
Building An Elven Empire In Different World.

Seizing the body, Leon becomes the Elven King of the Natural Elf Clan, whose entire population comprises beautiful female elves. This sudden change places a lot of pressure on Leon. Thankfully, the Elven Empire system awakens at the opportune moment. With gold coins in hand, one can summon an endless army of elves. Terrans? Orcs? Dwarves? Dragons? Giants? Demons? Apologies, but this Holy Land belongs to our natural elves!

The_Lazy_Panda · Otras
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20 Chs

Chapter 18: The Goblin Kingdom's Treasure Vault!

Chapter 18: The Goblin Kingdom's Treasure Vault!

The conflict raged on for nearly three hours before gradually winding down.

Every street within the Goblin Kingdom was littered with goblin corpses. Some lay halved, while others bore arrow wounds.

The once-deafening shrieks had now faded, replaced by a somewhat comical cacophony.

Amidst the clamor, a multitude of panicked sheep bleated.

These were the goblins who had been transformed into sheep by the mystical 'Finger of the Tricky Grim Reaper' artifact.

Leon strolled the streets, wielding the magical 'Sheep Knife' relentlessly. Thanks to his efforts, over 30,000 goblins had been metamorphosed into sheep.

Consequently, the Goblin Kingdom boasted more than 30,000 chubby ovines. Among them resided not just goblin warriors, but also ordinary citizens.

Agatha inquired, "Your Majesty, what shall we do with these sheep? Should we end their lives?"

Observing the sheep, Leon mused, "To slaughter them would be a pity. A human trade caravan is due in two days; we'll sell these sheep to them as meat."

Agatha's complexion turned ashen at the notion.

Nature-admiring elves abstained from consuming meat, and these sheep were none other than goblins. Should humans consume these sheep, wouldn't that be tantamount to devouring goblins?

Noticing her dismay, Leon grinned and remarked, "Does this seem somewhat cruel?"

Agatha shook her head and replied, "Whatever decision Your Majesty makes, Agatha will stand by it, Your Majesty."

Leon gently grasped her delicate hand and stated, "These insatiable goblins were so audacious that they regarded us Nature elves as a source of sustenance. This time, I want them to experience what it's like to be consumed!"

Agatha inquired, "Your Majesty, might the Human Merchant Group detect anything unusual?"

Leon's smile was reassuring as he explained, "The golden dagger in my possession is a divine artifact named the 'Finger of the Grieving God of Death!' It can permanently transmute creatures below the rank of king into sheep. No magical techniques apart from my own can revert these sheep back into goblins. Additionally, after the transformation, their bodies are indistinguishable from ordinary sheep, and only their souls retain their goblin essence. Solely necromancers who specialize in manipulating souls might notice these sheep's anomaly."

Agatha responded with surprise, "Is that truly an artifact?"

In her capacity as Leon's fiancée and the future elf queen, Agatha was privy to some secrets of the elf clan. She was well aware, for example, that the elven crown adorning Leon's head was an artifact. Furthermore, within the entire Nature elf lineage, only one artifact existed — the elven crown. Agatha struggled to fathom the origin of the peculiar artifact that now lay in Leon's hands.

Leon disclosed, "This is a most intriguing artifact, bestowed by the goddess."

Agatha's realization was swift.

"So, this artifact was granted to Your Majesty by the Goddess herself! Your Majesty is the chosen protector of the Elf Goddess. It's not surprising that you possess an artifact bestowed by her."


"Your Majesty!"

The three commanders approached with the Elf Legion.

Leon inquired, "Has everything been tidied up?"

Usmarie respectfully confirmed, "With the exception of King Zaza's palace, we have thoroughly cleared out the goblins throughout the kingdom. No goblin has managed to escape."

Most of the elves were adorned with goblin blood, particularly the melee elven swordsmen and elven huntresses, whose lithe figures were now tinged with gore. Combined with their striking beauty, they exuded a unique, wild allure.

Gazing at King Zaza's nearby palace, Leon ordered, "Seal off the palace; let no goblin within escape!"

"Of course, Your Majesty!"

The Elf Legion promptly encircled King Zaza's palace. A few elite goblin warriors attempted to break through, yet each one was systematically picked off by elven archers.

The elven clan's marksmanship was renowned across the Holy Continent.

Given sufficient distance, an elven archer could eliminate a group of creatures of equal rank or even take down creatures a rank or two higher.

"Let's proceed; let's find where King Zaza has chosen to meet his end."

With the elven army at his side, Leon entered the king's palace.

However, despite an extensive search, King Zaza remained elusive.

Frowning, Agatha speculated, "Your Majesty, could King Zaza have fled?"

Leon contemplated, "The Goblin Kingdom has only three entrances: two sealed by massive stones, and the third guarded by mountain giants. It's unlikely he would attempt escape unless there's a secret passage we're unaware of!"

At that very moment, a deep rumble reached their ears.

The sound emanated from behind King Zaza's throne.

Monica, the commander of the archer legion, quickly investigated around the throne.

"Your Majesty, there's a mechanism here!"

As she spoke, Monica manipulated an armrest on the left side of the throne, causing the vast wall behind it to rotate. In due course, a passage materialized before them.

"So, there was a hidden chamber all along!"

Leon led the elves into the concealed corridor.

Before them lay a massive creature, the subterranean dragon that had pulled King Zaza's chariot. It lay prostrate on the ground beside a substantial iron gate.

The gate was slightly ajar, casting forth a faint yet brilliant golden radiance.

The glow illuminated a wealth of gold coins!

Usmarie's excitement was palpable as she exclaimed, "Your Majesty, this must be the Goblin Kingdom's treasure vault!"

Usmarie, who previously held little interest in gold coins, had changed her stance. She now valued this resource for its potential to draw their compatriots back from the realm of the gods.


The subterranean dragon issued a low growl.

A ninth-order monster with dragon lineage coursing through its veins, it possessed formidable power. Its strength as a ninth-order entity was unparalleled. Its service as King Zaza's mount was simply a result of receiving daily sustenance.

Leon flourished the magical 'Sheep Knife' in his grasp.

The subterranean dragon instantaneously transformed into a sheep. Upon realizing its altered state, the creature stared at Leon, its eyes wide with trepidation, its frame quivering.

The elves trailing Leon were awe-struck by this display.

Their reverence for their sovereign knew no bounds!

Pushing open the weighty iron gate, Leon was greeted by a mound of gold coins. Among them lay countless exquisite gold and silver artifacts, most of which had been pilfered from human trade caravans by the goblins.

And there, at that moment...

King Zaza had buried himself beneath the gold, exposing only his round face.

Glaring at Leon, he declared, "Elf King, these gold coins and treasures are mine! I King Zaza won't let you take them away!"