
Anomaly about the design of the steam engine

To the natives of Azuhai and most importantly in Whiddiff city, to them, the plenty availability of food, cheap, nice clothes from Litkesh and the creation of jobs was everything to them and they didn't think there was anything else that king Virtya could offer because this was the best life that they had got as compared to all other rulers that had been there before Virtya, but to Virtya, this was not the world that he envisioned.

The current world was backward, stupid and unpleasant before his eyes.

He wanted a world with internet, aeroplanes, skyscrapers, flyovers, computers and real technology. He wanted to live in a world where machines prevailed.

He had to modernize this civilization.

"What are you mumbling about, bruh?" Galina asked Virtya.

Virtya was still in a bad mood and without even turning around to look at Galina, he continued to stare out of the window and said,