
Building an Empire in Game of Thrones

Greg was the son of the smartest and most powerful people in the world. His Mom and Dad being geniuses made advanced technology that boosted the world's development level but also caused more conflict. Follow Greg as he tries and build an Empire in Game of thrones --- --- This Story will be faced paced and include Kingdom building and a Harem The Game of Thrones world will also have a slightly bigger population and bigger armies This is a side project so don't expect fast updates unless readers ask for more.

Dr_Dred · Militar
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110 Chs

Chapter 47

A/N: Looks like Maximus has won the vote for the new name so that is what his name will be now but for his last name I was going to change it to decimus but since I plan on summoning the character from the movie Gladiator I will instead change it to Aurelius and his middle name will be Gaius, so his full name will be Maximus Gaius Aurelius.


Having heard about what happened from the spy, Maximus had headed to Pentos to personally to see what happened and deal with the matter.

Normally he would send Aleanna to deal with this or another officer of the legionaries but since he had nothing to do since he had completed most of the work like signing documents and meeting with governors of the other free cities and some other things he decided to personally go deal with this matter especially since two of his soldiers were killed.

Outside if Pentos 500 Royal Guards could be seen escorting Maximus to the city gates. All the people trying to enter the city had moved out of the way to the side while Maximus entered the city. Viserys and the former Magister Illyrio Mopatis hadn't left the city since Viserys was captured by the city Guard and Illyrio was held at his house against his will by the city guards.

Maximus had gone to the governor's house, where Daenerys was at being protected by the Governor. While Governors didn't have the authority to form an army, they have control over the City Guard, which is controlled by a captain.

This was implemented in every city of the Empire and replaced each cities old City Guard organization. Although the city guard changed for each city, the people that were in it before relatively remained the same and only some slight changes were made to the organization itself.

Daenerys was glad to see Maximus since right now her mind was going through lots of things since her brother had once again physically abused her and was about to force her to stay against her will, but luckily she was saved by one of the Emperor spies.

Maximus had asked her about what happened, and she told him everything that she saw, from the moment the guards were killed to the moment where she was saved. Aleanna was furious hearing the story and wanted to beat Viserys up herself, but she controlled her emotions since she knew Maximus would give him what he deserves.

Maximus shook his head since at first he wasn't really going to bother the former magisters of the cities and instead was going to just keep a close eye on them, but after this had happened he needed to show the other Magisters what happens to those who try to undermine his rule and to those who break the laws since taking others against their will is kidnapping and not only did he do this, but he killed two guards who were under the command of Maximus to escort Daenerys.

The Governor whose name was Vargio Fyllirah had told Maximus that he didn't arrest the Magister since he didn't suspect that he was involved, so after learning that he was actually involved Vargio had shakily asked for the Emperor's forgiveness as he was shaking in his shoes scared for his life at this moment since he made a mistake.

Maximus had sent Aleanna to Magister Illyrio house to arrest him and bring him before the Emperor. His punishment would be decided once he arrived, but everybody present knew that it would be severe.

Aleanna had entered Magister Illyrio house with 20 Royal Guards and arrested him. His guards tried to stop Aleanna and the Royal Guards, but they were killed in the process, and MAgister Illyrio was dragged out of his house back to Maximus.

Many of the people wondered why the former Magister was being dragged through the street by the Royal Guards, but nobody dared to ask, since he must have done something especially for the Emperor to send his personal Guards to arrest him.

After a few minutes, Aleanna had arrived back at the Governor's house with Magister Illyrio in tow. Illyrio looked up at Maximus as he tried to plead for his life.

"Your Grace, what is the meaning of me being dragged out of my house by your guards and brought before you, is this how you treat citizens in your empire" Illyrio tried to play the victim role and raised his voice a little while not admitting what he did but little did he know it wouldn't work

One of the Royal Guards had punched Illyrio in his stomach, as he fell onto the floor, since he raised his voice at the Emperor.

Illyrio was on the floor, holding his stomach as he wept in pain from the punch.

"Illyrio Mopatis playing the victim role isn't going to get you anywhere as I already know what happened, so nothing you say or do will change my mind." Said Maximus

"You killed two guards that were under my command to escort Daenerys to Pentos and back, and you conspired with Viserys to kidnap Daenerys and in my Empire Kidnapping is a Crime, but not only did try and kidnap Daenerys you killed two Guards that were under the Emperors command and this alone is punishable by death so as of this moment all of your assets will be seized, and you will rot in a cell until the day of your execution" Maximus had named all the things he did and his punishment for it.

"You can't do this, I had no part in what Viserys did, you can't do this to me" Yelled Illyrio

"Not only that, but your guards under your orders tried to fight back against us and prevent us from arresting you, so nothing you say will save you" Said Aleanna as she looked at the guards and ordered them to take him away.

The Guards took him away, and now Maximus prepared to leave with Daenerys back to Lorath. Daenerys had gathered her things and even asked to bring some of the former servants of helped her with her to Lorath. Maximus allowed it and Daenerys brought 5 of the maids.

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