
Building A Megaverse in my body

Zìfú Fù Jī one day died after he got a mysterius message on discord who said "You liked my girl, have fun without her". Next thing he knows he gets born somewhere the language they talk isn't Earth's standard language since long before he was born so did earths all languages combine during a period of unrest, so Zìfú Fù Jī were really confused. And so does Zìfú Fù Jī's journey building a universe begin. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cover pictures are not mine, the background and the planets are from different artists.

Dao_Creation_God · Fantasía
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10 Chs


My name is Zìfú Fù Jī, today I died, reason being? I said the princess of the office looked good in a long sleak dress. When I came home so started I to play games particulary the game "Cultivation?" which is a comedy game about a crazy and stupid cultivation journey.

The games official marketplace is connected by the game account and discord, any private deals in the game goes throu a special discord server, by that server I got massaged "You liked my girl, have fun without her" which is a blatant threat from someone I don't know who since I have never told anyone I play "Cultivation?" or use discord, but as stupid as I was so did I ignore it since what are they gonna do towards me or her? And the next thing I know is everything disappearing, I blackened out, when I came to everything was darkness except me.

At first I just waited but as more and more time passed nothing changed and I got bored so I started doing stupid stuff, then training, after that more training wherever I was so was there atleast gravity and a "ground" so I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore, I rested then I did handstand, pushups, the plank, horsestance and more slowly but surrely did my surrounding change it got darker and darker, I got more and more sleak, I lost weight, I started growing old, I started thinking on qustions as "who am I", "what are the meaning of life", "humans what kind of creature are we" and many more philosofical questions.

After many many eons if I can think right I saw something transparent aquamarine flash before with a voice who said "congrats on not going crazy", after that nothing I continued living doing the same stuff over and over until my last bredth by with I started to think "I think I have been here more than 100 eons, damn I'm old".

I used the astronomical meaning for eon which is 1 english billion or 1 000 000 000years.

This is important for the counting.

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