
Bugs Bunny sent me to BNHA world

"Nyaap~ what's up doc!" "Do you love anime? I see... you're a man of culture then." Go... You'll reborn in an anime world! Ren is reborn with superpowers and a quirk. With his new life, his mission started, which was left incomplete on earth. But wait a sec. He'll get a slap in his ass, everytime he get his abilities. Bugs the god demanded exchange of ultimate wish is......... Wanna know what happened next? Read the story... ◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑ *Must Read I'm just a amateur writer and It’s my first fan-fic and may contain grammatical errors. (English is not my first language) Mc will have many girls so, it’s obviously a harem. Don't forget to check the tags. If you've read many smut manga and novels from veteran authors, then it’s a pile of shit compared to those. I'm writing it for self-satisfaction. If you hate the story, then please ignore but don’t complain. But you're welcome to suggest me pointers. I hope you'll let me know about my mistakes. If you're looking for action, then go read the manga or watch the anime. Yeah, there are action scenes but not much like real manga/anime. It's just a fan-fic and anything is possible, so don’t dive here to look for logic and things.. Except the mc, I don’t own other characters from BNHA. Cover pic, I choosed it randomly and edited a bit before putting it. I don’t own it as well. ◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑ Warning: Must check the tags. If you hate any one of these, then don't read. You've been warned. I'm planning to update new chapters in a website! Please visit the link to read more chapters! https :// asphaltator. epizy. com (visit this website)

MrJabra · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs

Chapter 33 - All might stinks of...

Having a restless night with Moe, Ren claimed her as well as the information about where Enji was.

Enji was currently in a province in China, known for the best herbal medic in the MHA world.

It's been two years since he took Shoto there to train, that is what he told everyone. Enji always talked about how the sect system in China awesomely trained their students.

They used the term cultivator instead of hero and training was cultivation for them. They would make them train harshly till they grow up to be a good and powerful cultivator to help their country. They didn't very much allow their techniques to be shown to the world.

Ren also knew about all this cultivation crap. He thought: why the fuck do they want to make everything sound like something, *wow, my god, that's awesome!*

Why the fuck are they acting mysterious all the time? But his interest picked up when he heard there were fairies in the land of China. Ren knew that they were exaggerating about beautiful Chinese girls who looked like fairies with jade-like skin and some fucking traditional way to describe them.

How can they call everyone fairy when they had almost the same features as Asians! But there were exceptional beauties there. Ren would give them visits and some might become his harem members!

But he couldn't understand why the hell Enji got the chance to take his son there to train in a sect. There were so many stingy sect elders, there nephews or sons that would act arrogant and, on top of it, Enji and Shoto were from Japan!

Things may be different here. He knows people act friendly when they are not what they show to others.

But it doesn't bother him much as he would get to meet Ren in the U.A Academy entrance exam.

Ren left after giving Moe some cash as Enji has been getting short of cash, and he needed to fill in Ren's pocket from his bank.

So, Moe and co. were having a hard time by not getting their payments in time. Ren also told her to leave the agency as he would open a massage center after getting in High School. She agreed with him and gave another blowjob before he returned.

It's 7:20 am, and there is still some time left before school. Ren returned home with some food he bought while coming back.

Ayaka and Hinata were already up making breakfast for everyone. Minera was handling Neil and Inko was still in sleep. After greeting everyone, he played a bit with his son and took the breakfast, then left for school.

Shino left before him. It didn't take long for Ren to reach school.

The homo couple greeted Ren, but he ignored them. Izuku was hurt from his behavior, and Katsuki still couldn't figure out that he was being ignored by Ren.

Shino hugged him when she saw him standing behind her, and that made the whole class go,


But it was a normal scene for them. The boys were very jealous of Ren's figure and charm. He looked matured and handsome, making almost all the girls in his class fall for him madly.

Ren would give them a farewell gift before graduating from there. He would let them taste some of his holy cloudy liquids.

Shino didn't know what was going on in his mind as she was happily discussing some girlie matters with her friends.

The class started as usual. Boring classes, Ren felt sleepy, so he slept through the whole class time. Teachers were acting as if it didn't matter as they were already programmed in by him.

Their mind was easy to take over or manipulate. So, Ren had it quite easy to do whatever he wanted.



Somewhere, near the beach—

All might sit all alone in his weak form and was thinking about something with a deep frown on his ugly face.

The days are coming to an end. He will transfer his quirk to Midoriya shounen and that's the end of his meal. He had numerous young asses to pound since he went abroad to study. His first side-kick was the one who made him like that today.

That motherfucker got off with his habit, but All might still stucked and it turned out to be drugs for him. No worse than the drugs.

He already destroyed so many shounens lives and ass. Many of them got weird diseases from him. No one doubted All Might because he was the All Might.

Now, the ass he got was of Izuku's, that clumsy bitch.

"Yokatta.... I fooled him well." All might's lips upturned slightly.

Then a boom sound came to his ears, he turned back to his former muscular shape and jumped the way that sound came from.



After the end of class time —

Ren was flying toward the municipal beach for training with Shino in his carry.

They will be doing some hard training today as Shino's quirk control was now better than before. She was able to use her quirk in a certain range of 3 meters.

Ren was hoping that she could make it as far as slowing and speeding up with her Kinetic Rule.

It would be a badass quirk to control enemies.

He was hoping that his son would get an awesome quirk. He was quite happy that Hinata's quirk was the same as her byakugan. She named her quirked X-vision.

Same power as Narutoverse.

Every time he was in front of her, she would use her quirk to see his dick and would make a perverted expression. She even used her quirk to see how that monster ramped around inside other girls pussy.

Ren felt someone dashing at him, a gust of wind brushed against him, and yeah, it was All Might.

"Ewww... How stinks!!!!" Shino blocked her nose with her both hands.

" What the fuck was All Might doing???" Ren frowned and started to fly toward the beach.


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