
Chapter 12 Garp's Grandson Luffy

"Ivankov, can you hear me now? Or are you planning to attack me and the son of the dragon?" Ivankov, eager to speak his mind, was completely taken aback by Buggy's unexpected words.

Buggy pointed at Luffy again and said, "What's with that expression? As I said, this guy is the son of a dragon. His name is Monkey D. Luffy, his father is Monkey D. Dragon, and his grandfather is Monkey D. Garp. How is it possible that as a high-level officer of the Revolutionary Army, you don't even know this much?"

After Buggy finished speaking, the scene fell into a deathly silence. A few seconds later, Ivankov exclaimed, "Nani!!!" His eyes bulged, his tongue stuck out in fright, and he flew backwards, embedding himself into the wall once again.

Observing this scene, Buggy couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and exasperation. Just as he was about to say something else, a pleasant reminder sounded in his ears.

"Ding dong—"

"Congratulations on completing the first stage of the plot change. The task reward is being settled..."

"The mission rewards have been settled. Congratulations on obtaining the [Chop-Chop Fruit] Awakened Derivative Ability: 'Decomposition Control' (click to expand)."

Seeing the blue light curtain in front of him, Buggy's face lit up with joy, but he quickly composed himself. He had the details of the "Decomposition Control" skill appear in his mind.

["Decomposition Control": After decomposing an item that has been previously split using one's own ability, one can restore it again and manipulate it at will (applies to non-living objects).]

A thought flashed through Buggy's mind as he considered the usefulness of this skill. Initially, it may seem insignificant, but upon closer inspection, it was an incredibly valuable ability. It could even be used to change the terrain of the battlefield at will.

If he combined it with the "Comprehensive Decomposition" ability to perform large-scale splits, he could change part of the terrain into whatever he desired. Above ground, it would be akin to a form of earth magic. In the sea, he could potentially control the seawater, equivalent to water magic.

While Devil Fruit's powers were nullified by seawater, their abilities could still affect it. For instance, Aokiji's Frozen Fruit could freeze the sea, and Akainu's Lava-Lava Fruit could make it boil. In that case, Buggy's Chop-Chop Fruit could naturally split the sea.

With the "Decomposition Control" skill, he could restore the split sea or manipulate the seawater, allowing him to attack or traverse it freely. It was like a water-style bending.

Once this idea formed, various plans to synergize with his abilities during battles flooded Buggy's mind. However, it wasn't the right time to put them into action.

Buggy remained patient, knowing that he would have opportunities to test his abilities later. For now, he needed to discuss the next steps with Ivankov.

An hour later, Buggy's group and Ivankov's group gathered in the lobby on the 5.5th floor, their eyes fixed on the monitoring rooms on the other side of the wall. Buggy finally understood how Ivankov and his crew had been aware of their group's activities. They had planted bugs throughout Impel Down, including here.

"So, Straw Hat Boy, are you truly the son of a dragon?" Ivankov asked, keeping his gaze on Luffy, who was devouring food.

"Hey, big head guy, you've asked me that so many times!" Luffy rolled his eyes and replied. "Tell me, when will you help me save Ace?"

"Hey! Haven't I told you multiple times? Fire Fist Ace was already taken out of Impel Down over an hour ago!" Ivankov rubbed his forehead and continued, "Right now, we should be thinking about how to escape from Impel Down. Magellan has set up a trap on the first and second floors, waiting for us to walk right into it. Leaving now would be very troublesome. That man is the most fearsome person in this entire prison, and anyone who crosses his path is practically dead."

"Eh! Is he really that terrifying?" Luffy widened his eyes in surprise.

"He's even more terrifying than you can imagine!" Ivankov's expression turned serious.

Everyone glanced at the monitoring screen, which showed an increasing number of guards and a few awakened Zoan Devil Fruit users guarding the entrance to the Wild Beast Hell on the second floor.

A sense of worry filled the room. With the growing number of enemies, would they be able to escape successfully? And not to mention, there was Magellan, who was nearly at the level of an Admiral.

However, amidst the tension, Buggy's calm voice broke the silence. "Who said I was in a rush to get out? We still have plenty of time before the war between Whitebeard and the Marines. If we leave now, we'll only walk into a Marine ambush. The best time to head to Marineford is when the battle intensifies."

Upon hearing Buggy's words, everyone nodded in agreement. "You're right. Let's stay here and wait for the right moment while we plan our escape in detail," Ivankov added.

However, just as Ivankov finished speaking, Buggy shook his head and calmly said, "No, I don't intend to waste time here, nor do we need an elaborate plan. When the time comes I will face Magellan, the rest of you can find a warship and make your escape."

His words caused a stir among the gathered people. "Hey, Mr Buggy, even though we know you're powerful, it's impossible for you to stop Magellan alone, right?"

"Yeah! That guy is second only to the Admirals!"

"No, he's even scarier than that! If you get caught by his poison, you're as good as dead!"

"Who says it's impossible? Magellan is the one who keeps Impel Down under control!"

The surrounding people started discussing the matter, and none of them seemed optimistic about Buggy's idea.

Frowning, Ivankov looked at Buggy and said, "BuggyBOY, I know you're strong, but do you really understand Magellan's strength? His power puts him among the few individuals at the pinnacle of this world. If not, he wouldn't be able to control the most vicious criminals in Impel Down. Do you comprehend the weight of being at the top of the world?"

Buggy chuckled and leaned back in his high-back chair, crossing his hands casually on his knees.

He glanced at the crowd, locked eyes with Ivankov for a couple of seconds, and calmly replied, "Nobody starts out at the top of the world. Not you, not me, not even Magellan. But with the Summit War underway, the throne of the world's strongest is entering a transitional period. If I can't cross that threshold, it'll only prove that my potential is nothing special. The wave of the new era is approaching, and I will be standing atop it!"

Upon hearing Buggy's words, everyone present was left in shock, unable to find words to respond.

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