris that I know has no interest in girls which was why I put in my very best efforts to win him over but this girl is ....oh! no suitable words to describe her

All my days in school I've been longing to be Harris' girlfriend....I meam which girl wouldn't be Happy to be a girlfriend of Harris

He's just so hot,cute,super rich and above all a celebrity!

No no no!!! I must have him for myself

What do you think guys??

watch out for the next chapter

Muhammad_Zahrahcreators' thoughts