
Building the island paradise

Who am I? What I am? These are the questions I asked myself. With memories of three different past lives I was born again, I will use my knowledge to become stronger and improve our lives, this is the story of a member of the dragon, nerd and womanizer clan who reincarnated in another world.

Sweet_Dreem_Wet · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Growth and Learning

Damn, this was the most comfortable sleep I can remember.

Still with my eyes closed, thinking about the affection I received from this woman, trying to search for the memories of my three lives, and see if I ever had such a fantastic moment.

In my memories I found many interesting things, apparently Long Suo was a training fanatic, so much physical effort makes me sick to imagine. But something enchanted me, Long Suo trained the ancient technique of the celestial dragons, he was the only one in the history of the clan to achieve this feat.

I'm amazing, ha ha, at least Long Suo was ...

Until he died, at least ... He managed to die from his own training, it was actually due to disappointment, he was the typical character who swore to be strong to win over a beautiful girl. poor ghost ... while he trained a lot, his girl went through the penis of all the men of the clan. he didn't know, of course ... he ended up marrying her and ... well, you can imagine the rest, any man would be depressed knows that his wife has already given it to his father and brothers ...

Jordan was a very clumsy guy, he was bullied by his schoolmates, not because of any limitations or shortcomings, just because he was very smart. Well, he solved the problem, or at least he tried, he isolated himself from everything and everyone, he showed up a few times to take exams and other types of university activities. He ended up graduating in different areas, mechanical, chemical, electrical and civil engineering, were just some of his courses.

Dude, Jodan was a nerd! imagine someone with a pathetic life, well, this is the guy, at least he was a genius. Unfortunately, he died at the age of 42, living in the basement of his parents' house. In a way, he was incredible, as he had already proven the theory that if he were a virgin at 30, he would become a wizard! proved to be a lie, well, 40 doesn't work either, just to remember.

Now Haward was the guy! He caught so many women that he died having sex!

Incredible right? it would be ... if husbands didn't find out. This poor boy died while having sex, one day a jealous husband decided to kill him ... He and his lover saved a bullet ... a shot killed both people at the same time.

Remembering these guys, I ended up realizing that this is the first reincarnation that I keep my memories of other lives, maybe something may have gone wrong, who knows. Whether it is bad or good I will know in the future.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was not in the same place, now it seems that I am in a bigger room, white ceiling, blue sky walls, above me there are baby toys hanging .. I think I am in a crib.

[ Some time later ]

It's been over a month since I was born in this world, so far I've managed to gather some information from the conversations that happen around me. First, the names of the women around me are Ellena, Solina, Ellen and Madaly respectively.

Ellena is my mother, she has blonde hair and emerald green eyes, she is really beautiful. Her breasts are big and really delicious, remembering ... I ended up getting excited ... Easy guy! you are still a baby ...

Damn it! I won't be a baby forever, soon I'll be able to have fun ...

"This is due to the influence of Haward's memories," I tell myself that I am not a pervert.

Solina, or as she is known "Aunt Solina" is a woman with white hair and yellow eyes, she looks a little cold, but I still want to believe that she is a good person.

Ellen is a lively girl with red hair and red eyes, she is really cute and I just found out that she is my sister, Elena's first daughter.

Madaly is a clumsy girl from day one, she has black hair and brown eyes, I still don't know much about her, but I believe she is a maid judging by her clothes and behavior.

This world is really a party of colors, hair and colorful eyes seem to be normal here.

"I haven't had a chance to see myself in a mirror yet ..."

"What am I like?"

I know my name too, I must say that Ellena did not disappoint me, she gave me the name of Lucian. Cool huh? I found it super cute. I have also one family name, it's "Brown", this family name reminded me somewhat of the British noble, but it is very interesting, from what I understand not everyone can have a last name, so I'm really happy to really have one.


In Long Suo's memories, I found a set of techniques to cultivate the body, since I have nothing to do, I will try. It's a good way to pass the time, because I still have a long way to go, it still takes me time to grow.

As I have your memories and past experiences it shouldn't be difficult for me to master this.

I discovered that my first step is to try to feel something like the energy that is present in the air, in Jordan's books and anime they call it mana, and Long Suo knew it as Elemental energy.

I thought it would be easy with past experiences, I couldn't be more wrong, it took me 5 days just to feel the Elemental Energy. Well, it's still great, the memories of Long Suo that he took over a year. A year to feel it, now I'm sorry for the poor guy.

