
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasía
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38 Chs

First War of the Divinum Religion (Part 3)

< The East, 1 hour prior >

The battle between the Holy Knights and the thugs raged on, each side locked in a fierce struggle for dominance.

The last 7 defenders, 5 Holy Knights and 2 Knights, against 50 thugs. The 2 Longbow-Knights stationed in the East were already shot down by the shear number of enemy archers.

Despite being massively outnumbered, the Holy Knights fought valiantly, their unwavering faith and devotion driving their every strike.

However, the thugs proved to be a formidable adversary, their sheer numbers and ruthless tactics testing the limits of the defenders. With each passing moment, the Holy Knights found themselves growing weary, their bodies and minds pushed to the brink of exhaustion. Their armour now bore the scars of the relentless assault. Despite their best efforts, victory remained elusive, and doubt began to creep into their hearts.

Suddenly, as if descending from the heavens themselves, a group of ethereal beings materialized behind the battle-weary defenders.

Angels, with shimmering wings and radiant halos, gracefully touched down upon the battlefield.

Their presence alone brought a profound sense of awe and tranquility, their celestial glow illuminating the darkest corners of the weary souls.

The defenders, their eyes wide with disbelief, turned to behold the celestial beings standing beside them.

The angels' compassionate gaze met their weary eyes, and in that instant, a surge of hope and strength surged through their tired bodies. The angels, their radiant presence a testament to their divinity, extended their hands to embrace the defenders.

As the angels' ethereal touch graced the knights, a wave of revitalizing energy coursed through their veins. Fatigue melted away, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

The weight of their armor became bearable once more, and their swords felt light and steady in their hands. With newfound strength and resolve, the defenders raised their swords high, their faces filled with an unwavering determination.

The angels, their serene countenances aglow with compassion, offered a final nod of acknowledgement before their celestial forms dissipated into thin air, leaving behind an aura of grace and serenity.

The defenders, now infused with the celestial energy bestowed upon them, faced their adversaries with a renewed sense of purpose. Their strikes were swift and precise, guided by the divine intervention they had just witnessed.

The thugs, once confident in their overwhelming advantage, now faltered in the face of the defenders' rekindled spirit. The battle took a dramatic turn as the defenders, empowered by the angels' touch, fought with a newfound ferocity.

The thugs, taken aback by the sudden resurgence of strength, struggled to match the defenders' unwavering resolve. Shields shattered under the mighty blows, and the clash of steel reverberated through the air once again.

< at the Divinum Square >

Kami hovered in frustration, watching the chaos through the shadows. The angels he had summoned with every last bit of his precious gulden had arrived just in time, revitalizing the weary defenders. "Every coin spent," he growled, his eyes dark with irritation. "All of it, just to keep these knights from being overwhelmed."

He scowled as the battle's momentum shifted. The knights were now fighting with renewed strength, but Kami's frustration was palpable. "If they don't win after this," he thought bitterly, "then all my effort will have been in vain."


Hours passed and the last thug fell lifeless to ground.

Only 3 Holy Knights survived the onslaught.

Just as the Surviver wanted to return to the Divinum Square, a resounding cry filled the air. The sound of marching footsteps reached the ears of the Holy Knights, who turned their gaze in disbelief. Emerging from the horizon were 20 Scarlet Knights, their crimson armour shining ominously in the sunlight.

A wave of despair washed over the defenders as they realized the direness of their situation. The Scarlet Knights were renowned for their ruthless tactics and unwavering loyalty to their cause.

The balance of the battle had shifted drastically, and the Holy Knights now faced an even greater threat than before.

As the Scarlet Knights closed in on the battle-weary Holy Knights, the former launched their assault without mercy. Their swords swung with deadly precision, and their coordinated attacks overwhelmed the defenders.

The surviving Holy Knights crumbled under the relentless onslaught. Desperation filled the air as the Holy Knights fought back against their new adversaries. But their strength had been depleted, and their spirits were shaken.

The Scarlet Knights, fueled by their lust for victory, pressed on without mercy, exploiting the weakness of the weary defenders. The clash of steel and cries of anguish mingled in a cacophony of despair.

The Holy Knights fought with every ounce of remaining strength, but their efforts seemed futile against the overwhelming number of equally skilled knights.

Long story short:

ten Scarlet Knights ganged up on one Holy Knight and killed all of them almost instantly.

Without stooping, the Scarlet Knights marched towards the Divinum Square, destroying everything in their path. Unbeknown to the Scarlet Knights, one of the Longbow-Knights survived and watched as his fellow comrades were brutally massacred. Despair and adrenaline pushed through his veins, allowing him to pull himself together and sprint on the rooftops towards the nearest line of defense: The North.


Esther sat anxiously in the administrative building, her eyes fixed on the maps spread out before her. She and Sir Richard were responsible for coordinating the defense efforts, ensuring that every sector was adequately protected. The atmosphere in the room was tense, filled with the hushed murmurs of soldiers reporting their positions and the distant sounds of battle.

Suddenly, a messenger burst into the room, his face pale with urgency. "Your Holiness, the eastern defense line has been breached! ," he exclaimed, his voice trembling. " thirty Scarlet Knights of the Ambrosius Religion suddenly appeared! They overpowered our forces and are advancing towards the Divinum Square just as we speak!"

Esther's heart sank as she absorbed the gravity of the news. She knew that the Ambrosius Church secretively supported Old Man P., but never would she assume that the Ambrosius Church would send thirty Scarlet Knights and openly fight alongside thugs inside a slum.

The eastern defense line was crucial in maintaining the security of their territory. Its fall meant that their enemies now had a direct path to the heart of their domain, putting everyone inside at great risk.

Without wasting a moment, Esther sprang into action. She knew that the situation demanded swift and decisive action. With a determined expression on her face, she ordered the remaining soldiers to reinforce the defenses, redirecting their efforts to protect the vital areas that were now vulnerable to the Scarlet Knights.

As she made her way through the halls of the administrative building, her mind raced with thoughts of the devastating power and unwavering loyalty of the Scarlet Knights. The Ambrosius religion had a reputation for their unrelenting pursuit of their goals, leaving destruction in their wake.

With each step she took, Esther could feel the weight of responsibility settling on her shoulders. She had to ensure the safety of the innocent civilians and the preservation of their stronghold. Her mind raced, considering possible countermeasures to halt the advance of the Scarlet Knights and regain control of the situation.


Gathering the remaining defenders, Esther stood tall, her voice strong and unwavering. "We are the last line of defense," she declared. "We protect not just this Cathedral, but the innocent who depend on us. Our faith, honor, and courage are our weapons. No matter how many they send against us, we stand united, and we stand strong."

As she spoke, a small figure stepped forward—Adelaide. Her eyes gleamed with determination. "Esther, I'm ready. I want to fight, too! I made these myself... I want to help too."

Esther's expression softened, but immediately switched to concern and a hint of anger. "Adelaide, I admire your courage but can you put the molotov cocktail away, please? Go back inside the cathedral and pray for our success. Your time will come."

Adelaide nodded reluctantly, stepping back into the shadows. Under her breath, she muttered, " I will burn them... no matter what."

With a final command, Esther rallied the defenders to their positions, and the battle resumed with a renewed sense of purpose.