The next step is to absorb the elemental energy inside my body, I tried to perform the routine cultivation of Long Suo, but something seems wrong, half the energy I absorbed does not go to my body, I feel that, somehow, it disappears. well, i will continue to absorb, half is better than nothing.

For the next few days, follow the routine, feeding on my mother's delicious breasts, faking some mischief to see her smile from time to time and most of the time spent training.

[ Some time later ]

A year has passed since I was born, I'm already more familiar with the language, sometimes I say "mom" or something, so they don't think I'm retarded, of course I won't draw much attention, I don't want to be labeled as a monster.

After a year of absorbing elemental energy, I feel more and more that my little body is getting stronger. There are barriers in body training, I spent the first six months ago, I always have to control my strength when I am in contact with other people or I can hurt them easily, and that is not what I want.


Now I know a little about this world, I am currently in a city known as "Royal City Blue Moon". My family is noble, incredible isn't it? My mother is a marquise, which explains a lot about the maids and the decorations.

I also met a lot of new people this year, I got to the queen's lap, apparently she is a close friend of my mother.

"Dude, my family is important!"

Not everything was wonderful, sometimes they put me to play with other children my age, these little monsters don't leave me alone.


I made another interesting discovery. Before I was two years old, I felt a barrier breaking in me and it wasn't the cultivation of my body, but something that is located in my stomach, it seems similar to the novels Jordan read in his spare time, where he talked about cultivation, dantian and things of the type. I feel much stronger and now I can control the elemental energy outside my body, just a meter, but it is already a big step forward.

Unfortunately, now two years old, I can no longer feed on my mother's beautiful breasts, but I did not let myself be slaughtered, as I can bathe with my beautiful sister Ellen, her breasts are much smaller than the mother's, but still so it's a spectacular sight.

I haven't yet dared to make a move ... who would like to be touched by a two-year-old, so I have to wait.


I gained a huge advantage in this world. Because? because I am beautiful, this is not because I am narcissistic, but look, blue eyes, white hair and, as the cultivation of my body ends up becoming more beautiful, I am highly praised by the queen as a very beautiful boy. haha Let me grow and she'll see ...


At the age of five, I broke the fourth barrier of cultivating my body and the second of my core. yes, it's called the nucleus and not dantian here, apparently all humans here have this and usually start training at 10 years of age. Man, I feel like a genius now!


The years went by in a hurry, as I am familiar with this world, now ten years old, I dedicated myself to training and reading everything I found in the library, apparently we are on an island and we do not have access to the outside, many tried to reach others places, but ended up disappearing when trying. It's a little sinister to be stuck here, but it doesn't matter much, despite being an island, in fact, it's quite large. Currently, there are four divided kingdoms: north, south, east and west. Our kingdom of the Blue Moon is the kingdom of the West.

The other kingdoms are "Morning Star", "Northern Flower" and "Solaris".


I discovered something that has always puzzled me since I was born in this world, that's why there are no men here, the answer is a little unexpected, exactly 11 years ago, there was a plague on the island that affected all men, those who survived are in the womb like me. Not that I'm complaining about not having men here, on the contrary, for me it was a blessing in disguise.

But this is not really a good thing, as men were responsible for many menial jobs, which women had to replace.


Now that I am ten years old, I can begin to show some of my ability.

I am well known in the kingdom, for being beautiful and intelligent, above average, compared to other children of the same age, of course I haven't even demonstrated my prowess yet.

My family is going through a difficult period, due to the lack of labor in the fields, it is really difficult for my mother to manage the land only with women, production has fallen a lot and they had some problems, I think I will start taking care of that.


Today I asked my mother for permission to take a look at our land, it is the first time I have left the mansion.

My mother and the others always try to avoid talking about the family problems around me, I think they don't want me to worry, but as I am now the man of the house, it is my responsibility to deal with these matters.

I was very excited to be leaving the mansion, but seeing my family's land I couldn't help but have a dark face.

Loose, un toned plants, lean cows and sheep that seemed to die at any moment.

We need to impose big changes here, the biggest problem is how to make them listen to a ten year old child ...

[Author's message: In the following chapters I will need to do a lot of research; therefore, be patient, I will launch slowly but steadily.]

Tem alguma ideia da minha história? Comente e me avise.

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